Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 more Canterwood Crest downloadables!

The S&S marketing team has done it again and created more fun downloads for your computer! Here are two backgrounds of the cover of RIVAL REVENGE for your desktop. Just click on each photo and find the right size for your computer. Enjoy! I'm using one for my background and so is Kate.

Happy weekend, Team Canterwood!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Canterwood Twitter background downloadable

You asked for it and the awesome marketing team at S&S answered! Here's a Twitter background for you to download and use. Check it out on my Twitter and see what you think. Huge sparkles to Bess and Venessa!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tallahassee Writers Conference

I've been getting lots of e-mails about the Tallahassee Writers Conference where I'll be teaching a workshop AND talking to the public. The public event is free and it's on Saturday, March 20 at 10:15 am in room 214 at the Florida State University conference center.

I'll be talking about my writing life and all things Canterwood. So, if you're in the area, definitely stop by! :) Thanks so much to Donna for selecting me to speak. I'm thrilled to be going back to my school and talking to young people about writing.

For details, check here.

The hotel looks FAB and I just ordered the cutest bikini from Victoria's Secret for the whirlpool. It's def going to be a work/play trip.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday!

Last night was awesome! Went to Madison Square Garden with Editor K and J.R. Angelella to see Kathy Griffin. I totally heart her show and it was the coolest thing to see her in person. Pics are on my Twitter feed and Facebook.

Back to writing now and prepping for a day-long writing marathon tomorrow. I'm superexcited about this book--it'll be the introduction of a new character, Brit, and there will be DRAMA! :)

Turned in one of my two articles, so I've got to finish the second one soonish and hand that in. The next few months are going to be a blur--going to Florida, Oklahoma and Utah for conferences. I'm not speaking in Utah--it'll actually be like a vacay! *gasp* Do not want to think about the last time I took an actual vacation. Ummm...? No clue. But the Florida trip gives me an excuse to shop--I need a swim suit as the fab hotel has an outdoor pool (likely going to be too cold), BUT there's also a whirlpool. Love.

Back to writing! Happy Friday everyone!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing Callie Harper!

Here's a Q&A I did with Cheyenne, the model who portrays Callie Harper. Hope you like it! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Canterwood Crest cover shoot vid!

Here's another exclusive video from the Canterwood Crest photo shoot! Meet Brit--who appears for the first time in ELITE AMBITION.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Big, big, big annoucement!

The past few days have been busy with sad personal issues related to a friend, but I think it's time for a *little* good news on a Saturday.

I'm shocked, thrilled, beyond excited and SOOOOO happy to announce that Editor K and the team at S&S have decided they'd like FOUR MORE CANTERWOOD BOOKS! So, 13-16, here we come! The official deal will go up on Pub Lunch soon, but I couldn't hold it in any longer and got the okay to share.

I'm incredibly grateful that not only do I get to keep writing these books that I love, but more so that I'm able to work with Kate. We're already brainstorming concepts and I'm just freaking out with excitement about these!

I've got to say thank you so much to Bethany, Mara, Fiona, Liesa and Jon for backing the books and being excited. Team S&S!

Cheers to four more books! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Writing like whoa

I got two new freelance assignments last week that are due in March. Both are on SUCH different topics--one is very serious--huffing and inhalants. The other is about horseback riding! That article will discuss options about how to ride if you don't own a horse and what you can do to get lessons for a reduced cost or even for free.

It'll be fun to switch to non-fiction for those pieces. I don't actively query anymore--I just don't have time. I love it when editors send me ideas for pieces they need done. So, I'll be working on that later in the month.

But first--back to book writing!

Hope everyone had a fab weekend!

And, if you haven't already, go congratulate Editor K on signing with an awesome agent. She's a talented writer who doesn't even realize her own potential and I can't wait to see her writing career bloom.

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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