Monday, June 30, 2008
When copy edits attack
And then...IT happened.
I tore open the package with glee and noted sticky notes on the side and then I saw them. Lots of weird marks on every page. Marks I hadn't seen when I'd worked at a newspaper. What did these mean? OMG. I had failed at publishing because I didn't know what these meant! Eeek! I hopped online and researched copy editing marks. But these were weird ones. Did I miss the class at school that taught these?
Did I really have to, gulp, address the zillion strange marks in 24 hours before sending back the manuscript?
I emailed Agent A and it went something like this: "Um, hi. Got the copy edits. Errr...what do I do, exactly?" What I really should have said was "OMG! What's all of this stuff?! Help!!" But I didn't want to convey the extent of my freak out.
To sum this up (because it could go on for a while) I talked to Editor K first and while trying not to sound like a total newbie idiot I asked her if I was supposed to address every mark on every page and type that up in a new draft and send it back to her.
Here's why she's the best editor ever--she did not snort in disgust or hang up on me and tear up my contract. No. Through laughter from both of us, she explained I was to address the sticky notes only. Ooooohhhh. The rest of the marks were for the keyboarder.
Then I remembered Lauren Barnholdt's copy edit vid that I'd watched weeks before. Yeah. Sticky notes only. Ugh.
That e-mail to Agent A? She never got it and we both had a good laugh. So, here's the lesson. Next time you get super-panicky about something--use the phone. E-mail--no.
Now, I'll be one of those author stories at conferences. You know, those nightmare author stories? "Yeah, I've got this client and she got copy edits and..." LOL
And that sums up Copy Editing for Complete Dummies, Idiots and Other Derogatory Names. :) If this saves one new author from thinking he/she has to play the role of keyboarder than this post was a success.
In other news...
We've got big changes over at Teen Fiction Cafe! We've added super-cool authors Stephanie Kuehnert and Sara Zarr! Welcome, ladies, and we're glad to have you! :)
Also, a little while ago (on my blog vacay) I posted an extended version of my "How to Become a Freelancer" video. I had to post it on MySpace because it was too long for YouTube. In the first 2 minutes, it has new footage of my acceptance letters, magazine credits, rejections and more. Check it out here!
Diary of a Debut Author: How to Become a Freelance Writer
Reading today: Chasing Harry Winston and Lock and Key
Friday, June 27, 2008
7 months from Take the Reins publication!
But it's the 27 that's important!
That's right, twenty-seven. Two seven. We are now... 7 months away from publication of Take the Reins (Canterwood Crest!) YAAAHOOO!!! :o)
OMG. That means, gulp, next month it'll be six. (Notice my awesome counting skills?) S-I-X. That means next month, changes will be happening! Woo!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How long do you keep old drafts?
I looked into my closet and I've got 3 plastic tubs of printed drafts for my 3 (Eeep! I've written three!) books and a couple of postal boxes with newer drafts. I'm definitely keeping all of my edit letters and drafts my editor or agent have sent me, but what about the drafts in between? Do you hold onto those until the book is an ARC and then toss them? Or not.
I'm not sure.
I do know I want to keep the first draft of each book. But the other stuff I probably don't need. Hmm.
If I can remember, I'll try to post what book I'm reading at the end of every entry.
Today, I'm reading Wish You Were Here (HarperTeen) by Catherine Clark. Great so far! I love the postcard entries in the book.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Books on my Wow! list

I'm back! Wow, the week flew by. I was B-U-S-Y with Chasing Blue and made an attempt to get through my humongous reading pile. But...I was sidetracked. By Eclipse. Yeah. In my reading pile for this week are the books I meant to get through last week:
Lock and Key--Sarah Dessen
Letters from the Heart (Beacon Street Girls)--Annie Bryant
Legally Blonde--Amanda Brown
I've realized over the past week that the Twilight series are Wow! books for me. This is all subjective, of course. What makes a Wow! book for me might not make one for you. The list of Wows! are small and I don't add to it often. I'm not naming authors who are Internet friends, but authors I DON'T know who are on the Wow! list are J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Kate Brian and Sara Gruen.
I define a Wow! book as a book that:
* makes me laugh, cry, or have heart palpitations
* makes me slip into my "screech monkey voice" (thanks, Jason) that I use when I'm super-excited about something and am telling someone else about it
* forces me to run to my computer and get back to work with hopes of one day writing a Wow! book
* keeps me up at night thinking about the book's Wow! qualities
Why did I name the four above authors?
J.K. Rowling
Given, right? Maybe not for the reasons you might think. Yes, I absolutely ADORE Harry & Co. I could reread the books a million times (I'm inching toward that!) and never tire of them. The pacing of the plot is why I love J.K. Is there ever a dull moment in HP? Nope. Did she get millions of kids hooked on reading? Yes. She's the Plot Queen and I bow to her mad skills. ;)
But I also feel linked to her even more now after watching her speech at Harvard's graduation. We have an insanely similar background (it's quite freaky, actually) and I admire her open attitude about things she's gone through and how that propelled her writing. That's for another post, but from one writer to another, she has personally inspired me in many ways.
Stephenie Meyer
As I read Eclipse last night, I paid attention to how I reacted to different elements in the story. I realized Eclipse evokes a PHYSICAL reaction from me. Wow! factor material. How many books do that? Not many. Waiting for the final installment is torturous! It's one of the few series where I'd go stand in the pouring rain until midnight to get a copy.
Kate Brian
Kate's Private series is the first YA series I read that has all of the elements that intrigue me--boarding school, mystery, mean but smart girls and love. Hot guys, too, but I can't use THAT as my sole Wow! factor. ;)
Kate's the Teen Queen of Cliffhangers and I've learned so much from reading her books. I'm always the last one to crack the mysteries, by the way.
Sara Gruen
As a horsey writer, I appreciate the detail to the equestrian world, the realistic view of competing and running a stable and the lack of equine related mistakes in the text. From what I've read, Sara is a huge animal lover and that comes across on the page. Riding Lessons and Flying Changes infuse horses with love, relationships, family and loss--both animal and human. Those books are up there in my Wow! list along with my other adult horse favorite--The Horse Whisperer. I hope that if I every try adult horse fiction that I'm able to capture some of the spirit that made me love Sara's books.
So, what's a Wow! book for you?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Blog Vacation
Monday, June 16, 2008
How people find me online
So, we've got these via SiteMeter:
Top 10 literary cities (I don't live in one)
Sarah Joy Brown on Facebook (I did blog about that...)
Sneak peaks at the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic (note the "a")
The Jessica Website (I'm thinking they're looking for Alba, Biel or Simpson)
Weinheimer dog pics (Huh???)
Obsessed with Twilight (Oh, so true)
Greenbrier, TN (my old home city)
Girly books releasing in July 2008 (What's a girly book?)
Red Hills Horse Trials 2009 (I'm so there!)
If you have a StatCounter or SiteMeter, how do people find you besides your name or book title?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Busy, busy!
In the mean time, you prob noticed the new little sidebar bit about the upcoming blog tour. Yep, Miss Megan was kind enough to offer me a shot at guest blogging in August. For that post, I'll talk about the giveaways, prizes, surprises, events and more that will be coming up right here in the fall and spring. Yay! It's all very exciting as we start the countdown clock for 6 months and counting on July 27. Look for a special vlog on that day. Also, if you'd like to be a stop on my blog tour for December, Jan or Feb, the details about all of that will be coming over the next month or so.
Plus, I've got *things* I'm waiting to show you all and cannot wait until I can!!! :)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It's a draft! Yay!
Eeeee!! You're looking at my first printed draft of the new Canterwood Crest book! (I know it's blurry, but I didn't want to, you know, give away any plot secrets just yet...) YAY!! Sure, it's a mess and needs several edits and about 5,000 more words, but it's a draft! Woo hoo! I had old light blue paper, so I printed it on that and had fun editing on something that wasn't boring, old white paper. I love the sight of a new draft.
I celebrated by deciding to buy myself a new phone when I turn in the completed manuscript later in the summer. I've been desperate to have WiFi on my phone since I'm a serial e-mail checker, so I'm leaning toward a BlackBerry Pearl or the new iPhone releasing in July. Anyone have a BlackBerry Pearl? Like it? I've had my phone for a couple of years and it's time for a change.
Give me an update on your project status! Who's working on revisions? Or drafting? Share!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Don't spill water on your outline!

Yesterday, I was working from my outline for my new Canterwood Crest book. I had it printed and had zillions of notes in the margins and ideas for what needed to be done in each chapter. It was beside my laptop while I typed and it gave me the directions I needed to finish each chapter.
Lesson--Uni-Ball pens are not for writing anything you can't afford to lose if water should fall onto your paper.
(However, um, I still love my Uni so much that I'll continue to use it for other purposes...) :)
Monday, June 9, 2008
X-posted from Teen Fiction Cafe
Surviving Adolescence: Riding!
***The WINNER of the Daphne Grab giveaway is...LENORE! Congrats! You have 48 hours to email me with your name and info of where you'd like your book shipped so I can pass the info to Daphne. If I don't hear from you by then, I have to draw a new winner. Thanks, Daphne, for an awesome giveaway!***
For me, growing up in the 90s meant one thing...horses!

After school, I couldn't wait to get out to the stables and ride, groom and learn how to train horses. I lived in a small suburban part of Tennessee (Greenbrier) and was lucky enough to have this riding arena right behind my house. When I did homework after school, I could look out and watch boarders ride and train their horses. I often had to move to the front of the house so I stopped watching them out the back windows.
That Appaloosa, AJ, was my first lesson horse. Oh, he was old and yes, he was was stubborn. But he was the best teacher. He taught me how to be a rider and how to listen to a horse's needs. He was a great partner and he helped me learn how to impress the girls at my new school with my riding skills. :)

One of my absolute favorite horsey things to do was trail ride. My friend Amy and I would take our horses into the woods and get lost riding. We guided our horses through people's backyards (Sorry!), over creeks (Kind of dumb, now that I think about it) and along roads that saw a car a day. That was in the mid-90s and before cell phones were so inexpensive. Imagine how far my mom would have let me ride if I'd had a cell!
Horses were my most precious thing during childhood. They gave me the inspiration to write Take the Reins and the rest of the Canterwood Crest books. Name something from your childhood that inspires your writing.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Author Visit: Daphne Grab and a giveaway
Matisse Osgood is a
When did you come up with the idea for ALIVE AND WELL IN PRAGUE, NEW YORK?
Thanks so much, Daphne! You were a fantastic guest!
About Daphne GrabDaphne Grab grew up in a small town in upstate
Alive and Well in Prague, New York hit shelves on June 3.
Okay, people! If you want to win a signed copy of Daphne's book, leave a comment here or on LiveJournal. Or, if you want, leave a comment in both places and you'll be entered to win! You have until 11:59pm on Sunday night to enter. I'll draw a winner on Monday morning, so check back. Remember, if I draw your name, you have until Wednesday to e-mail me with your name and address to send your prize.
Visit Daphne online here: and find Alive and Well in Prague, New York on Amazon.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tomorrow's guest
The post has to be short today to avoid any unnecessary typing. Yep, my carpal is back in full force in my right hand (it HAD to be the mouse hand!) and while the brace has kept it out of my wrist, it's now in my elbow. :/ Annoying and painful.
So, if you've emailed me in the past few days and I haven't emailed back that's why. I'm taking Aleve (not working) and using a heating pad (also really not working.)
Anyway...come back tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hannah Montana in Greenbrier, TN
It's just quite weird to think my little town was invaded by Miley & Co.
The story.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Read My Lips by Teri Brown
Check out this great trailer by friend and S&S author Teri Brown! :) If you haven't already, go order a copy of Teri's YA novel, READ MY LIPS.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Diary of a Debut Author Video: How to Become a Freelance Writer
Hope you enjoy it!
Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!
Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...
I'm soooo excited that my first Super Special is hitting all stores TODAY! As a kid, I *loved* super specials and having my own is beyon...
I've been posting a little about this on other socials, but I wanted to add here that I've got a free for now interactive horse stor...