Sunday, September 4, 2011

#3daywat progress

So many people are participating--I LOVE it! I think I'll open this spot for new comments if you want to check in, give a progress report, discuss your project, ask each other questions or for advice, etc.

I'm definitely going to host another write-a-thon event in the future. Next time, I'll give advanced notice and we can all hang out and write together virtually. :) I'm having so much fun.

My progress:

I rewrote chapter 1 of POPULAR (CC #14.) It was waaay too passive. Beginnings always take me the longest and it took about six hours to get the opening right. I edited and wrote more of chapter 2. Got stuck on chapter 3 and skipped ahead to a horse scene. My faves. :) Lauren's about to start a lesson with Mr. Conner. Horse scenes flow fast for me.

So, if you like, check in here or on the first 3daywat post.


horse_crazy said...

I'm glad loads of people participate at your #3daywat write-a-thon (I hope thats how its called)I'm really excited for popular! I'm convinced that it will be great, especially when you typed on your blog that you rewrote chapter 1, it means it will be even more great! go canterwood crest academy go!lol

Julie said...

hey guys!
my writing for the #3daywat yesterday and today is coming along! I wrote a summery for my story, wrote a list of characters with their bios, and started writing the book...I got to chapter 2!!! So, that's def not as much as I wanted to have done by now, but its still an ok amount! =)
how's everyone else doing?
btw: I have a horse/writing blog...if you click on my name, its a link to my blog!!!
enjoy your day!

Jackie V. said...

since yesterday, i wrote two chapters for a story i've been working on for a while but have only been writing every once in a while. and i typed up a part of another story i've been planning that i handwritten earlier. i'm having such a great time doing this. i really like how my story is coming out so far.

Connie said...

This #3daywat is sooo cool!!!! I started a new story and I have kind of got a chapter needs lots of work, so I think by the end of the break, my fist chapter will be done! I can't wait to read Initiation and Popular!!!!!!

Violet and Ruby said...

Signing off for the night with 15 pages. :) I left off in the middle of a riding lesson . . . can't wait to start again tomorrow!

Good luck to everyone who's still working tonight!


Thoroughbredstar said...

I havent been able to do a lot this weekend, we've been extremely busy! But I have planned out some events for my story as well as a few paragraphs in my 2nd chapter. I'm so excited for the next CC books!! Good luck to everyone writing, i hope to be taking your books off the shelf and B&N one day! (:

Anonymous said...

Working on character outlines :)

Molly said...

Anybody want to trade stories with me to read?

Show jumper said...

Sure i will!!!!!

Molly said...

Show Jumper-
Okay. Do you have a Howrse account? I can't give out my email.

Show Jumper said...

Yes, my user is knjackson5. I would be glad to read it over and edit it.

Show Jumper said...

Does anyone else want an editor or reader?

Violet and Ruby said...

Had to answer/send business emails first, but am FINALLY able to start writing now!

Good luck, guys! :) Final check-in will be tonight.


Show Jumper said...

Yay........have fun!!

Go writer girlies!!!! :)

molly_cat said...

I made an e-mail for people to email me for editing and reading:)

Show Jumper said...

Awesome. I will email u with (anyone can email me at this address)

Feel free to email me your work so far if you would like. Trading stories with other authors is a great thing to do.

~Show Jumper

DancingQueen(Brea) said...

Heyyy SG I'd trade stories with you! You know I like to start stories but never finish them :P But maybe if I have a helper I'd actually stay focused and not get side tracked!!! Plus you could PM me on HM to keep writing, and you know if I don't respond there, just harass me at CCA role play. I'm getting ready for school right now, it's 5:55 a.m. and I gotta be at the bus stop by 7:45, so you know how much effot i gotta put into being purty ;) I'll PM you this eveing!


Anonymous said...

Hey anyone who wants to trade stories with me can email me at, an email i made for online purposes. :) I probably won't be able to email you mine for another week just because i am still working on mine.

Aly and Bella said...

This sounds really fun. And so any people are doing it....... awesome!!!!

Paula said...

Sad to report I only did one day. It was harder writing during a holiday weekend then I thought it would be. But the one day I did get in 45 minutes and heavy edits to chapter one of my latest WIP. And to make up for not doing it Sun or Mon, I wrote today during my lunch hour. Thanks for hosting this Jessica!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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