Friday, March 20, 2009

OMG, tomorrow!! (!!)

So, I *might* be taking a 122 minute break early tomorrow morning. By early, I mean that I'm running to Blockbuster when they open to get Twilight. Or...I could grab the DVD at midnight tonight. Hmm...

There's even, ahem, a viewing checklist. I really don't think I'm in any danger of bothering my neighbors with my Twilight fan-girl screams, but you never's Edward. And he does sparkle. :D And everyone knows how I feel about The Sparkle.


Alea said...

I think I heard Target has a 3-disc version, I think i'm going to go buy it and watch my favorite scene a few times, the Baseball scene! And then some special features!

anilee said...

I'll be buying the DVD for the scene of Robert Pattinson in sunglasses....

Jessica Burkhart said...

Alea, a *3* disc version?! OMG.

Madison, ahhh...the sunglasses. *waits for tomorrow*

Alyson Noel said...

My bets are on midnight.

Come on, you so know you were there-- wearing your Mrs. Cullen T-shirt!!

Alea said...

17.99 check it out!

I better go tomorrow morning lol!

Jessica Burkhart said...

Oh, Alyson. LOL. You know me too well! :) I will *try* not to go at midnight. Try.

Oooh, Alea! Thanks for the link!

Keri Mikulski said...

Just ordered it on Netflix. :)

Bookworm said...

Ahh. Love RP! I've actually never read the books, but the movie was awesome! I'll totally be seeing it a second time!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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