Sooo, BEHIND THE BIT comes out on May 19. I can't believe it's my third book. Insane. TAKE THE REINS and CHASING BLUE released over a week early, so you might be seeing BTB on shelves soon. To celebrate, I'm giving away a signed copy of BTB. Want to win? Leave a comment here ONLY--not LiveJournal this time (because I have limited Internet access and am posting this on a timer)--and you'll be entered.
Spread the word, too! :) You have until Wednesday at midnight to leave your comment. I'll randomly draw a winner and will email you if you've won.
Good luck!
It's hard to believe that it's just about another week until Behind the Bit. I can't wait. :-)
Congrats on the upcoming release. I can't believe it's your third one already. That's crazy.
congrats on your upcoming release!
Ahh! That's so exciting. I cannot wait for it to come out.
Please enter me?
Sounds fun. can't wait to read this!
Oooh, I want, I want!
Hey Jess!
TTR's and CB were AWESOME!
Please sign me up?
Enter me please! My emails is
(if i dont win a copy i will sooo be about buying it!!!!)
hooray! Acutally, I just reviewed Chasing Blue on my blog (a bit late, sorry!)
Yay! Please enter me. I just love the cover for this one!
My email address is ebcella At comcast DOT net
....And I posted a link in my sidebar!
That's so exciting that this is the THIRD book you've published in ONE year. You are on a roll, Jess! (:
Enter me please! I still haven't read the second one but this will be my push to get my grandma to buy it :)
I LOVE your books! I can't wait to read BTB! Congratulations on the release!
Congrats from me on the upcoming book release too, and congrats with your lovely NYC studio, it looks really like a cozy place to live in, enjoy!
Would love to enter your contest
XO Marjolein
Congrats, Jessica! HOORAY FOR YOU!
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