Hello! Happy Saturday, everyone! :)
I'm up to my ears in unicorns :D since I'm writing Unicorn Magic #3.
I wanted to share a new, exciting project with you!
As some of you may know, I am co-writing an e-book geared to helping young writers get published. I am still going to publish it, but like you guys know, I have a pretty bad/annoying elbow tendon injury. I have to be SUPER careful about how long I'm on the computer. Sadly, right now, the pain I am in is keeping me from working, blogging, writing, etc. as much as I want and need.
However, I felt getting this info to young writers was really important.
So, I am filming chapters of the guide! I just sent the first video in for formatting and it will soon (I'm not sure exactly how long the process takes) Amazon will upload my video! You will be either to rent it or purchase it via Amazon Instant Video.

Rentals will be available for 48 hours and purchases are yours forever. The video will look like this on Amazon (minus Brad Pitt :D)
TOP TEN MISTAKES YOUNG WRITERS MAKE is the first installment! It is 34 minutes long.
In addition to being a tool for young writers, these videos will also be options for schools, libraries, book clubs, etc., to rent or buy. It's like an author visit without any tech glitches or paying hundreds of dollars for a single session with an author. If anyone is able to spread the word of my series to teachers and librarians, I would SO appreciate it!
It will be SUPER inexpensive--just enough to help cover costs of purchasing DVDs and cover images.
Info about the first video is below! When it goes live, I will reveal the DVD's cover and will post the link for rental or purchase. Just like other Amazon Instant Videos, you'll be able to watch my videos on your iPad, TV, iPhone, computer--however you like! And just like other Amazon Instant Videos there will be no physical copy. :)
Check it out below and I hope you like what you read! If the first one is well received then I will continue the series!
34 minutes, NTSC
Published at 14, Jess understands what it's like to be a young writer. Now, at 22 year old, Jess has 20 tween novels published with Simon & Schuster. Over 500,000 copies of her Canterwood Crest series novels are in print.
Jess debunks common publishing myths and highlights truths in this 34 minute long video. This is the first of several to come in her WRITE NOW! series.
Despite the title, TOP 10 is a useful guide for a writer of any age seeking publication.
Jess has visited many classrooms both in person and via Skype. She wanted to create a video for viewers to be able to pause, take notes, or refer back to.
Some praise for her teaching:
"Jess Burkhart's Skype author visit was an inspiration to my Middle School Book Club students. She did an amazing job integrating her own personal life story into a motivational talk about the writing process. My students were left feeling excited about doing some writing of their own!" ~Cathie Bashaw Morton, Library Media Specialist, Millbrook Central School District, New York
"Jessica Burkhart is an excellent speaker who engages students by connecting with them through her many experiences as an author. She is engaging and inspiring while encouraging students to follow their dreams and persevere in their writing. She also shares tips on how to get their writing noticed. I highly recommend this experience for your students!" ~Abbe Waldron, Library Media Specialist, Wamogo Regional High School
For more about Jess, visit www.JessicaBurkhart.com or Tweet her @JessicaBurkhart.
1 comment:
Do writers make a lot of money? I really want to be one, but I'm not sure if they make enough money to support their family.
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