Next Friday, October 16, kicks off giveaway days running through October 23 to celebrate the release of BEST ENEMIES (CC #5).
BE comes out on October 20, so I'm starting early by giving away a signed copy of BE next Friday. More sparkly prizes will follow! So, be sure to check back often then and enter to win some fun, cool stuff.
Happy Friday!
Jess- Thank you soo much for the BE book! I just got it today and reading it like crazy! Thank you. ;)
You're so welcome!! I hope you like it! :)
Also, I'd like to know if you have to be a certain age to join the NaNoWriMo? I'd love challege myself to write the 1st of my horse series, Prixton Academy. Hmm. Still deciding because I. have. to. finish. my. novel. first! The opportunity in tempting :)
*the first book
Are you giving out more soon?
Are you giving out more copies soon Jess? I'd sure love to have one. :D
I am on vacation and i cant wait to get home to read my book i won!
oh well at least i am having fun on vacation.
Go Sara S she won a copy yay! but she has not read it yet caouse she is on vacation( horse back riding in the mountains) so much fun huh well i gtg bye
Sara S.'s BFF
jess i just wanted to say i love your books i wish i had them all right now but not all are out yet also is paige going to get a boyfriend because i love her i relate to her most because i love fashion and i love to cook and i dont have a boyfriends also lol any way will you please tell me and please send me a pic of her early i relly want to know what she looks like I have so many questions to ask you but then this comment would be way to long can you reply to me i really want to know! :)
yay for gabby b! gabby if you see this message then i want you to know this: DO NOT COME TO MY HOUSE AND STEAL MY MAIL! ty! XD
ps the horse i rode was named gracie after your twin, gabby!lol :)
Thanks for the great idea sara i might just go to your house and steal your book haha
was the horse cute?
btw i never had an idea about stealing you book but i think i will
jess cant wait for the book sighning sry i am a bad speller
:( my grand-pa died this morning right after we got back from visiting him 2 days ago i am really sad:(
Jes ilove your books
bye from you know who if you have read the other comments
Hey btw sara if you see this massage how is your twin mine/grace/ is fine i hope yours is to bye love ya and jess's books Gabby!
Hey Jess, if you look at this or if anyone knows what online bookstores are sipping out?
No copy in at my store this week. I'll promote your giveaway on the ~new version~ of my site.
Completely changed my mind on my Nanowrimo.. damn.
Gabby, my twin is fine and awwww about your grandpa :( when you return my Triple Fault book then i'll let you borrow BE.and the horse was cute! it was a brown/white pony.
<3 sara s
I can't wait!
Oh...I was browsing your blog Jess, and saw tha you were going to the Equine Affair in MA. I'm going on the 14 to! I'll be looking for you! Do you know what building your in? How bout' the times? I know it's kiinda early but....
Im very excited to be part of Jessica's Give-aways next week! Im also very excited to dive into Best Enemies.
I am 39 and mother to a 7.5 year old horse lover. We started out with my reading aloud to her. I had to read on ahead, though, to satisfy my need to know what happens next!
I'm ready for more!
OMG! i cant wit to meet you but i am not going to the november book signing i am going to the april? book signing in southern kentuckey yay! :)
sry bad speller
Oh I would die if I got the book early!!! I was just thinking about that! "Oh it would be so cool if she sent me a free early copy of the book autographed" oh plz pick me!!!! I WOULD DIE!!!!!
sry lauren but the contest was way over my best friend won a copy and then kathryn won one 2 sry no more contest but you should enter the new one it is not a book givaway i dont think but it will be soon
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