In my hands, I have finished copies of BEST ENEMIES! Eeeee!! Above is the full spread and you can see the wrap around cover. *happy sigh* I'm just in love with it. Of course, I couldn't wait to see all five books together.

Going to be working all weekend and at a crazy pace while I get the chapter by chapter outline down for HOME SWEET DRAMA (CC #8). Once that's a go, then it's writing time. :)
Happy weekend.
Congrats Jess. I can't wait to read it, I'm sure it will be amazing. :D
Congrats. I can't wait for October! lol hurry up october 1st
Yay! I love how all the covers wrap around. this one is really nice.
Congrats Jess! The cover is beautiful. I can't wait till October 20 to read it! :)
Awesome Cover! I can't wait for October! ;)
Congratz on the book!! I can't wait 2 read it!! and P.S. how did you get the HTML template for your blog? mine's boring, but I can't get the right HTML
OMG it looks amazing! Congrats!
great cover!
Hurry Oct. 20!
Looks so good! I'd love to enter.
Oh. My. Gosh. Ugh I am going to die until I get Best Enemies!!!! Good thing I preorder. =^)
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