Wednesday, November 21, 2012

YA for NJ

Thanks to Kieran Scott (Kate Brian), I'm participating in her AWESOME idea: YA for NJ! (Like it on Facebook!)

The basic run down (quoting from the linked PW article below):

Kieran got together "170 young adult and middle-grade authors for a YA for NJ benefit auction, hosted by eBay Giving Works, to fill the coffers of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey." The action, running from November 30 to December 7th will benefit people in need of food because of Hurricane Sandy.

I'm offering up: 

a signed copy of Popular
a signed copy of Comeback
a free 30 minute classroom Skype session

Check out the auction here and please bid for a good cause! 

YA for NJ got some awesome coverage in Publishers Weekly! Yay!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster merger?!


First, it was Penguin and Random House. That JUST happened.

Now, it's HarperCollins in preliminary talks to buy S&S.

My best friend called it when the first talk of a merge happened. She predicted this one, too. I didn't know if it would, but wow does it feel scary.

How strange it will be not to say "The Big Six?"

I know jobs will be lost in house and I'm sure that will impact authors as well.


Um, back to writing. A lot. Very fast.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

From NaNoNovel to published series

I am one of the VERY grateful authors who has had a NaNoNovel published. Mine was my 2006 NaNoNovel, TAKE THE REINS (Simon & Schuster, 2009).

I love, love NaNoWriMo and thought I'd share my journey with you! I blogged a lot during 2006 on my old blog, so I wanted to post the links to the entries and you can see how TTR went from idea to a 20-book series.

Keep in mind, in October, I had no idea what to write and didn't decide until two days before to enter! I was also a 19-year old senior in college at Florida State University taking a full course load. But I WANTED this. No matter how busy you are, treat NaNo like a job and DO IT!

I hope you have fun looking over my timeline! It certainly took me back down memory lane. :)


NaNo Day 2

NaNo Day 3

NaNo Day 4

NaNo Day 5

NaNo Day 7

NaNo Day 8

NaNo Day 9

NaNo Day 10

NaNo Day 12

NaNo Day 13

NaNo Day 14

NaNo Day 16

NaNo Day 20

NaNo Day 21

NaNo Day 22

NaNo Day 26

After NaNo and onto publication:

December 6

December 20


January 7, 2007
(Take the Reins was called Freshman Fifteen for a while and it was YA!)

January 18

February 7

May 24

June 5

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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