Thursday, August 30, 2012

Masquerade release AND secrets spilled!

Cover copyright © 2012 Simon & Schuster. Photo © Monica Stevenson.

I can't believe it's almost time for MASQUERADE! As Lauren would say, oh mon Dieu! I had SO much fun writing this book--there's a party, a masked guest, riding drama and everything Canterwood. Plus, it's coming out so soon after COMEBACK. That made me think of the "old days" when I had to write a CC book about every 6 weeks so they could pub bi-monthly. Wow, LOL. 

Another book that I'm CRAZY thrilled about is HOME FOR CHRISTMAS. It's going to be the last in the series--don't get me started or I'll get all teary! But I'm going to give you, the best readers in the whole world, two early secret sneak peeks about the final Canterwood Crest book.

* The tag line: (applaud Kate for this!) Canterwood's It-Girls look dashing in the snow . . . 


There will be a reunion of the New Class AND the Old Class! THAT'S RIGHT! You'll see Miss Sasha Silver, Callie, Jacob, Eric, Heather, Brit--all of my beloved stars of books 1-12. They won't play a minor role, either. 

So, there you go! I'm going to spend months writing HOME FOR CHRISTMAS so that it's every bit as epic as I imagine it to be. I also want to give you, Team Canterwood, the series ending that you deserve. I'll be listening to Christmas music this summer when I write this book, LOL.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New items in the Official Canterwood Crest store

New merchandise has been added to the Official Canterwood Crest store! New items are in development, so keep checking back for more! :)

Sayin' hi!

Hi, guys!

I am so sorry the blog has been quiet, but it's all for a good cause--I promise! :)

JEALOUSY is due soon, so I'm finishing it up and trying to make it supersparkly fun. I've also been sick (boo) and took medication that made me even *more* sick. How wrong is that?! I finally got on the right antibiotic and am getting better.

Gotta get back to writing (Lauren's like, "Hey! You left me mid-sentence!") and I hope you're all having a good week!

I love you, Team Canterwood!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Comeback contest!

Hey, all!

Taking a quick break from working on JEALOUSY to post about a new contest (yaay!) for COMEBACK!

The prize? 

One winner will be drawn at random (using a site that mashes numbers and picks one) for a 15 minute Skype chat or phone call with me! 

If you're international, you're eligible to win *if* you have Skype.

Otherwise, if you're in the US, it's up to you if you'd like to video chat via Skype or talk on the phone. (I'll call you so your long distance bill won't go up.) :)

How do you enter? 

Leave a review of COMEBACK on,,, or another site that sells COMEBACK.

After your review is posted, leave a comment here directing me to your review (like, tell me your name that you used to review, where you posted it, date of post, and a link if possible). If you've already reviewed COMEBACK then leave the same info in the comment.

Deadline: September 1, 2012

I will announce the winner on September 2nd! 

Good luck and THANK YOU, Team Canterwood, for helping to spread the word about CC! <3 br="br" xx="xx">

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fall cleaning! :)

Working hard on JEALOUSY, but I am going through my closet to weed out items I no longer need. FYI, I just listed my old iPod Nano (4th gen/pink) on eBay. :)

Probably more stuff to come!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

PA signing schedule

Hey, all!

Busy writing--deadline approaching! Eeek! :) But wanted to remind you that I'll be in West Chester, PA on August 25th signing books. I really hope you can come. Here's the list of other authors who are going and our time slots:

Signing from 12-1

Susan Shaw
Victoria Schwab
K.M. Walton
Margie Gelbwasser
Charlotte Bennardo
Jackie Kessler
Amalie Howard
Ellen Jensen Abbott

Signing from 1-2

Jennifer Hubbard
Jennifer Murgia
J.R. Wagner
Shannon Delany
Beth Kephart
Brigid Kemmerer
Jaclyn Dolamore
A.S. King
Jessica Spotswood

Signing from 2-3
Jeri Smith-Ready
Maria V. Snyder
Cyn Balog
Josh Berk
Cesya MaRae Cuono
Gwendolyn Heasley
Dianne Salerni
Rebecca Serle

Signing from 3-4
Jennifer Armentrout
Christine Norris
Sarah Darer Littman
Alissa Grosso
Wendy Higgins
Amy Holder
Elisa Ludwig
Tiffany Schmidt
Jessica Burkhart
 As a side note, I've been getting so many lovely and supportive notes about the end of Canterwood. To answer a few questions that I've been getting a lot:

* Masquerade, Perfect, AND Home for Christmas will still be published. Yay! :)
* The decision to end the series was not mine, but rather that of my publisher. Basically, it's crazy-lucky-amazing that we were able to experience CC for 20 books. It's rare these days to have a series go so long. 
* Yes, of course I love Sasha, Lauren, and Canterwood! I <3 2006.="2006." all="all" allowing="allowing" characters="characters" for="for" guys="guys" me="me" nbsp="nbsp" of="of" since="since" span="span" these="these" to="to" write="write" you="you">
* No, I don't have any new sold projects. My main priority is Canterwood and I'm working on a variety of projects on the side. If anything sells, you'll be the first to know! Promise! 
* Wellington Prep does not have a set publication date. This is due to many factors, one being that I won't write without Editor K who is still very, very sick. 
I think that answers most of the questions . . . 
Happy weekend!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes To Their Younger Selves A great video from Scholastic that goes along with the book titled above.

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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