Look at what I have!! LITTLE WHITE LIES! So...it doesn't come out until December 22, which seems REALLY far away. I was thinking some of you *might* be interested in entering to win a signed copy.
If so:
Leave a comment here and/or on my LiveJournal entry. For an extra entry, Tweet, Facebook, blog, etc., about the contest and let me know about it in your post. I'm crazy busy this weekend and next week, so the contest will stay open until Thursday, December 10 at midnight. I'll draw a winner and check back on Friday to see if you've won! I'll only ship to a US address.
Yaaay for LWL! Go Team Canterwood!
I'm very interested and can't wait for it to come out!
my email is haileywozniak@gmail.com
thanks! :)
Yes! Little White Lies!! Ever since the clift hanger at the end of Best Enemies, I cannot wait for LWL to come out. Thank you Jess. ;)
By the way, could my twin sister enter too??
I cant wait for LWL!!!!!!! I love all of the books! They're SO awesome!
Oh! I can't wait until LWL is out!!!Way to go Jess!!!!
I would love to win a signed copy again. Love your books and can't wait to read LWL!
My email is horserider.9631@yahoo.com
Whhhooo hooo! Entering, plus I Facebook'd it!
Sooo 2 entries! Whoop!
cant wait!
I would love to read it. my email address is kk9987@gmail.com
hey jess
you know i would love to enter i love the canterwood with all my heart so enter me please!
<3 Jess G
I can't wait for the release and I would love a signed copy even more!
Please enter me!
I cant wait!
I will enter
AHHHH! OMG I WOULD SO So so LOVE TO READ It EARLY! i loved the preview FOR IT and it would be the awesomest thing ever if i won it! NEEEEEED TO REaD IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Omigosh!! Please, please enter me!!
Kacy L
OMG! I HAVE BEWN WAITING FOR SO LONG!!! CanterWood Crest id like part of my life i would so love a signed copy of LWL I have a countdown paper in my room of how many days left till it comes out!
I would so LOVE this Jess! Thanks!
I would love to get a signed copy of Little White Lies.
My email is D.Luckey1097@yahoo.com
I would love to read it and a signed copy would be a plus!
My email is M.Catcher33@yahoo.com
My name is Katrina W. Please enter me!!!! (*fingers crossed)
I LOVE Canterwood Crest! I have all 5 books!!!!!!! I Love reading them, They are the only books I enjoy reading so please pick me!!!!!
Enter me, please.
HI Jessica! I am such a big fan of your books! You are now my favorite author. I would love a copy of LWL before it comes out! I love your books! Thanks!:)
So excited and looking forward to the next. Have told all of my friends and my librarian about your books.
Can't w8 4 #6! :-)
Oh gosh I want LWL so bad! I really hope I get a copy this time!
You're awesome Jess!
I love these books. Along with Kathryn, i am excited to see the clift hanger! I am kinda broke, so getting a book would be great! Luv ya jess!
Having a contest for the next book, Little White Lies, is great. And to have it signed. Thats great!!! I hope I win!!!!
Laura Hart
if i dont win this i will probably kill my self (not literaly)! oh and i just wanted to say i did a project on you and everyone was like, Who is she? what books did she write? can you say that agian?, and it was so anoying! well mines
oh my daughter would love that oh and she read them in a day! she just loves your books! she even put that on her wish list and asked for it, AND she even wanted it SIGNED BY YOU more than she wanted the ipod! i was like what?
anyway enter me! its the perfect gift!
Hello! I am very interested!!
My email is leah@orsatti.org. Or rather its my sisters, but I use it :-)
lol! Only 14 more days till LWL! 2 weeks! me and gabby went around screaming 2 MORE WEEKS during recess, even to the random people we dont know! we are beyond excited!!!
OOOOH, I'd like a copy. I havent got up to that far yet, but id like on. Reach me at: adina5204@sbcglobal.net
I would LOOOOOOOOOVE a signed copy! I facebooked about it too. Since we're friends on facebook, check it out! 2 entries! My email is jbd016@gmail.com
my email is ginkothedog@yahoo.ca
please enter me!
I'm very interested in this contest :) I can't wait to read the book whether I win or not!
I can't wait til Little White Lies comes out. I'm still reading Best Enemies that way I don't forget what happened when I start reading LWL!!
Oh, my god. I. Would. Love. This.
Love it! :D
This would be totally awesome to get especially because I doubt there will be any left @ stores and I won't be able to find it. jschira@smartneighborhood.net
I can't wait for LWL!!!
Please keep writing, Jess.
Love ya,
Hannah Gruen
Please enter me I would love to win LWL!! I love all your books and can't wait for a rainy say when I can curl up and read it in pj's. OMG!!!!!Please enter me!My e-mail is.......luckie@gregpoole.net.If I happen to win my nickname is RissaRoo so if you need it please use that.
please enter me again. Total of TWO entries!!! email:sums9995@yahoo.com I wrote something about canterwood crest #6 in my blog here's the link http://www.pickapoppy.com/profiles/blogs/christmas-list-and-canterwodd
Please Please PLEASE enter me in the drawing. I would love to actually win something for once. My e-mail is luckie@gregpoole.net.......If you need my name it is Rissa(or my nickname anyways)
Are you allowed to do that? If so, please enter me again. leah@orsatti.org.
Thank you! I really hope I get this. My library system doesn't have any of your books. But I plan to buy them all, and . . . I really hope I get this!! :-) That would be awesome!
Congratulations on the new book! My daughter is a huge fan of yours and looks forward to reading more.
Enter me!!! LWL looks awesome!
Please pick me!!!!!! 8D
I really want this. I can't wait for LWL to come out in stores near you! 8-P (ha-ha)
Yeah, really lame joke...anyways, you should totally make movies out of these books. EVERYBODY WOULD LOVE THEM!!! + you could get a lot of $ out of it...and make the books even more popular if that's possible.
Hey is the little white lies? If it is I would like to enter. I love your books!!!
Oh ya and please email me :
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