Busy writing--deadline approaching! Eeek! :) But wanted to remind you that I'll be in West Chester, PA on August 25th signing books. I really hope you can come. Here's the list of other authors who are going and our time slots:
Signing from 12-1
Susan Shaw
Victoria Schwab
Victoria Schwab
Margie Gelbwasser
Charlotte Bennardo
Jackie Kessler
Amalie Howard
Ellen Jensen Abbott
Amalie Howard
Ellen Jensen Abbott
Signing from 1-2
Jennifer Hubbard
Jennifer Murgia
J.R. Wagner
Shannon Delany
Beth Kephart
Brigid Kemmerer
Jaclyn Dolamore
Jessica Spotswood
Signing from 2-3
Jeri Smith-Ready
Maria V. Snyder
Cyn Balog
Josh Berk
Cesya MaRae Cuono
Gwendolyn Heasley
Dianne Salerni
Rebecca Serle
Signing from 3-4
Jennifer Armentrout
Sarah Darer Littman
Alissa Grosso
Wendy Higgins
Amy Holder
Tiffany Schmidt
Jessica Burkhart
As a side note, I've been getting so many lovely and supportive notes about the end of Canterwood. To answer a few questions that I've been getting a lot:
* Masquerade, Perfect, AND Home for Christmas will still be published. Yay! :)
* The decision to end the series was not mine, but rather that of my publisher. Basically, it's crazy-lucky-amazing that we were able to experience CC for 20 books. It's rare these days to have a series go so long.
* Yes, of course I love Sasha, Lauren, and Canterwood! I <3 2006.="2006." all="all" allowing="allowing" characters="characters" for="for" guys="guys" me="me" nbsp="nbsp" of="of" since="since" span="span" these="these" to="to" write="write" you="you">
* No, I don't have any new sold projects. My main priority is Canterwood and I'm working on a variety of projects on the side. If anything sells, you'll be the first to know! Promise!
* Wellington Prep does not have a set publication date. This is due to many factors, one being that I won't write without Editor K who is still very, very sick.
I think that answers most of the questions . . .
Happy weekend!
1 comment:
I hope Kate gets better so you can write Wellington prep again. It sounded like such a massively awesome idea. I can't wait to read your new ideas.
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