Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My photo inspired by Lady Gaga's Body Revolution

Jess Ashley's take on Lady Gaga's Body Revolution 10/17/12

There have been a lot of positive (and some negative) comments in the media recently about Lady Gaga's Body Revolution. In short, the movement is about loving and accepting your body exactly the way it is. Many people are posting their own shots on I wasn't "born this way," but I'm proud of how I now look.

2: titanium rods in my back
12: number of inches long each rod is
4: inches of height I gained after my spinal fusion
6: pints of my blood used during surgery
1: year until full recovery
9: hours in surgery
0: number of scoliosis cases worse than mine that the doctors had seen
13: age I was at the time of surgery
25: age I am now


*Photo credit: Kate Angelella
Cross-posted from


~Amy~ said...

it must've taken a lot of courage to get through that. <3

Go to my blog about riding and horses and more! There are games and contests too!!! Here's the adress:

comment and stuff too!

Connie said...

Wow, you're so brave to go through a NINE HOUR surgery!! And it was the worst case the docotrs have ever seen...!!!
I love your Cantwerwood series, I own all the books and some of them are autographed =). You're a huge inspiration to young writers like me!

Autumn Alvarez said...

Thankks for sharing this

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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