Well, kind of. I'm playing with a couple of outlines, thinking about new ideas, cleaning and running errands. I went to my local B&N and signed stock. Check out my Tweets on my sidebar if you want to see a pic. They only had 1 copy of BEST ENEMIES, so that was cool.
Now we must talk Twilight and New Moon. Be prepared for girly craziness. :D
On Thursday, my theater was cool enough to show Twilight first, at 9:15 and then to show New Moon at midnight. I was freaking out all day and even only drank 1 Diet Coke so I didn't make BFF crazy with my already hyper state. One of our convos that day:
BFF: Are you totally spazzing?
Me: YES! But I only had one Diet Coke since, you know, I want to live and you'd kill me in my hyper state.
BFF: Ohhhhhhh, greeeat. (She was half-serious.) ;)
She told me to just go to our fave place for sparkly drinks and to calm down before she got there. I tried and spent 20something minutes talking to anyone near me, including my fave BR peeps, abt the night's awesomeness.
BFF arrived with a rose for me (again, pic on the Twitter feed) 'cause she knew tonight was a huuuuge deal for me. We talked Twilight/New Moon and eventually headed to the theater where we meet up with her boy.
Since I'd never seen Twilight on the big screen, I almost lost it when RPattz walked into the caf for the first time. It. Was. Awesome. Watching Twilight on a screen that size was like I'd never seen the movie before. I started thinking about where I was that time last year and remembered BFF had called me just before going to see Twilight at the same theater and telling me about it. Very cool that we got to see it together. Surreal.
Then...25 mins till New Moon. Everyone was ready. The theater was packed with all ages and lots of guys. (Most of whom were Team Jacob when they vocalized it in the theater.) The movie started and I thought hyperventilation might occur. But, you know, I stayed cool. Ish. ;)
The movie crowd was the best--there was cheering, sighing (longing sighs), and shout outs for Jacob or Edward.
The high points:
* Taylor Lautner (Yes, I put him first.) The kid thought he was going to lose his job after Twilight and he worked his butt off to put on 30 pounds of muscle to play werewolf Jake.
* RPattz looking as if he'd been dying without KStew during their separation.
* Alice driving the car through Italy.
* The fight sequence with the Volturi.
* Dakota Fanning killing it as Jane. Scary with the red contacts. And speaking of...
* New contacts for the vamps. Awesome.
* The special effects for the wolf transformations. I was a little worried, but they pulled it off quite well.
* The acting. Much improved.
Okay! Forcing myself to stop here. :) It's better, in a different way, than Twilight. I cannot wait for Eclipse. Where's my countdown clock?
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It was amazing, wasn't it?! Here's my redux ;) http://whitneyamiller.com/2009/11/21/new-moon-madness-from-neophyte-to-acolyte/
OMG I am super excited because me end a big group of friends are going to see New Moon after we finishes playing(read winning) in our soccer tournament it will be super fun.Plus I am so ready to relax and eat whatever I want because this weekend has been craziness.I also have been like trying to stay away(not super successful but okay)from anything and everything sugary,caffinated,fried,and really anything worth eating because my coach will kill me if I'm sluggish.Popcorn awith LOTS of butter is first on the to-do list. But anyways I'm really excited and hoping the movie will rock(although I am not a huge Jacob fan besides the hottness factor)
that sounds sooo cool! i need to go see it!
OMG! Me and my 2 BFFs saw it this morning and it was AWESOME!!! Even though I had seen the clip before, I still giggled then died when Jacob took his shirt off to stop Bella's bleeding. Dude, that kid is H-O-T, HOT! I'm totally in <3 him x1,000! It was an awesome movie though. We finally got my mom hooked! LOL!!! :)
OMG I loved New Moon. The wolf transformation was AWESOME!! At first I thought I would be bored with the wolves and waiting for the Cullens to come back, but the wolves were like my fave. Quil and Paul are my favorite wolves! Alice, Jasper and Nessie are my fave vamps. And the end was. . it was worse than the ending of BE, and I thought it would be hard for and ending to be worse than that. LOL!
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOH and
PS is it soon yet? i need to see the cover for CS!
Hope you had fun Jess altho I coldnot see It :( Only ! Person in our school got a tiket! Well I hope she had fun!
Wow! I hope you had FUN! <3
I'm really glad you had an awesome time. Sounds like you really enjoyed. But I would never see that movie, even if you payed me. Lolz. :D
WHOAWH! I saw it yesterday, and I loved it!
ok I just say ew moon today and it was pretty good. And before the movie, i wasn't rlly a big fan of taylor launtner but COME ON he waz practically on fire in te movie!! i liked it :) muscle looks good on him lol
Review For Jessica Burkhart’s Take the reins
Take This Book Off The Barnes And Noble Shelf! This Book is about Sasha Silver, when she started school at 5 Star (*****) Canterwood Crest School. It includes almost every detail of sasha’s beginning life there- But beware- Zac Efron hair- AKA Jacob- is Not To be trusted!
I give this book five stars!
OVERALL: *****
Age Appropriate: ****
Goodness: *****
Lovingable: *****
Well-Spent: *****
Good For Everyday-Especialy saturday!: *****
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