Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dominate release date! Get ready!

Cross-posted from Violet & Ruby!

Wellington Prep . . . where dark secrets and dangerous lies are meant to be found out.

We have an *official* release date to share!

Dominate (Wellington Prep #1) will release on
March 11, 2011!

We'll provide all the links on that day (it's not available for pre-order), but you'll be able to purchase it via and for your e-reader devices. They will be priced at $2.99. (Um, can you say "killer deal!")

Dominate will be a perf weekend read, so that's why we chose Friday as "The Day."

As we've mentioned, it's not going to be available in physical stores. It's the first e-novella (a shorter form of an e-novel) installment in the Wellington Prep series. You'll have to download each e-novella to keep the juicy mystery and the horse-centered drama going. Each e-novella will add up to a complete e-book. :) We've already come up with titles for the next two and we can't wait to share them! Plotting and writing these have been a blast for two besties like Kate and me.

So, YAY! We're veeerrry excited and hope you are, too! The blog will be filled with fun posts and giveaways that week--def keep checking back!

It's beyond exciting to be bringing you the first project from Violet & Ruby Productions!

Want me to blurb your book?

I’ve been asked recently about my policy on blurbing books, so I thought I’d do a quick post about it.

I definitely am blurbing as my schedule allows. Keep in mind, I only blurb books that I love. Also, if they’re not tween friendly (take my Canterwood audience into consideration), I have to discuss it with my editor. I may not be able to blurb it or the blurb might be under my YA pen name—Jessica Ashley.

If you’d like me to consider your book for a blurb, please shoot me an e-mail with a quick summary, if it’s tween friendly or not and how soon you need the blurb. I love talking up books I adore and if you’d like to consider me as a potential blurber, my e-mail address is jess _ Burkhart AT hotmail DOT com.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A fave series coming to an end

I'm so sad that one of my all time fave series is coming to an end! Sniff!

The first book released in June 2006

The final installment in Sept 2011

The last PRIVATE book by the ubertalented Kate Brian will be released on September 6, 2011. I loved the title, VENGEANCE, and cannot wait to read it. I've got such mixed emotions about it. When I get addicted to a series, I want them to go on FOREVER. I feel that way especially about Private. It was series that Kate introduced me to. She sent me the first four books and that was a mistake on her part, LOL. After that, I kept begging (read: bugging) her for the latest book.

The series is one of my ultimate favorites and it really is one that is memorable for me.

Another series I devoured was Sara Shepard's Pretty Little Liars series and just finished WANTED a few episodes into season one of the show. So, yes, I know who "A" is (no spoilers in the comments, please!!) and it's so fun to watch the ABC Family show and see where they take it. I actually like having read the books and then comparing them to the show. Alloy and Sara put together something insanely magical--a fast-paced murder mystery that's hot, funny and full of cute boys. What more does a girl need? *bows to genius Sara*

I read that ABC Family picked up The Lying Game (Sara Shepard's new series) and I have to grab that first book. There's only one out so far. It's interesting to me that a series was optioned based on only one book being released, but I'm guessing with the success of PLL and Sara's track record, it was a no-brainer. I can't wait to watch the progress of the show and see how soon it'll be on air.

But back to Private. I've read most of the books at least three or four times. I haven't read VANISHED or OMINOUS yet--have to get those. I started THE BOOK OF SPELLS and then got crazy with my deadline. But it's a book I want to go back to ASAP.

What are some of your favorite series? How do you feel when a series ends? I want to know! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Interview up with Book Chic

Thank you to Book Chic who posted a fun interview on his blog today. Head on over to check it out.

Happy Friday!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your frequently asked questions answered!

I get so many fun e-mails that I haven't had time to personally respond to them all. So, I thought I'd blog the most common questions with answers. I'm also pasting my FAQ from my Website.


I'm a young writer and I want to get published! Advice?

I shared TONS of tips and tricks here!

Where has your writing been published?

You'll find over 100 of my articles, quizzes, short stories and more in magazines and newspapers such as: A Girls' World,, Beautiful Girl, Characters, Florida Trend's Next, FSView & Florida Flambeau, Girls' Life, Guideposts Sweet 16, Howl!, Kid Magazine Writers, Lake City Magazine, Listen, NE Chronicle, Positive Teens, Rainy Day Corner, Romance Writers Report, Teen Ink, Teen Scene, Teen Voices, Teenage Christian, The Famuan, The Next Step, The Tattoo, The Writer, Writing for Dollars, Young People's Press and Young Writer.

How did you get an agent?

In November 2006, at nineteen, I participated in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. The goal of the contest is to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. The prize? The writer has a completed first draft of a novel. I signed up and on December 1, I had a very, very rough draft of Take the Reins.

I blogged (the entry is still in the archives) that I'd finished a novel and was going to start editing it and looking for an agent.

That month, an agent stumbled onto my blog and read my entry about my book. She sent me an e-mail and offered to read it.

I sent it and--gasp--she liked it! She signed me as a client in January 2007 and we revised the manuscript for a few months before it went on submission.

Who are your favorite authors?

I have so many authors whose work I love that I couldn't come close to listing them all! But . . .

I adore anything by Kate Brian, Libba Bray, Stephenie Meyer, Sara Gruen, Maureen Johnson, Sara Shepard, Richelle Meade, Lauren Barnholdt, Meg Cabot, Ellen Hopkins, Cynthia Leititch Smith, Becca Fitzpatrick and Stephenie Meyer.

Fav movies?

Tough call between Moulin Rouge and Mean Girls. I heart them! I also love Easy A, Disney movies, National Velvet and The Devil Wears Prada.

Where have you lived?

Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Illinois and now New York.

Things you can't live without?

Lip gloss. (It's everywhere. I, um, even have a lip gloss box beside my laptop.) Books. Kittens. Pink pens. Cozy sweaters. Tea. Best friend. BlackBerry. Twitter. Hello Kitty. PINK. Sephora.

Now some new questions . . .

Do you have a horse or ride?

I live in the city, so I can't. I'm also not able to ride because I had a spinal fusion for scoliosis (my spine turned S-shaped) when I was 13. If I ride and fall off, I could break the two titanium rods in my back and, worst case, be paralyzed. Best part? No back pain and no one can tell I had surgery. I think the scars are cool, too. :)

Is Canterwood becoming a movie or TV show? Can I audition?

It's my dream if that happened! First, a producer needs to "option" the books. Then, he/she hires a writer to produce a script. The producer then shops the script to networks (ABC Family, Disney, etc.,) and hopes one likes the idea. If the series gets optioned, Team Canterwood will be the first to know!

If it DID make it to production, I'd have no control over casting.

Will you come to my school?

I'd love to! I'm not traveling right now, but I am doing visits via Skype. Have your teacher contact me.

How many Canterwood books will there be?

I'm contracted for 20! Yay!

Are you writing other things?

Yes. I co-own a two-person packager, Violet & Ruby, with my best friend and Canterwood editor, Kate Angelella. We're writing an e-book novella horse series and working on many, many other projects. Check out our blog for details on dominate (Wellington Prep #1) our first project.

Can I send you my book to sign?

Of course! Directions are here.

Are there places I can talk to other Canterwood fans?

Yes! There are lots of forums that I love and participate with. Check out this for Canterwood and this one for Wellington Prep. You can also do role play here. So fun!

Is it REALLY you if I get an e-mail back?

Yes! I don't have an assistant (that sounds so crazy!) and any e-mail you get from me. I do have an auto-response on so you know I've received your message. I do my best to write back as soon as I can. Bear with me! :)

Will Wellington Prep be available in book form at a store?

No. E-book only. :)

Can I interview you for a school project?

It depends on where I am in my writing schedule. I'll try to let you know as soon as I can with a yes or a no so you're not waiting.

Will you read my book and tell me what you think?

If only I had the time! However, my editor Kate and I both offer freelance-editing services, so if you want your book to be read and edited (including a 15 minute phone call to discuss your project) get in touch with one of us.

When is your next event?

I'm not currently scheduled for any, but always check my blog for the latest news.

Will there ever be pictures of Eric or Jacob on the covers?

No, sorry! We want you to imagine the guys however you like. :)

Is Unfriendly Competition really the last book with Sasha as narrator?

Yes. At my publisher's imprint, there are rules about how old a character can be. To fit the guidelines, someone new had to "take the reins" and she will be starting with Chosen.

Argh! But I love Sasha! Will we see her at ALL?

She'll be popping in now and then, I'm sure. :)

So, I hope that answered some of your questions, if you've been waiting for an e-mail from me. Have a great night, guys!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My TBR pile calls to me . . .

I am soo bad about reading right now! I'm book hopping like crazy because my TBR pile is SO good! I've got Holly Black's RED GLOVE that I'm dying to start. The cover alone makes me want to drink a gallon of coffee and stay awake until I finish it. But I'm already reading two other books.

I just started Richelle Mead's SPIRIT BOUND. I am hopelessly in love with this series. It's fast-paced, dark, romantic...not to mention the vampires. I got hooked on it later than most, but I'm glad I have a couple left to read before the series ends.

I also just started Denise Jaden's LOSING FAITH. Isn't the cover beautiful? I'm intrigued by the concept and thought it would be good to read a stand-a-lone while reading another book in a series to mix it up.

What's calling to you from your TBR pile? Or, what are you reading now? Share!

PS: I have to copy Kate and say how freaking excited I am for RED RIDING HOOD.
Cannot wait to see it especially since Catherine Hardwicke directed it. Girl power! :)

Happy Friday and have a great weekend, all!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine

Whether you're with someone or single, celebrate the day! Much love to all of Team Canterwood! Sending candy hearts to all of you!<3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Any bloggers interested in an interview?

I haven't done the fab blog circuit in FOREVER, so if any book, horse, etc. bloggers would like to interview me, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail. :)

Send your request to jess _ burkhart AT hotmail DOT com.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chosen trailer

I thought it was time for a new trailer, so . . . here you go! This will *definitely* answer the question that everyone's been asking:

Who's the new girl?

Hope you like it! :)


Friday, February 11, 2011

Thanks, Publishers Weekly!

They ran a nice bit about my recent signing and included a pic of Jill aka Sasha and me! Check it out!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So totally random!

Things have been so quiet lately on the blog! I'm working on a bunch of different projects/ventures and haven't had much time to blog, but that's going to change. I miss blogging and want to keep Team Canterwood and my other readers in the loop with what's going on.

Right now:

* Huge sekrit project (cross your fingers that it works out!!)

* Working on INITIATION with Kate

* Writing/sketching DOMINATE (Wellington Prep #1) also with Kate

* Figuring out how Violet & Ruby Productions is going to work to bring YOU the best e-novellas and books. We've got several projects in the works, including PINKY SWEAR--which we still want your questions for. See this post for info on how to have YOUR question included in our e-novella. We'll keep yours totally anonymous if you like--just e-mail us with your questions at kate AT kateangella DOT com or jess_burkhart AT hotmail DOT com. We've had a ton of great questions already, so slots are filling up fast! :) Thank you, guys!

Anybody watching the special Glee on Sunday? Loved the "Thriller" dance! Tuesday's episode was my fave--I thought Rachel and Puck stole the episode with their take on Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now." Love that song.

And Valentine's Day is coming up! Any crushes? Loves? Or are you happily rocking it as a single girl?

Stay tuned, too, for the cover reveal of INITIATION! I'm waiting for it to reach me and then I'm posting it here. Cannot wait for you guys to see it. I <3333 it.

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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