Monday, April 28, 2008
Diary of a Debut Author: Road Trip #2
I'm in New Jersey and am T-I-R-E-D after all of the traveling. But I can barely sleep! I'm soooo excited about the photo shoot and spent an hour on the treadmill tonight trying to get tired so I'd fall asleep earlier. I feel like I'm running on 80 cups of coffee and sheer excitement about the shoot. :)
Here's a new video for you guys that I shot today. Enjoy!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Road Trip Location: DC
From here, it's only a 3 hour drive to my final destination. :) I'll try to post pics and maybe a video tomorrow. I'm meeting a friend in the evening, but I'm going to try and explore the little NJ town before the shoot.
I did change my clothes. Again. Before I left on Friday, I decided I hated my clothes and got a new outfit for dinner with Agent A. Now, I love it. :) I'll get a pic for you guys.
Scroll down to tomorrow's post and enter my giveaway with MP Barker!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Author Visit: M.P. Barker & Giveaway
Please welcome M.P. Barker!
Book summary:
It’s 1839. To help his family pay off their debts, nine-year-old Ethan is indentured to Mr. Lyman, the wealthy shopkeeper in their small
Where did you get the idea for A DIFFICULT BOY?
The idea came from a bill that I found in the archives where I work. This master had chased down a runaway indentured boy and sent a bill to the kid’s mom for the cost of looking for the kid, hiring someone to help look for the boy, court costs, and the value of the boy’s lost days of work. That got me wondering why the boy ran away, what kind of mean old skinflint the master might have been, how the mother was going to pay the bill, etc., etc., etc…and all that wondering led to the story. The boy became Ethan, the master became Mr. Lyman, and eventually the rest of the characters began to take shape.
What’s one of your favorite things about the year 1839?
Well, first of all, I got paid to learn about the 1830s when I worked at
Really, though, there were lots of exciting things happening in the 1830s, though people kind of overlook that period because they tend to concentrate on times when there was a war going on, like the Revolutionary or Civil War eras. The 1830s was a real transitional time in
Why did you decide to write for kids and teens?
Well, actually, I didn’t really decide—Ethan and Daniel, my two main characters, decided for me. They just wanted me to tell their story the best way I could, and because their ages make them characters that young readers can identify with, the book ended up being a YA story. But I wasn’t thinking about markets or audiences or any of that stuff you’re supposed to think about before you start writing—I was just thinking of the story. If you’d asked me back then who I was writing for, I would have said, “Ummmm…people who like to read?”
Your Website says you worked as a costumed historical interpreter at
Well, right off the bat, let me say yes, it was hot in those clothes, and no, people weren’t much nicer back then. (I think those have to be the two most asked questions at OSV.)
Working at OSV was dirty, smelly, back-breaking, and LOTS of fun. It was one of the most physically demanding jobs I ever had, because I had to milk cows, muck out barns, chop kindling, work in some hu-u-u-ge gardens, and even the mundane daily chores of cooking and cleaning involved a lot of heavy lifting. It was also mentally challenging because there was so much to learn, and we had to be really good at thinking on our feet to answer all questions that got thrown at us. I loved that I might be getting down and dirty fixing fences and playing with the baby animals one day, and then the next day I might be spinning yarn and weaving cloth or wearing a ballgown and demonstrating period dancing or going to a recreated Sunday service at the meetinghouse.
Certainly, doing many of the chores that my characters did and eating the kinds of foods they ate, smelling all those barnyard smells, etc., gave me a better feel for their world than just reading about it in a book. And discussing on a daily basis the attitudes and beliefs that people held in 1830sNew
What’s one word that best describes A DIFFICULT BOY?
I hope it’s “authentic”—at least that’s what I was striving for.
If you could give advice to aspiring young writers, what would you say?
Don’t give up your dreams. When I was about twelve, I wanted to be a novelist. But I quickly put that idea aside because I thought it was “unrealistic.” (Little did I know I was going to spend nearly ten years playing make-believe at OSV.) I did lots of nonfiction writing for school and work projects, but it wasn’t until many years later that I started writing fiction again. I'll probably always wonder what would have happened if I'd kept writing fiction instead of putting it aside for so long.
From the time I started writing A DIFFICULT BOY to having a published book in my hands took about ten years and 75 rejections. There were plenty of times where I was discouraged, depressed, and desperately in needs of massive doses of chocolate and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the single-serving container (that would be the pint…although if they had it in quarts…well, let’s just say I’d be a LOT bigger!). But somehow I got there, so persistence and perseverance definitely pay off.
It’s also important to have lots and lots of supportive friends who can keep you going when you’re getting those 75 rejections…and who’ll supply you with those giant blocks of chocolate from Trader Joe’s (thanks, Maggie!). I definitely would have given up if it hadn’t been for many kicks in the butt from my friends—and I have the bruises to prove it…
You’re a member of the Class of 2k8. What exciting things are going on with the Class?
Where to begin? What’s most exciting for me is getting my classmates’ new books in my hot little hands. There are three other April 2k8 books--Zu Vincent’s THE LUCKY PLACE, Debbie Reed Fischer’s BRALESS IN WONDERLAND, and Marissa Doyle’s BEWITCHING SEASON--and Jennifer Bradbury’s SHIFT is coming out in May. There’ll be brand new video trailers on the 2k8 website ( for this month’s books, and every newly launched author is featured for a week on the class blog (, so you can get more juicy details about the writers and their books.
Like free books? The Class has a name-game scavenger hunt at where you can answer ten questions for a chance to win three of this quarter’s books. If you’re in a book club and want some ideas for discussion topics, you can download readers’ guides for all the 2k8 books on The 2k8 site also has links to all the 2k8 authors’ individual web pages. Readers who are only just finding out about 2k8 can catch up fast by reading about our January to March books at the class’s web page or past blog posts.
It’s also exciting to see 2k8 books getting kudos and stars from reviewers and bloggers. One book is already in its second printing, some have been Booksense picks, and several of our members have contracts for their second books. I feel like I’m in such exalted company—I hope I can measure up!
What’s next for you? Any new projects?
I’m working on a sequel to A DIFFICULT BOY that follows Daniel, the older boy, through new adventures that include a peddler (who’s also a musician and dancing master), a conjurer, a circus with six dancing ponies, Irish railroad workers, and a child custody battle. Also in the works (though on hold until I finish this book) is a story about a sea captain’s wife and daughter and how they cope after he’s lost at sea.
JB note: I am SO glad there's going to be a sequel! I adored this book and am so thrilled to have hosted M.P. A DIFFICULT BOY is a must-read. Go get a copy!
Amazon link:
Autographed copies can be ordered from the following booksellers:
Chandler & Reed Books - Broadside Bookshop of
My website –
My blog -
Bio: I’m kind of a time traveler—well, actually an archivist and historian, which amounts to the same thing. I got a firsthand taste (sometimes literally!) of nineteenth-century New England rural life when I was a costumed historical interpreter at
**Want to win an autographed copy? You know the drill--leave a comment here or on LiveJournal or in both places to enter. You have until Monday (an extension!) at 10am to enter. I'll draw a winner by random draw and will announce it on Monday. Good luck!**
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tomorrow and beyond
Next week (and possibly on Sat or Sunday), look for new Diary of a Debut Author segments from NYC! I'll try to post videos as I can and will get photos posted when I'm able. I've got 2 charged cameras (I "borrowed" my brother's...) and am ready to get some sharable footage! :)
My family and friends are soo ready for me to go on this trip! I swear, my poor friends are like, "If you ask us one more time if you think your agent and editor will think you're a dork...)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Miley Cyrus to pen memoir
Yahoo! has a headline from yesterday that Miley Cyrus is writing a memoir. Okay, okay, she's only 15 but she probably has quite a lot to tell. Maybe. I'm guessing.
Disney-Hyperion is publishing the book and it will release in spring 2009.
I'm neutral on the topic, I guess. It'll be interesting to see if she's an even bigger star in 2009 or if she has faded like many of the young stars. (Um, Hillary Duff, where are you?)
I haven't read many memoirs. After the James Frey debacle, I did start to look at them in a different way. But I also don't want to skip a genre just because one guy screwed up.
Would you ever write a memoir? I'd love to years from now. I've published lots of personal experience essays and I'm glad I've logged the big moments from my life in print. I'll always have that and it's almost like a public diary of sorts. Over the summer and fall, when I'm in between books, I'll be working on querying more magazines with personal experience pieces and hope I can keep sharing bits and pieces of the different things I've been through with others. :)
So, would you read the Miley memoir? Or would the wondering if it's mostly ghost-written bother you? Read the article here.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Photo Shoot Update
Packing, list-making and general craziness has consumed me. No writing is being accomplished and I’ve been like a mad woman with trip plans! Eeek! Be glad you’re not at my house right now. :)
* black/pink suit jacket
* dressy black pants
* black boots
* black skirt (but I freeze easily, so this might be out)
* black boots
For cover shoot:
* black sweater (light weight)
* pink jacket (dressy/casual)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Twilight Guy: A Guy Reads Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Have you guys heard about The Website was started by fellow writer and friend Kaleb Nation. Kaleb's new Website chronicles his first read of Twilight and breaks down the book from a guy's perspective. Neat, huh? :)
I'm hooked.
Also, thanks so much to everyone who gave me clothing advice for the photo shoot! I'm STILL looking at clothes and am trying to actually sleep even though I'm insanely excited.
**(Happy birthday, Jason!)**
Friday, April 18, 2008
Big surprise reveal!! :)
Okay, everyone!! Finally! I’m ready to reveal the super-secret surprise! :) I was waiting until more details firmed up and while I’m not going to give a date just yet, I WILL tell you why I’ve been bouncing up and down for the past couple of weeks. It has been torture not to share, but I wanted to be one hundred percent sure I could make it before I spilled the news.
Little bro's first review at Boys Blogging Books
Find it here!
Thank you!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Operation Teen Book Drop!

Today is Operation Teen Book Drop sponsored by readergirlz and YALSA! :) These amazing groups started this campaign to raise awareness for Support Teen Literature Day.
Recent news reports have said that teens are reading less now than when they did years ago. So, campaigns such as this are critical to getting books into hands of teens and getting back on the track of reading for fun--not just for school projects.
The lovely ladies leading this movement are Justina Chen Headley, Dia Calhoun, Lorie Ann Grover and Mitali Perkins. Let's offer a virtual round of applause to them! *woo!*
If you haven't already donated a book, head over to the readergirlz site for instructions and learn how. If you miss today, donate a book anyway when you can. With funding cut to libraries, we've all got to do something to make more books available for teens.
Rock on, people!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Twilight movie now shooting in Oregon
I read an article on Yahoo! yesterday that the Twilight movie had started shooting in
I really can't wait to see this movie. It'll be interesting to see how well it does and if the sequels are made.
Anyway, I've been reading like crazy the past couple of days. When I was so engrossed in edits, I got zero reading done so I'm making up for it now. I'm on a historical kick. Very new to me. I've become addicted to Philippa Gregory and after reading The Other Boleyn Girl I moved on to The Boleyn Inheritance.
I also restocked my YA book pile and am itching to read Melissa de la Cruz's The Ashleys series and Hacking Harvard sounds good, too.
What do you guys think about the Twlight movie? Excited? Not?
Read the article here:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Books you've written meme
There's a meme floating around and I read it on Melissa Marr and Sarah Prineas's blogs. You're supposed to list every book you've ever written and when. I'll give it a shot.
Freshman 15 (November 2006) This was a YA novel that I wrote in 30 days during NaNoWriMo. It became High Jumps at Collins Academy which later turned into Take the Reins. With this novel, I snagged Agent A in January 2007, it went on submission in May 2007 and sold in May 2007. This was the first book I'd ever written and boy, it showed! :)
Untitled YA (started May 2007 and abandoned it until December 2007) I started this YA while waiting to hear back from editors when Take the Reins was on submission. It's a fun, sexy YA set in Wyoming. During Christmas break while I was in between edits for Canterwood Crest, I finished this book.
Chasing Blue (December 2007-January 2008). This is the second MG book in the Canterwood Crest series. I was worried about how I'd know how much back story to put into the second book, but I think I got it. :)
Untitled YA (started February 2008). This YA is completely different than my other books. Not a horse in sight. Anywhere. I'm working on this when I'm not working on Canterwood and it's fun to switch back and forth from YA to MG.
So, those are the books I've finished or am currently working on. If you want to do this meme, consider yourself tagged!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Leave your guess! :)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Road Trip Clue #2
I meant to post a new video tomorrow, but ran out of time! I thought I'd go ahead and post this tonight instead of waiting for tomorrow. :) It’s my semi-pathetic attempt at a riddle.
Diary of a Debut Author: Road Trip Clue #2
To get to this place,
I’ll hop in my car,
I’ll drive 17 hours,
But, really, is that far?
There will be cameras,
And people,
And models to meet,
But as the author,
I get the coolest seat!
The guest list includes,
Agent A and Editor K,
We’ll meet for the first time,
On this freakin’ exciting day,
Oh, and there will be a horse,
A beautiful gray,
C’mon over to my blog,
And start guessing away!
If you guess right,
I’ll give you the full scoop,
Otherwise you’ll have to wait,
Until I can bring you into the loop!
*bows* ;)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Diary of a Debut Author Video: Horsing Around
Here's a new video from Sundance Oaks Miniature Horse Farm! A very special thank you to Mary Lackey, Chance and the minis! :) Above are some outtakes from our day!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
ScriptFrenzy: Screenwriting Books I Love

In honor of April’s ScriptFrenzy, I wanted to share two of my favorite screenwriting books.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Author Photo Friday
Anyone else got any exciting Friday plans?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Emmy Winner Sarah Brown on we can befriend the mob!
Well, kind of. The General Hospital mob anyway.
Actors, producers and TV show creators are getting more creative, people. So must we writers!
I’ve always been vocal about the fact that I’m a (big) fan of
Monday, April 7, 2008
Diary of a Debut Author: Road Trip Clue #1
And here's the first clue for my upcoming road trip. Hope you like it! Second clue is coming next Monday.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Author Visit: Debbie Reed Fischer
Did you have an “ah-ha” moment that made you decide to write a book about the model biz? What was that moment?
I had many a-ha moments working as a booker. It’s a wacky, surreal business. At different times in my career, I repped all kinds of talent: Models, actors, comedians, athletes, kids, animals. How could I not be inspired to write? With models, I guess what struck me the most was the discovery that a lot of my preconceived notions about them were dead wrong, especially the most common belief, that models are stupid. They’re not stupid. Many are just really young, from small, rural towns, very wide-eyed at the glitz and glamour of it all. When people ask me if models are dumb, I answer, “How smart would you be if you were a teen making $1500 a day, in a city for the first time, away from your family and on your own?” It’s true that many young models do miss out on a college education, but there is no shortage of intelligence. I repped models who had been accepted to Harvard, who were law students, who had their own businesses at the age of eighteen. Models are a varied bunch; they just happen to have the right height and bone structure, as well as that illusive “X” factor, the mystery gene that makes them photograph well. The college issue is not an easy choice for some of them, though, and it’s something that definitely inspired a lot of BRALESS IN WONDERLAND.
So…South Beach. :) Beautiful people, lots of talent. Do you have a wacky or memorable moment to share during your time as a model booker?
Too many to count, but the one that comes to mind is the time I had a booking for a gorgeous French model/dancer named
What was your writing process for BRALESS IN WONDERLAND?
I was always taking notes on everyone and everything when I was a booker. Years later, I still had those notes and used them when I was writing the book. It makes every scene really authentic. Also, one of my closest friends is still in the business and I often ran bits of the book by her since some things have changed in the last few years. Her name is Allee. I named my main character after her.
Tell us about “the call”—the moment you learned BRALESS IN WONDERLAND was going to be published.
I was home when my agent called to tell me he had an offer for me from Dutton. I shook, I cried, and I yelled stupidly, “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!” Then when my kids came home that day, we released balloons into the sky and talked about how dreams can come true. We decided to celebrate June 14 as our own family holiday every year because that’s the date I got the call. Except we don’t release balloons any more because it’s bad for the ozone layer. We just eat cake and discuss our goals and dreams. The kids also discuss how weird I am to invent a holiday based on a phone call.
What’s the coolest thing about being an author?
Meeting other authors like you. :) Being part of the writing community is wonderful.
Your author photo is gorgeous! How do we (meaning the style challenged) get model-blown hair in our author photos?
LOL - find a good hairstylist! A good photographer helps too. That photo was taken by Niki Taylor’s mom, Barbara Taylor. She is a photographer in addition to being a Supermodel mom. And to tell you the truth, my hair is usually in a pony tail.
What’s one tip you could share with aspiring writers that you’ve learned recently.
Read what blows your skirt up, write as much as you can, take workshops, attend conferences, meet as many other writers as you can, and most importantly, never, ever give up. The biggest reason why writers don’t get published is because they give up. Keep going. For writing tips, I have a lot on my website: Feel free to add your own writing tips there. I love being inspired by other writers.
JB: I’ve got to agree with Debbie about reading what you love. Study your favorite novels and take notes on how the stories progress, the characters evolve and how the author managed to hook YOU.
What’s next? Any new projects on the horizon?
My second YA comes out in September. It’s called SWIMMING WITH THE SHARKS. The main character is Peyton, who has finally earned a coveted spot on the varsity cheerleading squad. For her, it’s the end of standing on the social sidelines and the beginning of being in the Alpha Clique. The problems start when Lexie, the charismatic and powerful squad captain, orders Peyton and her team mates to drive another girl off the squad by bullying her. As the cruel hazing spirals out of control, Peyton is torn by her conscience, yet seduced by the chance to have everything she wants.
Now, because Debbie is so fabulous, she's giving away a killer prize package! ONE lucky commenter will win a signed copy of BRALESS IN WONDERLAND and a pair of adorable Havianas
Good luck!
Author Debbie Reed Fischer is no stranger to the modeling business, having worked for many years as a model booker in Miami, where the daily dramas of the weird and the beautiful inspired her to write Braless in Wonderland. Other job adventures from her past include hosting a cable TV show for teens, picking melons on a kibbutz, teaching middle and high school English, and singing in a USO troupe. She grew up in a sleepy Florida town much like Cape Comet (where Allee Rosen grew up) and has also lived in England, Greece, and Israel. In high school, Debbie spent a lot of time in math class writing stories, songs, and long notes to her friends, which explains why she can never figure out the check in restaurants. A graduate of the University of Miami's screenwriting program, Debbie currently lives in Boynton B each, Florida, with her husband and two kids, where she feeds them a steady diet of take-out. Her second teen novel, Swimming with the Sharks, will be released in September.
Summary of Book:
BRALESS IN WONDERLAND: A funny, honest peek at the crazy and glamorous world of professional modeling from an industry insider.
Website, etc: and blog: and
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Get Ready for Clue #1 :)
Have you guys heard about Boys Blogging Books? If not, go check them out. They’re a cool group of young guys who review books. Yay for guys who read!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Day in the Life of a Debut Author: A Video
It's a new video! Hope you check it out and stay tuned for the super-secret video coming next week...
Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!
Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...
I'm soooo excited that my first Super Special is hitting all stores TODAY! As a kid, I *loved* super specials and having my own is beyon...
I've been posting a little about this on other socials, but I wanted to add here that I've got a free for now interactive horse stor...