Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thank you, Team Canterwood! :)

I wanted to take a moment from writing Sekrit Project 1 (aahhh! Can't wait until it's no longer secret!!) to thank you all for grabbing a copy of JEALOUSY. It's such an important book to me because it's the second to last in the series before the grand finale of the Super Special.

I can't believe we're HERE. I'm in complete D-E-N-I-A-L that the series is coming to an end. If anyone tries to talk about it, I want to stick my fingers in my ears and go LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU!

That said, I've got some ideas that I'll try to make happen (that's honestly all I can say for now). Cross your fingers.

What did everyone do this weekend?


Monday, February 18, 2013

Excited for Jealousy!

I'm soooo excited because JEALOUSY releases tomorrow! WOO HOO!

When you grab your copy, def leave a comment and tell me!

**If you write a spoiler about the book, please, for the other members of Team Canterwood, write SPOILER at the beginning of your comment.**

I'll be signing stock copies sometime this weekend at the Park Slope Barnes & Noble. I'll also try to sign some copies around the city next time I'm in Manhattan.

Cheers to book #17! :)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jealousy relases in ONE week!

It's ALMOST time!

Time for what you ask?

Time for the release of JEALOUSY! Next Tuesday! It's up for pre-order on Amazon and Plus, you can ask your local bookstore to pre-order it for you. Definitely let me know when you've got your copy! I can't wait to hear what you think!

Eeeeeep!!! I'm SO pumped for you guys to read this book! It's the second to last of the Canterwood books to take place at school. WAH! But I just finished FAMOUS, the last book, and it was a crazy-sad-strange-proud moment when I got to The End.

And we still have Home for Christmas. Did you see my SECRET Tweet about HFC?? If not . . . Sasha AND Lauren will be co-narrating the book! THAT'S RIGHT!! Miss Silver is back and you'll get to read from her POV again. I am SO excited to write from her lip gloss loving brain. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long time no blog!

It's been crazy busy since I last blogged! I turned in the final draft of CC #18 and am working on the outline for HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.

There are SO MANY EXCITING THINGS I want to tell you guys!!!! I can't share two of them yet, but I can tell you one:

Canterwood books 1-8 were picked up by France for foreign publication! What does that mean? It means the first eight books will be translated into French, might get new covers, and will be sold in France. Squeak! :D

Um, let me think . . .  I want to give you guys hints about the other ridic cool news.

One is horse related. :) :) :) Nothing to do with Canterwood or Wellington Prep.

The other is quite a fantasy come true. :)

Hope I can share soon!

xoxo and be safe if you're in Nemo's (silly name, right?!) path.

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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