A few weeks ago, I joked to Kate that I was having a mid-life crisis. She got a look of utter disgust on her face, looked through the books on her shelves and pulled out one out. "I think you meant
quarter-life," she said and tossed the above book at me.
I'm not really having a mid or quarter-life crisis (at least, I don't think I am!) but today is my 24th birthday. So it's almost quarter-life.
Twenty-four doesn't feel different than twenty-three. Actually, lots of 24-year old me things are the same as 23-year old me. Like:
I'm still immature in a lot of ways.
I still love Disney movies.
I wish I had time to reread Harry Potter and Twilight.
I'm obsessed with RPattz.
I love glitter.
I will buy anything that sparkles.
I love my BFF.
I cry when people I love are hurting.
Snow makes everything feel better.
I gained friends.
I lost friends.
Something happened that I'd been wishing for for almost two years.
Most of my paychecks go to my Victoria's Secret credit card because of my love of their PINK line.
I punched a guy in the face who deserved it. I'd do it again this year if necessary.
Gram sends me the best cards and leaves BFF the funniest voice mails.
I'm addicted to my BlackBerry.
I share a birthday with Oprah.
Hilary Duff is still my celeb arch nemesis. (Should have told her that when I saw her on NYE!)
I love pens. I keep stealing them from Ross.
The Ellen DeGeneres show is the one show that makes me laugh no matter how I'm feeling.
24-year old me is different than 23-year old me, though, in ways. Such as:I have purple tinsel (hairflairs.com) in my hair.
I can handle more than I thought I could.
I co-own a business with my bestie.
I lost friends who weren't friends after all.
I saw an ugly side to business.
I love my BFF more than I thought I could.
Team Canterwood has grown to a crazy-horse-loving army.
I don't carry a subway map.
My bestie and I are getting identical second tattoos.
I know I'll never leave my neighborhood.
I'm starting to be honest with myself about what I really want.
I'm more about action instead of words.
I'm juggling multiple projects--YAs, tween novellas, Canterwood and more.
My Brooklyn family is closer than ever--it's a very
Meet the Fockers "circle of trust" type of thing.
I can't go a day without watching an episode of
Pretty Little Liars.
So, I welcome 24 and whatever 2011 brings. I'm very much the same, but different in a lot of ways than I was at 23. I'm ready to take 24 one day at a time.