It's now shipping via Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Yaay! That means it'll start showing up in physical stores verrry soon. I'm so excited about this book and can't wait to hear what you guys think. It was super fun to write and I'm very happy to have it out there! :)
Yes! I cannot wait! :)
blogged at 2:36?! Its 2:26 right now. :-) Obviously different time zone. ;-) I can't wait to get to LWL!! I'm not even close to reading it yet, but I'll get there! :-)
Oh! I can't wait to get my copy of LWL!Congrats on this great and exciting time!!!
ITS SHIPPING???!!! I already pre ordered from amazon!!!!! IT HAS TO COME SOON!!!!! XD
YAY!!! I'm so excited. I just came home from a hard volleyball practice and this lightens up my heavy weight of exaustion! Congrats Jessica! I can't wait to read it. The ending to BE was so saddening yet exciting and drama filled. Can't wait!!!!! :)
OMG! I CAN NOT WAIT!!! Yay for LWL!! I still have to finish reading BE, though. By the way, great job describing Sunstuck; I ride an Arab and that was really accurate. ;-)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT 4 LWL!! I am dieing here not being able to read it! Thoroughbredstar that is soo cool that you do volleyball I used to do it but had to give it up 4 horseback.
On a website I found the first chapter of LWL.
Yay! I'm sooo excited I read those books in like a day and then I'm ready for the next one so I've been waiting forever for LWL it least thats what is feels like.And on top of that tommorow is my last day of school before holiday break. So this deserves a double YAY! I will make take me to the book store tommorow.Oh yeah and by the way it is cool you can do volleyball I used to do it too except for I had to give it up for soccer and horseback riding my two favorite sports of all time.
Hoory,cam't wait to read it, I'm pretty far behind, but I'm catching up. :D
I am sooooo exited!
Bought LWL today. And finished it. Today. LOVED IT. It's AMAZING!!! :D
uhh like every Canterwood Book has a cliffhanger. I finished it today. It's awesome and u wont be able to wait until Rival Revenge. LOL!
i got little white lies for X-mas
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