Thursday, July 30, 2009

Triple Fault is here! (Early, I know!)

This is a super sparkly day because...

is shipping! Well, it's shipping from Barnes & Noble and that means it's going to start releasing in other places very, very soon!

Now that it's my fourth book, I'm like, sure, I'm still new at all of this

Totally kidding. Unlike Captain Jack, I don't expect you to have heard of me. But maybe you know about Canterwood Crest. If not, to recap:

It's about a girl who
and adores her horse.

There's also a and they might

It's the fourth book in a series of twelve for tweens from Simon & Schuster's Aladdin MIX.

I feel like this:
(EK and Jess)

This book is incredibly special to me for various personal reasons. I know people think I might say that with every book, but it's totally true for this one.

And okay, I wanted to tell this entire post with Twilight avatars and graphics, but uh, I restrained myself. :)

Hearts and sparkles to everyone who made this happen! Now I'll be watching for it be available in other places. Book stalking will begin soon! Ha. :)

Yaaay Triple Fault!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Comment moderation on for now...

Sorry, guys! Blog is under attack from crazy spammer and since I didn't have comment moderation on, I'm cleaning up the gross comments now. Comment moderation is on for now (for posts older than 14 days), but will be turned off as soon as the spam stops. It's automated, as far as I can tell, so I think it'll be over soon.

But still. :( Spammers need to find better things to do.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Someone else made a Canterwood Crest video! I can't embed it (it was disabled), but here's the link! Thank you, thecinnamontwistclan! :)

Check it out!

Triple Fault winner

The winner of a signed copy of Triple Fault is...Alyssa from LiveJournal! Alyssa, you've got a week to e-mail me (jess_burkhart [at] jessicaburkhart [dot] com with your address. If I don't hear from you by then, I'll draw a new winner. Thanks to everyone for entering! :)

I'm working on the outline for RIVAL REVENGE (CC #7) today. Drama!

12:50 EDIT: Alyssa, the above email address doesn't even exist! Sorry! Let's try (jess_burkhart [at] hotmail [dot] com. :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sneak peeks of NEW MOON from Comic Con!


Sneak peeks from NEW MOON at Comic Con!! (Cue my fan girl screams!) Um, shirtless Jake. And then...shirtless Edward.


I will refuse to stop talking about these clips for days.

A million thanks to the YouTuber who filmed these!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Got questions? Ask away!

I posted this over on the Canterwood Crest forum, but wanted to repost it here. If you've got questions about the Canterwood books, writing, publishing, whatever--ask 'em here! Leave your question in the comments section and I'll answer all of them in a YouTube video.

You've got until August 4th to leave your question(s) here. I'll post a video soon after I compile all of them.

I think it'll be fun! :)

Don't forget to check out yesterday's post and enter to win a signed copy of Triple Fault!

PS- I hope to start replying to e-mail tomorrow! Sorry, guys!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Win an early copy of Triple Fault!

I just gave away a signed copy on the Canterwood Crest forum, but I think it's time for a blog giveaway! Triple Fault comes out on August 11, but I know some of you JUST can't wait. :)

So, to enter, leave a comment here, on my LiveJournal or in both places. Tell me why you want a copy of Triple Fault! :)

You have until Sunday, July 26 to enter.

Boring rules:

I'll ship only to US addresses and you must e-mail me within a week to claim your prize. I'll have all of that info when I announce the winner. Good luck!

Monday, July 20, 2009

New vlog! Chapter one of Triple Fault

I decided to read the first chapter of TRIPLE FAULT! This was the third take because my BlackBerry kept going off and like the addict I am, I refused to turn off the volume even while shooting this vlog, LOL.

Hope you guys like it! :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Note to my awesome readers

Hi, reader girlies!

Ooohhmmygosh, your response to the news about Canterwood being extended to 12 books blew me away. I'm reading EVERY e-mail and you all will get a response, I promise. I'm just in crazy mode as I finish LITTLE WHITE LIES and get it all pretty before sending it to Editor Kate.

Also, yes, absolutely send me pics of you with one or any of the books. I'd love to have them for a collage on my Website. That's so sweet of everyone to want to send those in. E-mail away!

It's been so much fun to chat with you guys on the different forums. Cheers to the girls who started them. Awesome.

I've got to get back to writing and start judging your entries in the Girls Horse Club fiction competition. I've browsed through a few of them and you guys are supertalented. It's going to be a tough job to choose the winners.

But while I've been so busy writing, I've also been drooling over my TBR book pile. I've been sneaking in reading time whenever I can. I finished a couple of ARCS and will blog about those as soon as I can.

Things I want to read right now? Fiona Finkelstein, Big-Time Ballerina!!. Isn't the cover insanely adorable?

Releases Sept 2009

And Positively. Again, a stunning cover and I adored Courtney's first book.

Releases Sept 2009

Finally, Twenty Boy Summer. I've heard so much about this book and can't wait to start.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Writing advice from Nora Roberts

Fab writing advice from Nora Roberts about writing 70 books, not waiting for a muse and more. Found this at Fangs, Fur, and Fey.

Happy Friday! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First chapter of TRIPLE FAULT

Want to read the first chapter of TF? You can right here!

And thank you sooo much for all of the notes, emails, Tweets, etc about my good news from yesterday. It means a lot to have the support and go Team Canterwood!

I'm off to Manhattan in a little while...might vlog on the way. Or while I'm there. Not sure... :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Super Sparkly News!!!

Right now, I feel like I've consumed ALL of these:


My amazing editor, Kate Angelella, who is a total , has decided that she's willing to put up with my overly caffeinated phone calls, Twittering in her presence and my obsession with R Pattz and has asked me to write books 9-12 in the Canterwood Crest series!!

Dance party! :)

This means Sasha and friends get to ride on for four more books!

To everyone who made it happen (again!!) I'm so, so grateful and am thrilled to have all of you on Team Canterwood! Aladdin MIX = awesome.

I'm in total shock right now and can't even find the words to express how happy I am to be able to continue the stories of Sasha and her friends. I *never* thought I'd have twelve books. Never. And it would not have happened without the amazing, continued support of people who've backed me all the way.

I looked back through my blog and my last book deal was in December. So many things have changed since then, but my intense love for my books hasn't. If anything, it has grown because of the wonderful fans who love the books and show it!

And this time last year? I was squeeing on the phone with EK when she sent me the cover for TAKE THE REINS, my first book.



The books will continue on the bi-monthly pub schedule, so stay tuned for dates, covers and all of that fun stuff coming soon.

Again, I want to thank Kate for working side-by-side with me on this crazy schedule, for loving the books as much as I do and for listening to all of my insecurities and being the first one to know that I can do this. I'm beyond grateful to you for everything.

Nine authors signing in NYC

Big event announcement! I'm stealing this from Mandy Hubbard's blog:

Now here's the event you've been waiting for! Nine authors will be at Books of Wonder in New York City on Saturday, July 25th, from 2pm to 4pm. Stop by and buy a book or nine and say hello!


Participating Authors:

Lauren Barnholdt, author of Two-Way Street, The Secret Identity of Devon Delaney, Four Truths and Lie, and others
Sarah Cross, author of Dull Boy
Erin Dionne, author of Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies
Heather Duffy-Stone, author of This is What I Want to Tell you
Mandy Hubbard, author of Prada and Prejudice
Julie Linker, author of Crowned, Disenchanted Princess
Sarah MacLean, author of The Season
Mari Mancusi, author of Boys that Bite, Girls that Growl, Stake That!, Gamer Girl and others
Michelle Zink, author of Prophecy of the Sisters

I'm hoping to go support my author friends, especially Lauren Barnholdt. Because, you know, we're Barnhart. FTW! :)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Look at what EK made for the book! <333s it!

The back featuring Callie

And, my girl, Sasha Silver. The Trio appears to be plotting something...

I was on my way out the door and I ran into the FedEx (UPS?) guy. He had copies of TRIPLE FAULT and I had to pet them before I left. I carried one with me on the train and took pics of it in the seat next to me. I went to meet the lovely and scary smart Donna Freitas for coffee. We had a blast talking books, Buffy and Gilmore Girls. She totally rocks. When I got to the coffee shop, I sat on a bench outside 'cause I was early. I posed TF on the bench to take a pic and Donna came out and caught me in mid-snap. I was like, "Yes, I'm taking a pic of my new book on this bench. Don't judge me." :)

This book is super special to me on a personal level. I cannot wait for it to be on shelves.

August 11, people!! Yaay!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quick note to the CC forum girls

Hey guys!

I'm glad you wanted to make sure it was the REAL me over at the forums. It is! :) I'm JessicaBurkhart there, so don't worry about it being someone saying she's me.

See over there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Canterwood Crest message board

A quick note to say THANK YOU to HorseMystique for creating the first Canterwood Crest forum! Ya'll can log on and chat about everything Canterwood. I just created an account and I'll be visiting whenever I can to chat with you guys.

Sign up and start talking! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


When I got an e-mail from Angelea Walkup, I was sooo excited! Angelea is the host of HorseGirlTV and it's one of the coolest, most innovative programs for people who love horses.

To explain about HorseGirlTV, I'm borrowing this directly from Angelea's Website:

HorseGirlTV® is a forward thinking online series focusing on the positive aspects of the equine industry.

The mission at HorseGirlTV® is to educate the equine community while simultaneous entertaining and educating kids, families and mainstream audiences exposing the wonderful world of horses to the world thus enriching and expanding our industry. HorseGirlTV’s goal with is to continually create unique, quality equine entertainment for the wired generation! Tune in. Tack up.®

About Our Host
As a life long equestrian, Angelea (HorseGirlTV’s CEO or Chief Equine Officer!) has not only ridden and trained but she has successfully competed in Dressage through Grand Prix earning both her USDF Silver and Gold Medals. Angelea’s post university career found her behind an illuminated computer screen working in Internet technologies with online communities. She turned in her full-time keyboard with her companies successful acquisition by a major Internet brand and is now focusing her energies on maximizing the emerging world of new media for horse lovers.

I've been a fan of the show for a while and am thrilled that Angelea has asked me to come on and talk about my journey from rider to writer. I'm going to her farm in North Carolina in August to shoot and I'll be vlogging from there. :) We'll probably *both* be vlogging, LOL, since Angelea is as into technology as I am.

When the show airs, it'll be available online and as an iPod download, which is super cool. I'll be sure to let everyone know when we get an airdate.

Thanks in advance to Angelea and yay for HorseGirlTV! :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

GALLOPnyc--I'm volunteering, are you?

(7/5 note--this is a pre-scheduled post for today and I just wanted to add that I hope everyone had an amazing 4th of July. I'll share details from my sparkly weekend (with pics!) this week. But my first 4th in NYC? Total win.) :)

Hey guys!

So, I found out about this super cool equestrian program on a neighborhood message board and wanted to share it with everyone.

Read this first:


Hi! We are offering an EAP/Therapeutic Horseback Riding group in conjunction with GALLOPnyc ( for 7-10 year olds from August 24th through August 28th, 9:30-12 PM. This is an innovative (and FUN!) form of therapy for kids and can benefit many, including those who are simply shy, or anxious, depressed, struggling with divorce, ADHD, issues with peers, or could could otherwise benefit from learning horseback riding and socializing with peers in a therapeutic, non competitive environment. This group will be 1/3 riding, 1/3 grooming, and 1/3 group activities.

The group will take place in Kensington Stables, adjacent to Prospect Park.

For more information, questions, and to sign up for the group, please feel free to contact Susie Gersten, L.M.S.W. at


All right, so if you live in NYC or close by, they need volunteers to lead horses, help with the kids, etc. You do NOT need experience with horses to help. If you don't want to work with horses, then there will be plenty to do with the participants. I'm going to be volunteering at least one day to lead, groom, tack up and work with the horses and I'm so, so excited.I just sent an email for more details about volunteering, so I'm waiting to hear back to find out what I'll be doing. If you want to come and volunteer with me that would be GREAT! Shoot me an e-mail and we'll coordinate a day. If you've never been around a horse, I can teach you my skillz. ;)

If you don't live nearby but want to support the program, they're also accepting donations since some kids need sponsors. Contact Susie about that.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy (almost!) 4th of July!

free myspace graphics :: myspace images :: myspace pictures free myspace layouts

Happy almost 4th of July, everyone! I'm out for a blog break as of today, but will be back next week. :) Unless, you know, something crazy happens that I HAVE to blog about. I'm so excited that it's my first 4th in NYC. Last year, I was sitting on the trunk of my car with my brother watching neighborhood fireworks. This year? Who knows!

Tonight, I'm hitting Stir with friends and I'm beyond excited.

Have a fab holiday weekend!!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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