I think it's time for a post-holiday give away!
Guess what I've got?? Copies of RIVAL REVENGE due out January 26! (Three days before my birthday, which is kinda awesome.)
Sooo...I think it's only fair that I give away THREE signed copies of RR. Leave a comment here or on LiveJournal. Tweet, Facebook, blog, vlog, whatever about the contest and let me know in the comments. It'll give you *two* extra entries. The drawing will be random and I'll only ship to US addresses. You cannot enter on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else. Gotta comment here. :) The contest closes on January 1st at midnight at Eastern time.
Enter away and good luck!!
PS: Notice the number on the book spine? All future books will be numbered and reprints of previous books will also have numbers. Cool, huh? I love it! :D
PPS: Just so it's clear: Alison's on the spine and on the right front cover next to Julia. Jasmine's on the back. :)
NOTE: Hey, guys, please don't put LWL spoilers in this thread. Use the one below it that's open for discussion about the book. And note to everyone--there are a couple of spoilers in the comments, so shield your eyes if you don't want to see!
**I closed comments because the contest is over! Congrats to the winners!** :)
HI! I am in LUV with your books! I am just DYING for Rival Revenge!!!!!! U are Such an AMAZING WRITER!!!!!!!!! I LUV UR BOOKS SOOOOOO MUCH! I really hope Eric and Sasha get back together! They are SOOO cute!!!!! I think the contest is a GREAT idea!!!!!! Since your birthday is just a few days before Rival Revenge comes out!!!!!!!! :D HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!
Franny Jess is always nice enough to give out books although not this early most of the time. Oh and by the way Jess please please enter me and if I don't get picked this time I am truly the unluckiest person that I know. I have never won anything in my life. I am so excited for Rival Revenge!!!!!Thanks! - Rissa
I'd love to enter! Great contest :)
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
Hey jess, I would love to win a copy!!! My email is jobros0913@aol.com ps people commeting please don't give spoilers about lwl
omg i really want to win!!! i love, love, love your books!! i know their meant more for tweens, but i'm 15, and i still love them! i can't wait to find out what happens with Sasha and Eric!!!!!
Oh do you need e-mail adresses if so I am the anonymous(second post) signed Rissa. My e-mail is luckie@gregpoole.net
HI Jessica, My daughter got "Little White Lies" Christmas morning and finished it that night and LOVED it!! She has the countdown on for "Rival Revenge." Would love to get her a copy. Thank you and keep up the great books!!! michelleharris354@yahoo.com
Hi Jess! Merry Christmas/Hanukkah late (: First, I love the cover!! I've also blogged about it on my sidebar. Thanks!!! I'm soooo excited! (:
XO Claire/Bookworm
oh--and my email address is ebcella AT comcast DOT net
I would love to be entered in the contest!!
I love your books!! They are THE best series of books EVER and getting a copy of the next book early would be like a dream come true!!! I also LOVE to write like you but obviously no where near as good to you!! :)
I can't wait to read Rival Revenge!!! It looks sooooo AWESOME!!!
Your TOTAL Admirer,
Kara :) :)
P.S. My email is karaag123@gmail.com
Enter me, the way LWL ended was
oh my gosh!
I love your books! I hope im able to win a copy! :)
My e-mail is scsaddleclub@yahoo.com
Hi Jess Happy New Year!! Luved LWL and can't wait to read Rival Revenge.Your writting is amazing!!!Happy early birthday, how sweet is that your next book comes out soooo close to your birthday.
I am *beyond* excited for Rival Revenge. Canterwood Crest books are my favorite book series ever! I love them so much. Even though I am afraid to ride horses (bad horse experience last year), Canterwood Crest has helped me be less afraid of them. I would lovelovelovelovelovelovelove to win this so much. I also commented on Facebook! I would be really happy if I won. Please let me know on Facebook. Thank you so much, byeee!
OMG!OMG! Such good books I think I will die waiting for each of them to come out! Thats why I so want you to enter me!
Jess I know this is off topic and don't worry I already entered but when do we get to see the cover of
City Secrets? I love to see the cover it makes the book distinct to me and gives it a face. Just wondering..........
Anon @ 9:55--I'll post the cover as soon as I can. :)
OMG I stayed up late last night and finished LWL! I felt soooo bad for eric, he's like my fave. I didn't really get why callie was so mad at sasha, she stold jacob from sasha in the first place but I do kinda understand where she's coming from there friendship had just gotten back and they were both happy with their boyfriends. Well Callie was Sasha too before the LWL's. Anyway, I did love the book Paige is a great friend but kinda strange at the end of the party. . . I can't wait for RR J and A both seem to be amazing riders and if this book is coming from Jessica Burkhart its going to be really good! I would love a copy my email is
P.S. my name is devyn spelled the same as in the book!
P.P.S Love the cover! and the cover for HSD and all the other covers LOL!
AAH! plz plz plz plz plz enter me! i loooved LWL and if you want my opinion plz chech the spoiler thread! omg i cant wait for RR and i know it will be awesome because.. well if ai say than it would be a spoiler. but anyway i neeed rr and plz plz plz enter me i'm dying to to read it!
ps happy early b-day!
OMG! I love your books. I am dying to find out what happened to Julia and Allison. I would love to win one. My email is~
(do we get to enter 3 times on here?)
enter me!!! I'm so-o excited!!!! I hope I win one!!!
Joannah - - leah@orsatti.0rg!
Thanks so much!!!! :-)
OMG I'm blind. Sorry I didn't see your note. If you haven't read LWL don't read my last comment. Sorry I was in awe looking at the cover. Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone. :~) wow I feel really stupid
I would love a copy of Rival Revenge! :)
I would so love to win a copy of RR(which releases 9 days after my B-Day!)!! Happy early B-Day!!
Thoroughbredstar--don't feel that way at all! I added that note later after I noticed several spoilers. No worries at all! :)
Omg!I love your books and I would love to enter!!! I have never won anything in my life (raffles, school givaways, etc.) so count me in to this contest!!!! RR looks amazing and I am 3/4 through LWL right now!!!! I'll keep reading!!! My email is:
Jess, I forgot to ask you something earlier. My friend loves to read these books but is not allowed to post. I was wondering if I could leave an entry for her under my e-mail. If she wins I would love to give it to her as a late Christmas present and I know she would share with me. Her name is Riley.
cool! soooo rad!
I am soooo entering!
OMG I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Rival Revenge!!! Like Franny said, I'm in LUV with your books! I would love to finally win a contest! I facebooked about it too! Check it out and please enter me a second time! Please enter me!! Thankyou so much Jess!! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! :) :) :)
hey jess i got the sined book plate from equnie affare the other day thanks sooooo sooo sooo much. anyways enter me
<3 jess g
That's so cool! Please enter me =)
That's really sweet of you to do all these give aways! I haven't even gotten Little White Lies yet though! Haha enter me anyway please. My email is pugpuppy34@comcast.net
Heyyy there Jess! I'd love to enter! I posted about this on Facebook so +2 entries for me! Hahah love you Jess!
<3 Olivia
OMG!!!! Thats a great idea!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I REALLY want to enter. my e-mail is sphillipps@live.com
Hi Jess,
I cannot wait for Rival Revenge to come out! I'm reading LWL now and can't put it down. Rival Revenge would be another book added to my book case. :)
xoxo Kathryn
Email: lauraeckhardt@embarqmail.com
K Thanks Jessica :)
um this is random, but on cover of the book I'd Tell You I Love You but then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter, the girl is wearing the same skirt we have to wear for uniform at school! lol
I forgot to put my email down.
Here it is:
I've read every single one of your books!!! You're an amazing author!! Please, please enter me! Thank you so much! Anna
I just realized I didn't put in my email address! It's jbd01@gmail.com
Thanks Jess!! <3 :)
I think this is wear you post a comment if you want a, 'rival revenge' book. Well, if it is, i wuld love one! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pick me! oh, and i'm gonna enter this a million times, so plz enter me in the contest!
Hey! I am so glad that Jessica is giving out three free RR! I am so Happy. I havent been able to wait till Januarty! I Would love to be entered Jess!
Thanks!- Brooke
Hi! I LOVE your books. I want Rival Revenge SOO much!!! If I could get any book in the world I would get Rival Revenge. My favorite book in the Canterwood Crest series is Triple Fault. I think Charm seems like a very sweet horse.
OMG. THRE'S. A. NUMBER. ON. THE. BOOK. FINALLY! haha =) If thats allison and julia on the cover holding a horse, does that mean they get back on the advanced team?! i NEED to read RR! :D
I own every single Canterwood Crest book so far. My reading level is lower than it should be for a 19 year old college student so I work to improve it every day. I really love horses and the entire idea of novels about them. I follow your blog every week to see what's going on. I really want to win Rival Revenge because I love every CC novel and can't wait to continue to read on.
Lindsey S.
I forgot to leave my e-mail address. It is lindseysaxe@mail.com
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I'm the one that is signed Lindsey S.
OMG! Please enter me! Can't wait!
Oh and my email is mygirlsandi3@AOL.com
OMG!! I LOVE your book And plz enter me into the contest
OMG! i would soo love to read RR! i loved lwl and cant wait for RR!
my email is oinkaella@comcast.net
Hey jess I have a question. In the photo shoot pic with the four girls really far back near a lake who is the girl on the very left? please answer
Omg!! I love your books and I cannot wait until they're all out and I can read even more about Sasha and Charm. I absolutely love horses so much and I hope I get to win one of the three copies!!
My email address is: ionaellsworth@hotmail.com or ionaellsworth@gmail.com
My mail address is: 369 Montezuma ave. #412 Santa Fe, Nm 87501
I really hope I get chosen!!!
OMG I can't believe Jessica is giving away FREE SIGNED COPIES of Rival Revenge!!!!!!!!!!!I love this series it's really well writen and I'm just dying to read LWL(i have to wait for my library to get it cause my mom doesn't like to buy books) Happy Early Birthday I can't wait to see what happens
Sounds cool. I'd love to win a copy of that. Reach me at adina5204@sbcglobal.net. I can't wait to read LWL, I want to know wats going on with Sasha and Jacob. :D
I just got LWL on Sunday and can't wait till the release of Rival Revenge!!!!! I love these books so much!!!! I'm exstatic that you started writing them, there the coolest books I've ever read!!!! I've never won anything like this before, so it would be awesome if I were to win!!!! Happy Early Birthday Jessica!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Jessica! I am a BIG fan of ur books!!! They're all just sooo good! I can never put them down! I'm really excited for Rival Revenge to come out! Keep writing and awesome contest! - Maya
have u all checked out the 1st chap. of rival revenge? it only makes me want RR more! how CAN i wait till jan. 26!!!!! i'm already superhyper and spend free time daydreaming about what happens in RR. And after i read RR, i will need HSD! it never stops! hate those clifhangers!!!
Enter me, my name is Katrina W.!!!!!!!
Hey this is Emma K., Katrina's friend and please pick me it would bee so COOL if i won it!!!!!
wow soooo many comments!
HI! I LUV ur books they are soooooo awsome! ive re-read the serires 5 times alredy when i have time ot read.I would REALLY LUv 2 be entered in the contest
count me in on this contest!!!!!
email amandagrocks@aol.com
okay, seriously!!! you think i would have had enough of the series having read them like a million times each, but no!!! the are driving me crazy! enter me!!!
-lilly harlow
Hey Jessica,
I LOVE your books. I can never put them down. I love your writing. I just finished little white lies and at the end I was seriously crying. I hope Sasha and Callie become friends again. But anyway I would LOVE to have the next book so count me in on the contest! Also my email is ridingcowgrl425@aim.com.
Your biggest fan,
I got your book, LWL from 'Santa' and finished it before the day came to an end! :) it was amazing!! I told my mom that i couldnt wait for January for the next one and she said i would just have to be patient!! Well, now i found the perfect opportunity to get it early!!! OMG! I love your books, you are my inspiration and I want to be just like you. I love your books so so much! <3 I totally want to be entered in your contest. RR sounds amazing. Your books are THE best!
Love your #1 fan,
p.s. Go team Canterwood!!!! Oh, and I am currently re-reading your series for the seventh time, honestly!!!
oh and if you need my email~ horsegirl767@gmail.com
thank you so much! <3
I would love to win a copy of RR!! I can't wait!! My email is jockeyalicia@yahoo.com. When will you announce the winner??
I'm posting a msg. on fB!!!!! CANT WAIT!!! ehhhhhh.... :P
HEYYYY JESS i love ur books i finish them in one day!!!!!!! but i love rereading them so far i think little white lies was the best i loved the ending !!!!!! cant wait for the next book!!!!!!!!!!! ur an awesome writer !!!!!!!!! plz enter me to win one of ur books!!!!!! it would be amazing!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to read Rival Revenge when it comes out if i dont get in.
~ Sammy
I love the whole CC series. Can't wait for RR. Hate that Sash and Eric broke up, but even more upset about Callie and Sasha.
You inspire me as a writer and I'm so happy you're succeeding at at what you do. Have a great start to 2010 and a VERY Happy Birthday!
Ooops. You needed an email address. For the post signed Amy the address is: fergdaddy3996@aim.com. Sorry!
Hey Jessica!!!!!!!I can't wait for Rival Revenge! You are my favorite author! That's a really good idea to have a contest like this. That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool if I got rival revenge! I would be so happy! Please Jessica!
OMG! 74 comments!
I'm soooo sad. I'm dying to read Rival Revenge and I'd do anything to get an early copy of it, but unfortunately, I can't enter the contest since I live in Canada and not in the U.S. I'm so sad ;( Now I'll have to wait until Feb.9 to get it. Congrats to whoever wins the contest. You people will be the luckiest people in the world!
:( :( :(
Wating for RR, the book comes out in Jan. on the 26 not feb!! so u don't have to wait as long!!:~)
oh, really?? cuz i went on this bookstore website and it said that it comes out feb.9. I thought the winners of the contest got their books on jan.26. anyways, thanks alot Thoroughbredstar. I'm really happy now that i don't have to wait as long :)
Hey jessicsa u are tha best writer in the whole wide world! i love your books i introduced my bff and she loves them too! i have been reccomending your books! no lie! Are we able to enter more than once? if not please don't disqualify me!!! I had no idea. just wondering.
Hey Jessica Your me and my friends idol i would LOVE to win this contest for both of us to read RIVAL RANGE together! I am most definatley excited! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I am team Eric and so is my friend Val! Since your birthday is a little before rival range me and my friend want to wish you the most happiest birthday of our lives i am gonna post a video on youtube on your birthday wishing you a happy birthday!
hey jessica you are an inspiration for me.Rival Revenge looks sooooo good. I can't bear to wait until January 26 that's why i would like to win this contest.you have a great talent because your books have what every novel snould have
drama,comedy,romance etc. [well except horror thank goodness!]
hey me and my bfffl are your HUGEST AND BIGGEST MOST HUMONGIS FANS EVER WE ARE OUR #1 FANS! it would be an honor to win!
omg! i can not wait till it comes out it would be an honor if me and my friend win!
love our biggest fans ,
Nicole And Val
i am obsessed with our books and so is my friend so please PLEASE LET US WIN WE CANT BARE THE SUSPENSE WITHOUT READING RIVAL RANGE QUIKLY
It's me again.Everytime i read your books i see and feel through Sasha's eyes.In chasing blue i almost cried when Heather did that to Sasha!!!!! It would be absolutely awesome if you gave me RR! Again you are an idol and inspiration to me!
i am obsessed with your books and it would be a great honor for me and my friend so please please let us win one of the three books it would mean the world to us!
By the way i'm Val I wrote you the two you are my idol and inspiration comments!You Rock! Hoping to get RR!:] -Val
I love your books they are awesome! i finish them on the day i get them!Have a great start of the year!
Canterwood fan!
hey Jessica there is 27 days till your birthday me and my best friend Val are counting down anyway it would be an honor if we win this contest we would do anything to win this book so please let us get one of the books out of three !
love your #1 fans,
Nicole And Val
you are officially the BEST writer me and m best friend read ALL of your books and we want the 7th book"RIVAL RANGE!" so we can read it and find out what happens next!
Nicole And Val
i am so excited for rival revenge it would be so amazing if i win and my friend Val sorry i said range something happened with my computer anyway i am soooooooooooo excited for rival revenge !
p.s. it would be an homor if we win
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