Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BTB almost done! :D

I'm giving Behind the Bit its final proof before turning it in! Woo hoo! I can't speak enough, for me, about the value of an outline. I used to not outline as much, or at all. Now, I can't imagine not outlining chapter by chapter to get me where I want to go.

This month was much more NaNoEdMo than NaNoWriMo, but I'm still popping in on the forums and am loving following everyone's progress.

Got any NaNo word counts to share? Glee? Frustrations?


Mitch said...

Jessica, your productivity frightens me to no end. Weren't you just STARTING Behind the Bit?!

Jessica Burkhart said...

Well, I started it on October 10th or so. Not bad, I guess! ;) But it IS my fulltime job.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Book #3 under your belt. That's amazing. What are you plans now?

I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Thanks for adding me as a buddy. I'm hoping to break 30k tonight, if I can manage to sit still and stay out of the forums. The people with 200k+ words, hundreds of posts and goals of churning out 4+ books this month are too fascinating for my own good.


Barrie said...

I wish I could do NaNoWriMo. But it never fits into my schedule!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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