The final giveaway for the launch of BEST ENEMIES is an "I Love Horses" bag from Girls Horse Clothes. This hunter green bag is super cute!
To enter: leave a comment here, on LiveJournal or in both places by Friday, October 30th at noon. I'll draw a name and will post the winner next week, so be sure to check back or leave an e-mail address in your post so I can contact you if you win.
If you want an extra entry, blog about the contest, Tweet about it or get creative and publicize it another way. Leave me the link in your comment and it'll count for your extra entry. (I'll only mail to US addresses, sorry!)
Thank you, thank you to GHC and all of the sponsors who've offered up amazing, fun prizes over the past few days. This has been one of the best releases ever! Yaaay!
:D I've wanted a bag like that forever. All normal totes are boring. ;)
OMG I would SO love this! It would be perfect for bringing things to horse shows! =)
Hey there, Canterwood fans! Its Cindy from Girls Horse Clothes.
See the bag here I Love Horses Bag
Thanks for entering - its been so much fun getting your feedback on our items this week!
I hope you win!
Cindy - HorseLoversMama
I would love this!
I love the green bag from Girls Horse Clothes.
Cool! i've been needing a new riding bag and this bag is sooo cute!It might even work for an awesome gym bag. Gotta love it! :?) it would be awesome and horseiful! enter me at teamsaav@comcast.net
p.s. i am so sad that all the contests are over :P
It is so nice !
My youngest would so LOVE this to keep all of her horse books and things in !
Thanks for doing this :)
OMG, that sounds aweomse. I'd love to win that
cool i would loovvee to win i really need a new bag!! jobros0913@aol.com
OMG Jess that as the best cliff hanger ever! but i dont want to runin it for any one but i saw jacob coming like that in the 4th book
plus sry but i loved jacob in the 1st and 2nd books but now he is a big fat lying butt face jerk poor callie she cant find out it would runin everything jess please i want the first chapter to the next book NOW! cry cry cry :( that book made me scream and i was in school lol and everyone stared at me and i could feel my face turn bright red lol I love your books but the cliff hangers make me die lol but i love the cliff hangers to they make me not only die but cant wait for the next book o and i had a dream about eric creepy
oh thats so cute enter me please jess
O.M.G I want to win that soooo bad!!! katie030698@embarqmail.com
by the way.... love ur books!
OMG Gabby B., i had a dream about eric to! he was by big brother in it! i was at canterwood to but i was afraid of horses lol, but im not in real life! FREAKY! lol! o and the weirdeest part was that i dated jacob!*gag* DOUBLE FREAKY!
I am entering!
i am entering! email me if i win please!
i am entering! email me if i win please!
Enter me please!! Oh, I just finished BE and it was great! (This is a spoiler so beware) I can't believe Jacob. Eric is still my favorite. I can;t believe that Callie did not make the YENT team. I was so bummed. Can't wait for Little White Lies!!
LOL :)
Jessica, I was just wondering if you based Canterwood Crest off any real boarding schools. Ever since I started reading the series, I've been begging my parents to let me go to boarding school. Of course it didn't work. LOL! Anyways, I hope you can answer my question and I love your books!
P.S. I hope they make Canterwood Crest into a TV series. That would be totally awesome!!
Hey Jess, Enter me please =)
by the way, im starting to read best enemies <3 5 books look soooo good on my book shelf!
G!!!!! jess, best cliff hanging i cant wait to read the next one lol!
i even beat my record! i finished a 256 pg book in a day and a half! eeeeeek! lol! AND, are you ever going to put out pics of eric and jacob? by the way, LOVE the book! couldnt stop reading! and i wanted to know why you underlined the words in the first sentance of the chapter?oh and plz enter me!
I really wanna go to boarding school with my bff who is just like paige and i am like sasha! I totally wanna know if it is based off a real school like ponygal! and i wanna see pics of eric and jacob! anyway just saying. i already entered so don't enter me again lol!
Cool! I could really use a new bag right now. I use a bag like that for my helter and brushes some times.
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