Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It's a DEAL!!

Jessica Burkhart's HIGH JUMPS AT COLLINS ACADEMY series, pitched as Saddle Club meets Mean Girls, about a small-town girl who attends a boarding school and must learn to compete with the equestrian elite, to Molly McGuire at Aladdin, in a four-book deal, in a very nice deal, by Alyssa Eisner Henkin at Trident Media Group (NA).


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Woo-hoo!!! I'm so excited for you Jessica!! Again, major congrats!!!

Jessica Burkhart said...

And thank you again, Kelly! :) There's major dancing going on! LOL

Gina Black said...

Congrats!! So very exciting to hear about this, Jessica. :)

Erin said...

*SCREAM* I am so happy for you! You're an inspiration!

stephhale said...

Yeah!!! I'm so happy for my agent sister!


Jessica Ferguson said...

Jessica, I'm so thrilled for you. You won't belive this-I'm in Houston, sitting at a Jason's Deli with my husband when my phone rings and a writer friend in Lake Charles, Louisiana says, "JB got a 4 boo contract!!" You're the talk of the town, girl!! LOL

Jennifer Lynn Barnes said...

AMAZING! A four book deal! You must be so over the moon. :) Congratulations.

Heather Harper said...

That is fabulous, Jessica! I'm so happy for you. :)


Anonymous said...

Saw your announcement over at AW so I thought I'd stop by and say...

Congratulations!!! What wonderful news.

Emily Marshall said...

Huge congrats!!! Wow, a four book deal. You must be very happy. Congrats again!!

ohdawno said...

Saw your announcement on AW and came right over - "a very nice deal" WOW! Huge congratulations are in order.

Williebee said...

Woo hoo and Waytago!

And a big congrats and thanks to Ms. Henkin.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me (I post as loiterer on AW) but I felt compelled to offer congratulations because being an unpublished writer myself it's exciting to see someone in the process of launching a career.

I'm sure you know you've got a lot more hard work ahead, but you seem like a motivated person with your feet firmly on the ground. I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled for you Jessica! Congrats!

Kerryn Angell said...

A four book deal! That's fantastic. Congrats!!

Rebecca said...

HURRAY!! Hehe, I found you from a comment on Maureen Johnson's blog sometime last week, I think. And I was like, "Hey, she's a writer and she's my age!" which was cool. I want to get published eventually, so it's really encouraging and awesome that you are right now. :D :D Major congrats, and I can't wait to read your books. :)

By the way, the reason that I clicked on your comment in the first place was that your name sounded really familiar. I wonder if I've read one of your magazine articles. And I also saw on your website that you did NaNoWriMo last year, so maybe I saw you there. NaNo rocks!!

Unknown said...


The blurb reads like a marriage announcement in the old society pages. Very chic!

Sophisticated Writer said...

A four-book-deal and a published author at just 20!! WOW! Congrats dear. You must be so happy and proud!

Wishing you all the best. That's yet another motivation for me--yes writers can get published after all, if they're good enough :D

Jessica Burkhart said...

Erin, thank you! :)

Steph, Trident is the BEST!!

Jess, I simply cannot believe that! That's awesome! LOL

Jen, Heather, Susan, Emily, Dawno, Williebee, Anonymous, April and Writing Angel, thank you so much! :)

Becs, you probably did run into me on the NaNo forums. NaNo definitely rocks! ;)

Merylf, thanks!

Bill Clark said...

I used to teach at a CT version of Collins Academy, and can vouch for the snottiness of "the equestrian elite" - sounds like you've got a sure-fire winner here! Congratulations!

Diana Peterfreund said...

Congratulations, again Jessica! I'm so happy for you!

Carrie Ryan said...

YAY JESSICA!! I was so thrilled when I read that announcement!! How exciting!! WOHOO!!!

Celeste said...

Congratulations :) I've been lurking, and I just read the news over at Diana's blog. Thought I'd stop by and *clap*!

Marley Gibson said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jessica!!! How exciting! What a great deal for you!! Hope you're celebrating properly!

Marley = )

TinaFerraro said...

Jessica, I saw your news on the teen loop, and came rushing over! I'm so excited for you!

Jessica Burkhart said...

Bill, Carrie, S.W, Tina, Celeste and Marley, thank you all! :)

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Congratulations, Jessica! We're hearing this all over the blogs and *newswires*. You GO!!!
A fellow YA writer

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Congratulations, Jessica! You GO - what a sale!!!
Yep, it's all the news on various blogs and *newswires*! Hope you're wildly celebrating. :-)

Robin Brande said...

Congratulations, Jessica! That's simply fantastic!!

Vicki said...

I'm so excited for you!! A four book deal is awesome.

You've shown us unpubbs that it can be done. :)

CindyH said...

WOW!!! Saw the announcement in AW! I am soooo HAPPY for you - this is just awesome!!


Miri said...

I read this earlier and forgot to comment! How could I?

Just wanted to give a huge CONGRATS and tell you that I love boarding school stories, so I'm looking forward to this one! Make sure and let us know when it'll be on the shelves!

And DANG. Four books, girl! That's a dream come true!

(Now you have to write them. ;))

Erica Ridley said...


How cool is this?!?!


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hey, congratulations!! Four books -- no pressure, right?

May your sales be robust and multiple print runs required.

B.E. Sanderson said...

Incredible news! Congratulations!

Vicki said...

So excited for you!!! What a great way to start off. I can't wait to read them. :)

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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