Yaaay! I'm having my first ever New York City signing next year. :) On January 19, 2011 at 7pm, I'll be at the Barnes & Noble in Tribeca holding a Q&A, signing and saying farewell to Sasha as the narrator.
I'd LOVE to see you there, so come out! I can't wait to meet Team Canterwood members who live close by. I'm incredibly excited and I'll have reminder posts over the next month.
For the exact location of the store, check it out here.
The exact address is:
97 Warren Street
NY, NY 10007
Many thanks to my publicist, Nicole, for setting it up.
Awww! I can't come. I'm in California which is miles away from NY! Good luck, anyway! :) ♥
I wish I could be there! I know you'll get tons of your loyal readers there!!!Congrats.
Man, now I wished I lived in NY instead of chicago. Hey I got a friend whos going to NY over break, maybe I could make her go for me...........Congrats on getting one in NY, maybe next time you can come to chi-town!
I wish i could come but i'm snowed in in illinois lol. I bet you'll have a bunch of readers come:) at first when i saw the blog post, i though it said singing and q&a lol. I cant wait for the. Next book and 14-16 covers
Coolist thing happened to me sooo i was watching the saddle club and then it went to all of the boring commershals(spelling?) But the next thing i know i hear "Who says team mates have to be friends?" and i freaked! Can't believe that canterwood has a commershal (spell?)
YAY X 10
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