Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back to Brooklyn

K and I got home late last night from Mayo. Thank you ALL for the well wishes and inquiries about her surgery. She is healing, but the tests did not reveal anything that helped doctors determine how to stop her pain. So, we'll be going back in December.

I hope you're all having a good week and are getting ready for Halloween. It's my fave holiday--and Kate's!

Are you dressing up? Trick or treating? Attending a party?


Back to writing veeery fun scene in POPULAR. :p


Anonymous said...

So glad you are back home, but sad to hear Kate has to go back in December. Few Halloween decorations in our neighborhood,nothing too scary....Keep the faith.

Adina H. said...

I hope kate feels better, srrry that she has to go back in decemmeber too. My family doesent really do halloween, but its funny seeing the decorations and the costumes :)

DancingQueen said...

Ugh :( I feel so bad for Kate!!! We all will hold our breath for her:) Hahaha I'm still deciding whether to be a devil or angel, with the help of my favorite HM friendsss hahahaha Not alot of decorations up in my neighborhood, but I'll be decorating the yard with my sister soon...Going with my BFF Sydney trick-or-treating to like 4 different neighborhoods hahahaha but until thann stuck it in school:/ Give my best wishes to Kate!

Madelyn said...

That's so sad that they haven't found anything for Kate. I'm being a cheerleader like every year. My team got new jackets too so i'mwearing that just in case it's to cold. Of course my family celebrates halloween, u should see my houseit's full of halloween stuff!!!

horse_crazy said...

I hope Kate will be OK, I know you need your best friend-and editor-. Yes, I'll be dressing up for Halloween, but I'm not sure what I'll be. A Smurf if the costumes are OK! lOL!!! I'll be trick or treating, a bit...I want to give out candy too! G2G...feel like reading some halloween legends...:)

Anonymous said...

Free Horse Illustrayed mag subscription! Thought you horse lovers might want to know:


Connie said...

I really hope Kate is better soon, and I hope the doctors will find the answer to her problem immediately. I might pass out candy on Halloween, or go trick-or-treating. Can't wait to read Initiation and Popular!

Cheer Champ/Show Jumper said...

I am soooo sorry 2 hear about Kate! I know we all wish that the doctors could figure it out. I'm not going around trick-or-treating, instead my two friends and I are going to stay home and pass out candy to all the little children. lol! I hope Kate gets better and happy halloween!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you haven't found out anything about Kate! My best wishes from my family and I. I'm going as Justin Bieber with my best friend, and some other girls are going to be Cheerios, (from Glee) or 80's girls.

spider72hr said...

halloween is my ABSOLUTE favorite holiday!! i mean, candy and dressing up?!?!

im soo sorry kate. i cant even imagine what kind of situation your in. its horrible but something good will come out of it, i promise.

i am being luna lovegood from harry potter and am *attempting* to make part of my costume since her jewelry is crazy expensive online.

and im about to go grab some stuff for decorating my house so brb.

feel better kate! the doctors will find out whats happening so you wont have to suffer much longer, i just know it. ;)

Callie said...

I hope she feels better. I can't wait for the next book to come out???? Hey, Jessica do you still sign books if I send mine to you????

CrossCountryGirl said...

I hope Kate feels better! I've been thinking good thoughts. I'm not celebrating Halloween his year since I'm living abroad in France and they don't celebrate it here! But we will be in Madrid for the actual Halloween night, so who knows? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica & Kate! This Halloween I'm going trick-or-treating as Cleopatra.
I'm so sorry that Kate has to go back to Mayo. She is in my prayers. I'm also going to a Halloween sleepover after Trunk-or-Treat this Friday. I'm bringing chocolate and orange flavored cupcakes. Should be fun! :)
Have a great Halloween and God Bless!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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