All right! Today is the first of three giveaways from Girls Horse Clothes! Want to win this supersparkly clip with adorable charms? I looove this because it reminds me of Sasha's special charm bracelet.
The rules:
Leave a comment here, on LiveJournal or in both places. You have until next Monday, October 26 at 8am to leave a comment. After that, I'll draw a winner and will announce it shortly after! Please be sure to leave an email address or way for me to contact you in your comment. :) (I'll only ship to US addresses.)

oh it beautiful i really love it!! its so cute. all my friends would be soooo jealous!!! i am so excited for BE today!!!!
I'm entering.... That is just too cute! :)
That's so cool! My daughter would love to clip it on her backpack!
So pretty !
Here is my entry too as my daughter would LOVE this !
Organically Yours,
Well, DUH - here's my email dianas42@sbcglobal.net
I got so excited to put in an entry for my daughter that I got carried away - LOL
Organically Yours,
COOL!!! it super pretty! my email is Jobros0913@aol.com
Aww, it is soo pretty! It looks like Sasha's! ;)
By the way, Best Enemies was truly amazing. Too bad there wasn't a chapter of little white lies in the back! I cannot wait for Dec.
My e-mail: lauraeckhardt@embarqmail.com
I would love that (: here's my email: gallop1997@yahoo.com.
ahh i got BE today stared to read it its amazing so far. anysa enter me please agloves4life@gmail.com
OMG, that charm is soooo cute. I would love to win it. That's like one Sasha would definatly wear. Congrats. on finishing Be, I can't wait to get it. My e-mail address: adina5204@sbcglobal.net
OMG I love that chian it is so cut i dont have any thing like that it would be so cool to have one i know my friends would be so jealous i know i would be any i just wanted to say your the best author ever and now i am even writing my own stories i am only on the first book but your the one who inspired me to do ty so much jess for all your insperation and Canterwood crest! bE will be great i should get it soon OXOXOX
sry my email is oinkaella@comcast.net
Wow! What a unique piece of jewelry! I love it!
While my niece has grown out of playing with her horses (she's a teenager now!), she'd love that clip..........
I love it! How cute...
Omigosh!! i love that charm clip! it looks like one i used to have! It's so horseiful and sooo cute! I love canterwood crest and i love to ride and i kinda look like sasha and an awesome charm clip would make me superexcited if i won it! it would match all the other horseiful clips on my backpack(i even have one that lights up when you press the nose lol)! thanks for entering me at teamsaav@comcast.net
p.s. BE comes out today! yay! yay! yay! XD
Hey Jess!
wow i love it, it reminds me of sasha's charm bracelet! so cute! canterwoodcrestgirl@gmail.com
wow i love it, it reminds me of sasha's charm bracelet! so cute! canterwoodcrestgirl@gmail.com
My daughter is a horse crazy 8 yr old. She would love this charm clip for her horse themed messenger bag. I'm doubly excited about this because we are always looking for horse related books and now I have found her a new series to read!
Could you please enter me? I would really love it! Can't wit to get BE!
In all my excitement I forgot to leave an email address!
this series might be a little too mature for 8 yr olds. sry. but it's still awesome when she gets older like, 10 or 11
Hey Anon--thanks for weighing in.
TooMuchStuff, I've had girls as young as seven read the series with their moms and they hadn't had an issues with content. A parental review can be found here: http://horseloversmama.blogspot.com/2009/10/book-series-for-horse-lovers-canterwood.html
Very Cute!
this series might be a little too mature for 8 yr olds. sry. but it's still awesome when she gets older like, 10 or 11
I went to AZ and saw that they were recommended for ages 9-12, but when I look at the AR BookFinder site they are 4th grade reading level books.
I will have to get one and see what I think.
Hey Anon--thanks for weighing in.
TooMuchStuff, I've had girls as young as seven read the series with their moms and they hadn't had an issues with content. A parental review can be found here: http://horseloversmama.blogspot.com/2009/10/book-series-for-horse-lovers-canterwood.html
I did read her review, which is one reason I thought they would be ok for her. I will get one and see if I think it is too mature for her.
Thanks for your input.
I'd love to enter <3
My email is horsekid123@gmail.com
in my first comment, i was just saying that in the fourth and fifth books that their is girlfriend/boyfriend stuff and kissing ,etc and that may be mature for your children.just saying.
OMG! This is so pretty and cute! I SO love this =)
Here is my extra entry for barkingpaw@gmail.com
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