Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TMG's Jan/Feb 09 releases

Oooh, cool!

My agency put up a list of January/February 2009 releases! So. Cool. :)

See it here!

They list TAKE THE REINS and fellow Aladdin MIXer Julia DeVillers and her sis, Jennifer Roy, have their book, TRADING FACES, on the list, too.

It's starting to feel official now!

By the way, FAR FROM YOU author Lisa Schroeder did a wonderful post on her LiveJournal called "supporting authors when your heart is bigger than your wallet." It's a must read!

~*~TRIPLE FAULT progress~*~


14 first draft pages down (oh, the horror of the first draft!) ;) (Really shouldn't be winking...)
2 1/2 cups of green tea consumed
1 cup of coffee (refilled at least twice)
0 instances of hair pulling

And, finally, I can't believe it's the last day of 2008. I'm sooo ready for 2009 to start and I'm ready to kick if off tonight!


Stephanie J said...

2009 will be VERY exciting! I cannot wait!

And wow, 14 pages already. I need to take commitment lessons from you! I feel you on the tea...I think I drink my body weight in tea almost daily. No coffee tho...grosses me out!

Jessica Burkhart said...

Ah, but today's page count--zero! :)

No coffee? Really?! I don't know if we can be friends... ;)

Christina Farley said...

You are really kicking it in! (no pun intended.)

I'm all stocked up to start my Fast Draft today (don't tell anyone but I haven't written anything yet today!).

Coffee- check
Chocolate- check
Outline- sort of check :)
Will as strong as steal to write this baby- check!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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