Friday, August 28, 2009

Reminder: Hampton Classic tomorrow

Just a reminder that I'll be signing copies of TAKE THE REINS at the Hampton Classic tomorrow. It should be awesome and I'm hoping we don't get rained out by the storm. I called and they said the show will go on unless it starts to lightning. Fingers crossed.

Writingwritingwriting RIVAL REVENGE (so if I owe you an email, sorry, it's gonna take me a while!).

Got an author event tonight and it should be fun!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy birthday, R!

Another day of crazy. Gotta write a zillion words (or my Excel sheet will continue to tell me that I will not finish RIVAL REVENGE until July 2010 (!!!). And if I don't pick up my laundry, the cleaners will probably keep it. I'm about to have to wear BFF's clothes that she left here the other night.

Usually, I'm very OCD about keeping things neat and clean. But empty boxes from Fresh Direct haven't moved since Monday morning, my sink is piled with dishes and I'm ignoring cleaning. Too focused on book.


Tonight is supersparkly because it's RA's birthday!!! There will be amazing food, drinks and fun--we *never* have a boring night out.

So, happy birthday, Ross! *throws confetti*

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And the winner...

of the HorseGirlTV t-shirt is...Butterscotch Pony! BP, please e-mail me at with your name and address. Yay and congrats!

Just a reminder that I'll be at the Hampton Classic on Saturday and will be taking pics, vlogging and signing books. Come say hi if you're in the area!

I'm in C-R-A-Z-Y mode working on RIVAL REVENGE (#7). Hope you guys are doing great and look for pics of Saturday's event on Sunday or Monday. I think it's going to be awesome!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Special giveaway!

Okay, so Angelea at HorseGirlTV was cool enough to hook me up with a supercute HGTV t-shirt. Want to win it? Leave a comment here by Monday at midnight to enter. I'll draw a winner on Tuesday morning.

If you blog about or mention the contest somewhere else, leave the link in your comment and you'll get an extra entry. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pic from HorseGirlTV

An out take photo from my interview with Angelea Walkup at HorseGirlTV. More pics to come! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Off to film HorseGirlTV


And pink and white!

Tomorrow, I hop on a plane to go film an episode of HorseGirlTV. I'm superexcited to be a part of the show and meeting Angelea will be great. :) I'll try to vlog as I go and will share details of the trip when I get back.

See you Thursday!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hampton Classic

Hey guys!

If you're looking to run into me, come to the Hampton Classic on August 29th! I'll be there on Kids' Day doing interviews and probably signing books. If you're under 12, you get in for free, which is totally awesome.

I'll be there all day, so I hope if you live in or near the Bridgehampton area that you'll come on over. :) It'll be fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Team Editor Kate!

These just went up on Publishers Marketplace:

August 12, 2009

Middle grade

Jessica Burkhart's books 9-12 in CANTERWOOD CREST, the popular horse boarding school series, to Kate Angelella at Aladdin M!X, in a very nice deal, in a four-book deal, for publication in 2010, by Alyssa Eisner Henkin at Trident Media Group (NA).
August 12, 2009

Middle grade

PG Kain's THE GO-SEE CHRONICLES series, an insider's look at the fiercely competitive world of tween commercial acting beginning with "The Sea of Me," in which a girl who has grown up with her face on everything from diapers to drink boxes needs to become a new and improved version of herself in order to maintain her edge over a sea of look-alike rivals, to Kate Angelella at Aladdin M!X, in a three-book deal, for publication in Spring 2011, by Alyssa Eisner Henkin at Trident Media Group (NA).

Yaaay for official announcements for Canterwood and my supercool friend PG! :) Thanks so much to Alyssa for posting and go Team EK!

Links of awesome

Big, big thanks to all of my reader girlies who are reviewing Triple Fault--thank you! The reviews, especially at Barnes and Noble, are so much fun and I heart you guys! I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. Also, I owe MANY of you e-mails and since I'm going out of town next week, it might take me a little longer to e-mail back. But I will! :)

Got a couple of links to share:

The fab and supercool Mara at Whitebook Farm reviewed Behind the Bit. Thank you, Mara!

Terra is an extremely nice person and I've been talking to about the Decatur Book Festival. She did a blog post about Canterwood. Terra is also from Little Shop of Stories--so go check out her bookstore.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Team Jacob or Team Eric?

The superawesome Michelle made these!! Michelle, they are AMAZING and I looove them!! :) Thank you so, so much! Grab 'em here!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Canterwood Crest video from Lauren

I was just to get offline last night when I got a YouTube message from Lauren aka JazztheJumper. She said she loved Canterwood and she also made the above video. Lauren, thank you SO much! I looove the video and hope everyone else does! Team Canterwood!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best. Readers. Ever.

I usually don't blog on the weekends, but I had to! I asked my readers for help (leaving reviews of Triple Fault on book seller Websites of their choice in return for a super sparkly signed postcard) and you guys responded like I never expected. I mean, I know I have the most amazing, loyal readers, but your notes about Triple Fault (that's *technically* not even out yet!) have been so, so lovely. I appreciate every one and if I owe you a postcard, it'll be in the mail next week. Keep 'em coming and I'll keep visiting the post office. :) I appreciate EVERY review and Team Canterwood is AWESOME!


I had a busy weekend. Some of the things accomplished:

Edits on Little White Lies

Wrote 12 new pages of Rival Revenge (and hey, it's not even 6pm. There's still time for more!) There's a story behind this, btw. On Friday, I had this convo with BFF:

Me: So, I want to get 70 new pages this weekend.

BFF: That's great--totally good goal. And you're taking Saturday off, right?

Me: *blinks* How can I if I want to write 70?

BFF: *you're-an-idiot stare* I thought you said 7 pages.

Me: No, 70.

I realized soon after that convo ended that 70 a) was insane and b) wasn't gonna happen. So I missed my goal. But oh, well. I'll be happy if I hit 20 pages for the weekend.

Edited the first 30 pages of RR on paper

Cleaned my apt

Read some manuscript pages aloud to friends' felines--not sure if they liked some parts, but you know, I'll rewrite.

Sent a half-dozen e-mails to schools in Baltimore about author visits.

So many of you were also working this weekend. Update me!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Stock signing (or book stalking) at Barnes & Noble

After getting nails done with BFF, I ran over to B&N and saw...Triple Fault! Yaaaay! I signed all of the books and they have the cool green stickers that say "autographed copy." Love. Those.

I just stood there for a second and stared. Four books look kinda pretty. :)

Weekend plans

I've got the weekend planned in a very crazy list-like way. Okay, more like an obsessive way, but moving on...My list looks something like this:

(Hee! Funny, right?! Although, I'm totally not into Jasper, but it's cute.)

* Barnes & Noble run. I'm going out of town soon and need a sparkly plane book. I'll take the book and will leave it in my suitcase until the trip. No reading of book until the trip.

At B&N, maybe they'll have copies of Triple Fault to sign. If not, perhaps copies of the other books that I signed have sold and there are new ones. If not? Devastation, LOL. Imagine if every single copy I signed a while ago is still there. Hmmm...maybe I don't want to know! :)

* Write a *massive* chunk of Rival Revenge. Like, a supercrazy word count goal that will have a reward at the end if I hit it. Reward? Undecided. Suggestions are welcome.

* Finish Crank. My first Ellen Hopkins book and I'm in love with her writing. Plus, if you follow her on Twitter, she's the NICEST person ever. Seriously.

* Walk around the park. Haven't done that in a while. Kinda thinking walking to the subway or friends' apartment doesn't count as exercise. Sad. But I'm already making excuses as to why I won't do this because I'm, you know, on a deadline and have to work. That makes it okay.

* Start and finish final edits on Little White Lies.

* Hardcore apartment cleaning.

* Judge more entries for Girls' Horse Club fiction contest.

* Reply to reader email.

And that's some of the list. What about you guys?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thanks, Katelyn!

A quick note to say THANK YOU to Katelyn for sending me the first fan e-mail about TRIPLE FAULT. Katelyn, that was so, so sweet and Editor Kate and I loved it. :) You rock! Team Canterwood!

To everyone who has been asking--TF is available in some stores now (like Barnes & Noble), at Amazon and will be showing up everywhere else very soon. Thanks so much for already looking for it! :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2009 Decatur Book Festival

The Website for the 2009 Decatur Book Festival is up and fully functional!

Specifically, check out my presentation on Saturday. I'm also loving the gorilla on my page. Hee hee. Kinda awesome.

I'm excited to be presenting on the Children's Stage from 2:30-3pm.

Thanks so much to everyone at the DBF for having me. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New New Moon Posters!

Gorgeous shot of K. Stew!

And I have nothing to say about this. If I start, it'll turn into a crazy ramble abouthowgorgeousandlovelyIthinkthisposterisandhowNovembercan'tgetherefastenough.


Monday, August 3, 2009


Today, I'm going to be . Substitute that for a pink laptop.

I've got a writing date with Robyn and we're determined to consume lots of

I have to get my newest RIVAL REVENGE written.

Or else EK will send her posse after me.

No. For reals.

Happy writing!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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