Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve!

To all who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas Eve!

Anyone tracking Santa on NORAD?

What are you hoping to find under the tree? Or, when you open your gifts, come back and tell me what you got! :)



Anonymous said...

I love Norad. The games are so much fun!!! Merry Christmas .

Kaci said...

OMG Christmas was AMAZING!! I got a ton of visa gift cards that were like $100 a piece, Justin Bieber perfume (DELICIOUS!!), a BUNCH of new clothes, gift cards to the BEST stores ever, and a zebra lava lamp! Oh, and the most adorable earrings EVER!! :) It was awesome...and now the day after we are supposed to be getting like 10 inches of snow!! YAAAY! :) Merry Christmas! :) <3

Audrey Jones said...

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Jessica! Or should I call you Ms. Burkhart... I received a Barnes and Noble gift card (which I will definitely use for Jealousy, which is coming out in less than a month!)

Busy Bee's Beauty said...

Christmas was wonderful here! Nothing like the joyful sounds of an 8 year old boy who revels in the magic and wonder of it all <3 I'll be sad when he grows up.
After spending a bagillion dollars on him, wanna know what his favorite gift was? The dollar store balloon animal kit. Yeah. For $1.00. LOL

Unknown said...

Hey Jess!
Created a blog for the new canterwood crest series. I hope you like it.
Here is the link:

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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