I'm into to cutesy, fun Halloween stuff. I *adore* IT'S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN and HOCUS POCUS. It's hilarious to watch Sarah Jessica Parker before she became SJP. Love. I DVRd those and also set mine to record INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE. I've always been too scared to watch it, but I think I'm ready. Trying to build up my tolerance for horror films. I also realllly want to see SLEEPY HOLLOW with Johnny Depp (my pirate-boy!) and Christina Ricci. Again, I was too scared to see it when it came out. I did have the soundtrack that I played on Halloween and that was freaky.
I was thinking about past costumes when I was a kid/teen. One year, I was a cowgirl with a (*cringe*) fringe skirt and button down pink shirt and cowboy hat. I also had a pair of killer cowboy boots and a belt that had a horse on the buckle.
Another year, I was Snow White. That was fun. Then I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
I was also (shocker) an English rider. I wore that to school for costume day.
One of my faves was a black cat. Ears, whiskers, black pants and a tail. Very fun!
Anyone dressing up this year? If so, what's your costume? If not, what was your fave costume?

i thought you said you were going to post some of the winners of some of the contests on tuesday??? if u want to reply to this comment i'll check back later
O i am dressing up as fawn from the disney faries l0l it will be fun and some of my friends are going to be the other faries So cute we are getting to old be be a prncess or some thing like thant but no one is ever to old to be a fairy!
I really want to dress up this year but i dont know what I am gonna be.Any ideas?My favorite customes wewre probably the year I was dorthy,the year I was a princess(can't recall which one), and the year I was a witch(my grandma did my make-up really cool),oh yea I also liked the year I was raggidy ann. But anyways please help me with ideas because my moms rule is if you dont dress up you don't trick or trick because apparently it is not good halloween spirit.
I am with gabby. i'm gonna be vidia from disney faries and all our other friends are gonna bet the rest of the fariy gang! lol
I'm gonna be a horse! i looooove them lol and i ride!
OMG im going to be a girl pirate! eeeeeeek! lol! but my bff is a girl pirate too and i am sooooooo mad at her! oh well! and she said that my costume was a boys costume! (offensive, i know!) but i learn to deal with these types of thigs. oh and i got a really HOT treasure purse! what do you think of that! oh and i have AWESOME lip gloss! it looks hot on me! power of the lip gloss right jess! ya never get hurt with yur lip gloss!
I remember one year I eas a cheerleader. I didn't have pompoms, but I still loocked awesome. Those pictures are soooooo cute, I love the kittens. :D
im gonna be a giant baby!! i am wearing my hair up in piggy tails and a big snuggie and a oversized bottle and pacifier
I am going to be Mother Earth, my dog is a bumble bee, and my cat is a witch. I don't like to dress up by myself and they don't mind it. I didn't have enough fabric to make a costume for my horse though. She was going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
I love halloween too! I am being a butterfly (: What are you dressing up as, Jess?
My favorite costume is vampire costume. And it has been my favorite one since childhood. The reason is that I loved stories about vampires and I can't count how many times I read Dracula from Bram Stoker or watched Nosferatu. I'm not so big fanatic nowadays but I still like to wear my home made vampire costume for Halloween party.
Take care,
I'm either dressing up as a HoBO or a Equestrain.(Either Sasha or Alison!) It depends on the weather. So afr it's suppose to rain. It's a Bummer!*sigh*
I am gonna be a hobo!!!!lol.
I'm not dressing up this year! But Saturday(Halloween) I'm going to my BFF's Halloween party and I am putting black streaks in my hair and I'm wearing this headband with a spider on it. It'll be AWESOME!!!:)
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