Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Canterwood live action fan movie!

Oh. My. Gosh. This is AMAZING! I'm so, so in love with it and thank you to prancinghorses12! You and your friends are wonderful for bringing Canterwood to life. :) Hearts and sparkles to you!

Everyone, definitely go subscribe to her YouTube channel.

And watch this:

Bubbly girls' nite

Busy day today. Two appointments then back home to prep for champagne celebration girl-date with BFF. (Cross your fingers that I don't trip in my new heels. They are pretty and sparkly!)

Nothing like a low-key night at a gorge Manhattan hot-spot to relieve a some stress. :) Pics to come!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Early release of Elite Ambition!!!

It's here! It's here!! ELITE AMBITION released early from Barnes & Noble online! **Link has been updated to the correct book!**

That, sadly, doesn't mean it's in physical stores juuust yet, but it will be soon! Start asking your local bookstores and you'll probably be able to get your copy early. I'm superexcited for you guys to read this one. *Everything* changes.



Best friends.

Ex-best friends.


Sasha's entire life at Canterwood turns upside down in this book. I cannot wait to hear what YOU think on the forum! And, you know, since it's a special day, I'm going to open this post for a week or so and moderate comments. Your comment will not appear right away--I have to screen it for content and/or spoilers, but I'll post them as soon as I read them. It's celebration time, Team Canterwood!

Many, many hugs to all of you for getting me to book # TEN. (Snap!) You guys *are* Canterwood and I can't tell you how much I heart you all. When you get a copy or if you want to freak out with excitement with me, say hi on Twitter to me or Editor K. Or, comment here, on Facebook or wherever you like.

I don't have early copies (sooo sorry!), but if/when I get them, I'll do a giveaway!

Thank you again to everyone at Aladdin for their support--you know who you are.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Mystery of Kate Angelella

Kate and I have recently become addicted to My Little Pony snacks. This came after a long convo about how we both had MLP collections as kids. They're just so cute and fun and pretty! Kate, however, reveal a deep dark secret! Yes, she used to bite the legs of her ponies! Totally admit--they had a certain scent that was . . . intriguing as a kid. (I, um, went through a cherry chapstick eating phase, so . . .) But it makes me heart her more!

But sooo cute! And nostalgic!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Canterwood series trailer! :)

It's time for another Canterwood movie! Since we're revamping the series, I thought it was time for a new series trailer. Hope you all enjoy! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Elite Ambition (Canterwood Crest #10) teaser trailer!

Hi, Team Canterwood!

Thought it was time for a new trailer! I just finished one for ELITE AMBITION (CC #10) and I hope you guys enjoy it! :)

Go Team Canterwood!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Downloadable Canterwood Twitter background

Canterwood Twitter Background

Want this background for your desktop or Twitter? You can download it! Click on the pic and it'll take you to get the code. :D

Thanks so much to S&S for making this! :) More to come this fall!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Elite Ambition: Chapter 1! :)

Thank you ALL so much for writing reviews of past Canterwood books on Barnes & Noble, Amazon and more! As promised, I've got a special surprise! Here's the first chapter of ELITE AMBITION (out Sept 14, 2010)!

Team Canterwood ROCKS and we're soooo close to another book!! September isn't that far away and the books always come out early. So, if you spot one, let me know! I'll be giving away signed copies as soon as I have them, so keep checking Twitter, Facebook and my blog. Yaay! Plus, stay tuned for NEW vlogs, major CanterwoodCrest.com site updates and lots of new things this fall. :D

Here's the chapter and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1



9/19/10 11:15am

To: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@zahoo.com)

From: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@mymail.com)

Subject: Hey

Hi Jacob,

I can't stop thinking about you, so I wanted to e-mail and say hi. It's only the first day of fall break, but I miss seeing you around. I know things are messed up between us and this e-mail probably doesn't help, but I wanted to be honest. Hope you're doing okay after the Homecoming dance.


PS: My phone broke and I won't get it back till the weekend, so don't try to text me. E-mail me back—if you want.

9/19/10 4:32pm

To: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@mymail.com)

From: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@zahoo.com)

Subject: re: Hey


I didn't expect you to e-mail me at all. I'm really glad you did. I know you said you want to stay single. I respect that and I won't push you anymore. But I miss you—I'm not going to lie, especially since we're both being honest about this.


9/20/10 7:32am

To: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@yahoo.com)

From: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@hotmail.com)

Subject: re: re: Hey

That's kind of why I was e-mailing. I'm just so confused. I know I keep sending mixed signals. I get that. And I don't want to hurt Callie or cause drama. But … never mind. Hope you're having a good break.


9/20/10 6:25pm

To: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@mymail.com)

From: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@zahoo.com)

Subject: re: re: re: Hey

You can't leave things hanging like that. Just say it—whatever it is. Do you want me to call you or something? Someone told me you were staying with Heather. Maybe I could call you on her phone.


9/21/10 10:15am

To: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@yahoo.com)

From: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@hotmail.com)

Subject: re: re: re: re: Hey

No, don't call. It's too hard to talk about this over the phone. Okay … fine. I'll tell you. I liked Eric. A lot. But now, I hope we can stay friends and that's it. And I know you had feelings for Callie. But I've been thinking about what you said that we never got a chance to really try being boyfriend and girlfriend. If you want, could we meet at the fountain when we get back to school? I still want to be careful not to hurt anyone, but maybe we owe it to ourselves to at least talk.


9/21/10 1:08pm

To: Sasha Silver (sassysilver@mymail.com)

From: Jacob Schwartz (gamerguy@yahoo.com)

Subject: re: re: re: re: re: Hey

Sash, I never want to hurt Callie either. And I don't want you to feel guilty about Eric, but like you said—you've moved on and I believe you when you say you want to be his friend. I think we should definitely meet when we get back to campus. Let's talk about this before things get crazy with school. I can't wait to see you.


As if I'd needed to read those e-mails again. I folded the papers and looked out window of Heather's Lincoln Town Car. The driver, Paul, pulled up to campus. Heather stared out the opposite window. We'd barely said a word to each other during the car ride from her New York City penthouse to Canterwood Crest Academy.

I stuck the papers in my purse and rubbed my eyes. For the entire fall break, Heather had been e-mailing Jacob as me. When I'd found out last night, I'd lost it over what she'd done.

This morning, I'd expected to wake up hating her. She'd hacked into my e-mail account, wrote my almost ex–boyfriend, and had arranged for Jacob and "me" to meet at the fountain at school. Heather hadn't apologized. She said she'd given me options—I could meet Jacob or not.

The choice was mine.

I'd been furious in that moment and had been in a panic about what I'd do when we got back to school.

But when I'd woken up, I hadn't hated Heather. She was Heather Fox after all and that's how she handled situations. She took control and tried to solve problems the "Heather" way, even if they weren't hers to fix. I'd known that about her for a long time. As I'd finished packing this morning, I kept waiting for the rush of anger. But that never happened.

I had to admit the truth to myself. Heather had been right last night when she'd said by e-mailing Jacob, she'd done what I couldn't. She'd told him exactly how I was feeling and nothing she'd e-mailed him had been a lie. Heather had told him everything I'd been too scared to think about, let alone e-mail to Jacob. Last night, I hadn't decided whether I was going to meet Jacob or not, but this morning, I'd known exactly what I was going to do.

Heather hadn't asked for my answer.

Paul eased the car up the winding driveway and passed rows of dark-railed fences that kept bay, black, gray, and other beautiful horses from roaming free. Even though I'd only been away for a week during fall break, the beauty of the campus almost made me press my nose to the glass. I wanted to take in every inch of the gorgeous Connecticut campus.

Sometimes, I still couldn't believe that I—a small town girl from Union, Connecticut—had been accepted to one of the most prestigious boarding schools on the East Coast. Not only was Canterwood insanely tough academically, but it also boasted a top-notch equestrian program. Thinking about riding made me miss my horse, Charm, so much that I almost wanted to climb out of the moving car and run toward the stable.

I frowned.

Before I could do that, I'd have to go back to my room and face a situation I'd been avoiding for the entire fall break—my falling out with Paige at the Homecoming dance that had caused me to stay at my former arch-nemesis's penthouse, instead of getting the planned break with my BFF/roomie.


Check it out here, too.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Yay, Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone!

What's everyone up to this weekend? I'll be working on the latest Canterwood book and reading. I just finished watching PRETTY LITTLE LIARS and OMG. So. Good! I've read every book except for the latest two and am re-reading the series with Kate. It's really, really fun to read books with a friend and have the same !!! reactions to certain parts.

Hope you all have a superfun weekend! :)



Monday, August 16, 2010

Canterwood Crest cover shoot update!

Exciting news, guys! The date for the supersecret Canterwood cover shoot has been set for next month! The models are chosen, the place is set and I'll be there updating you with all of the news from the set. Yay!

I can't WAIT for you to see the new cast, their names, and how amazing these covers are going to be. We've got the best of Team Canterwood on board and you guys are def going to freak! I'm counting the days till the shoot.

Get. Excited. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Canterwood #13-16 update!

Hi, guys!

Thanks so much for all of your notes and excitement about the next phase of Canterwood after UNFRIENDLY COMPETITION.

The models are chosen, a photo shoot date is set and there will be more details and fun things to come over the next few months. If you emailed/Facebooked/Tweeted, etc., at me about becoming a model, we do have the cast set, but thank you!

Happy Monday and Go Team Canterwood!

PS: ELITE AMBITION (CC #10) comes out in just over a month on September 14! Eeee! It'll prob be in stores in 3ish weeks and I can't wait. Let me know when you grab a copy!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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