Thursday, December 31, 2009
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Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!
Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...
I'm soooo excited that my first Super Special is hitting all stores TODAY! As a kid, I *loved* super specials and having my own is beyon...
I've been posting a little about this on other socials, but I wanted to add here that I've got a free for now interactive horse stor...
Happy New Year Jess! We're at my Aunt's house in New York and were just going to have a simple party.
Happy Holidays!
Like always, my family will stay up till like, 9, go to bed, and I will be downstairs alone watching the clock till midnight. Fingers crossed that someone will stay up w/ me this year!!! Hope your New Years are better than mine!!!
Hi Jess,
Getting ready for 2010...Lots of confetti poppers,hats and noise makers....
shrimp cocktails,buffalo wings and cheese pizza with lemon bars for dessert!!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you too, Jess! I'm just relaxing, (writing and reading.) and doing nothing special tonight. I bought a copy of the Writer's Market 2010 and I love it! Thanks for the recommendation! :) Didn't this year go by fast?! I mean, 2010 already? Haha. :P
Happy New Years eve!! It's been almost 12 months since Take the reins came out can you believe it?! My family is going to stay up till midnight then sleep till ten tomorrow!! My parents aniversary is today!! I'm doing the same as kathryn, just reading and working on my story. Hope everyone has a fun New Year!!! Tomorrow I'm going to go see my horse!! Have a great day everyone.:~)
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!! I'm going to my aunts house were we all stay up till 12:00. Well at least the people over 9 do. my little brother will probaly fall asleep. All my family goes over there though and then last night I went to a christmas/new years eve party. It was really fun. It was at this huge place that we call the mansion becuase it looks like one. It's so pretty and the tree was HUGE. Theres a game room and I played with my friends.
Happy New Year everybody!!! I'm probably staying up til 12, watching the ball drop in Times Square, and gonna be on facebook!!!
I agree with Kathryn, I can't believe how fast 2009 went by! I'm ready for 2010 though!!! :) :)
Hey everyone! This New Year's is hopefully going to be a lot of fun. My parents are having a party at our house just like every year because it is their aniversrey is tonight/today too so we always celebrate. Nothing big though just family and close friends. That is my favorite type of party anyways. This year has gone by so fast it makes me sort of sad but I am ready for the new decade! So Happy New Year everyone I hope it is a good one for all!!!!
Happy New Years eve!!!! I hope you are having as much fun as me!!! When are you going to pick for the winner of RR?
i love black ghost knife fishes
Happy New Year, and Jessica I love coming back here to see whats going on and commenting. You're an awesome author! I have only read "Take the reins" But I loved it. I'm also getting the second one for Epiphany from my older sis. I of course picked it out.
Well its just me and my parents and hmm, seven of my siblings (I have nine) we watch the Back to the future trilogy and have an all snack dinner. I feel majorly fat and stuffed after such a dinner. :-)
happy new year all!!
im just gonna have a miniparty at home and watch the ball drop with my family (hopefully i won't be the only one up!! :) ) we'll have chips & dip, cheese and crackers, stuff like that. excited for 2010!
i love checking out the blog and commenting. some of my posts are from anonymous (had to go check the spelling on that one ;) ) but i comment :)
Me too Hannah most of my comments are anonymous but I still post. In fact I post almost everyday. I already posted earlier and was just coming back to check out comments.
same. HAPPY 2010 ALL!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S. Yay it is 2010!!!! Breathe in the air of a new year. Excited yes but a little sad too. It seemed like last year went by so fast and my grandpa passed away last year. It makes you realize how valuable each year, each day of your life is and how I wish he could of been here for just one more New Year's Celebration. One day it will be my last too. But for now I will just enjoy the time I hope I didn't down anyones excitment. I hope this is a great year for everyone.
I went to a dance and partied it up for four hours! I was so tired after, but it was so exhilarating and fun! Super, super exciting too! They dropped balloons on us when it turned midnight!
Still, it seems like 2009 has gone by SUPER fast. I have changed so much, and I am ready to tackle 2010! What about you?
Hey Jessica, when are you going to announce the winners of the books? I really hope I have a chance this time. Thats would be awesome. Ooh, I hope I got it!! That would be a great present for me. My family hasn't opened them yet. We open them on Epiphany. Of course we do still celebrate Christmas. But without presents :-)
Happy New Year all!! Can any of you believe its 2010?!? I can't.
Happy New year! my family and I had fun, exept my little sis went to bed at 6:30. we all stayed up late!
Happy New Year Jess! As for me, I'll be doing lots of riding and reading in 2010! (:
Happy New Year Jess(and everybody). I'm going to go to my grandmother's apartment, to celebrate with my family. I'll prob. get to see my baby counsins. :D
Happy New Year Everyone!
I can't wait until Rival Revenge comes out. I've been reading all the books in the series again starting from Take the Reins uptiI Little White Lies. I already read the first chapter on this website, but I'm dying for it to come out. I just wanna know what happens!!!! I'm soo buying it the second it comes out :)
Happy 2010!! A whole DECADE has gone by!!WOW!!BTW, could someone please,PLEASE, tell me how to see the 1st chapter,or excerpt, whatever of RR! I want it RLLY badly(like everyone else in this world:)!!
To see the 1st chapter of RR, go to Barnes & Noble's website, search Rival Revenge, and once you click on the pic of the book scroll down the page till you see the words, read an excerpt, and click!! Hope this helped!
Hey Jess,
I was wondering if you could put out a countdown of how long there is left until RR comes out, like what you did with LWL. I thought that was a really good idea and was hoping you could also do it for RR if you can, cause I'm literally dying to read the book. If you can't do it, that's totally fine, but it would be nice if you tried please. Thanks soo much! <3
O I just read the review and was disappointed but only because I read it on a different site. I was hoping that that excerpt was longer but it wasn't..uhhhh...sadness
Hey Jess when will we find out who wins tonight, tommorow, or none of the above? I am so excited I am hoping that I will finally win something but.....I guess we'll see.
OMG!! I lust luvv new Years! I was wondering if I could try out for Sasha in the CC movies?! I look just like her and I love horses! I also can act really good. Please consider me!!! <3
xox sassysilver =]
when they were counting down from like 17 or whatever, my sis and i started calling my other dog in so she could share the new year moment with us. :) she got in with like 10 seconds to spare. i wish that i had made confetti stuff to throw in the air...that would've been fun. I had a "dance party" before we watched the ball drop. my sis played songs and i danced, and my dogs got into the dancing too and started hopping up and down. it was cute. i know that i'll be doing a ton of riding and spending time at the barn in 2010!! can't wait for more CC books to come out!!!
OMG!!Thanks whoever told me to go to B&N's website! That totally helps!!Thanks again!
Happy new year. I think this should be the year of the Canterwood Crest Series! Go Jess!!!!!!!
happy new year!!!!!! i stayed up till twelve and then fell asleep!
Hey Jess happynew year and I loved LWL hope u gave a great new year Jess. Sent from IPod Touch
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