Today's giveaway is this ahhhh-dorable English Princess t-shirt from Dana's Doodles!! (You'll be able to choose your size.)
To enter: leave a comment here, on LiveJournal or in both places by Tuesday, October 27th at noon EST. I'll draw a name and will post the winner next week, so be sure to leave a way for me to contact you if you win.
If you want an extra entry, blog about the contest, Tweet about it or get creative and publicize it another way. Leave me the link in your comment and it'll count for your extra entry. (I'll only mail to US addresses, sorry!)
Thank you so much to Dana for sponsoring this awesome contest and go enter! :)
I so want that T-shirt! I love all your books and can't wait to read Best Enemies!!
I cant enter but good luck to all who do
OMG! that shirt is soooo cute! I will have to wear it to riding lessons( i ride english lol) and everyone will love it! I might have to order it anyway if i don't win. lol.yay for the awesomeness of BE that comes out today!
my email- teamsaav@comcast.net
p.s. just wanted to scream at the cliffhanger that's at the end of BE!lol! why can't december come quicker!
p.s.s sry that my comments are always so long lol
oh SO SORRY! i forgot the email! its katie030698@embarqmail.com by the way, U TOTALLY ROCK!!!!!!!
OMG, that shirt is soo cute. I soo want that. I hope I win, my email address is: adina5204@sbcglobal.net
OMG i want that T-shirt it is so cute!!!! I love all your books,each one keps getting better and better with more drama than ever! I am sure i will DIE when i read BE ekk yay! i am so excited mine is coming in the mail YAY! also if your giving out prizes to tell every one BE IS HERE than it must be good i know you have not been writig for all that long and I just want to say your books are the best! :) Jess I love horses but to bad i am to scared to ride one with out someone by my side lol but i wish someday i could be like paige (the person i most relate to besides sasha) And get up on the horses thatnks for the confidence Jess XOXOXO
ps. sry i am a bad speller(you kno w if wrote and of my words erong)
pss I really want you to read what i have been writing is there a way how?
my email is oinkaella@comcast.net i used to be obbsesd over pigs now it is emus! they rule
sry horses are awesome to you know with all there awesomeness
OH! MY! GOD! Jess that was offically the best ending ever I extremley LOVE Jacob although Eric has sort of won me over too.I read the whole thing tonight and I should soooooooooooo be in bed right now plus I don't want to ruin it but I think this might be my fave! OMG! Now,I have to wait till December(sigh)
Please enter me! I love your books!
Enter me please =P
OMG!!! awesome i really supper really wanna win this its awesome!
oh btw my email is jobros0913@aol.com
jess, i am like such a loser. so it would be nice if i could just show it off and let my bff get jelous. she always me jelous so its my turn to make her jelous!
OMG i have to get that! it looks just like my Horse that i ride! if i bring it to the stables my horse constructor would LOVE IT!!!!!!! His name is Sunny! he is soo stuborn but nice!
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