Anyone tracking Santa on NORAD?
What are you hoping to find under the tree? Or, when you open your gifts, come back and tell me what you got! :)
Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...
I love Norad. The games are so much fun!!! Merry Christmas .
OMG Christmas was AMAZING!! I got a ton of visa gift cards that were like $100 a piece, Justin Bieber perfume (DELICIOUS!!), a BUNCH of new clothes, gift cards to the BEST stores ever, and a zebra lava lamp! Oh, and the most adorable earrings EVER!! :) It was awesome...and now the day after we are supposed to be getting like 10 inches of snow!! YAAAY! :) Merry Christmas! :) <3
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Jessica! Or should I call you Ms. Burkhart... I received a Barnes and Noble gift card (which I will definitely use for Jealousy, which is coming out in less than a month!)
Christmas was wonderful here! Nothing like the joyful sounds of an 8 year old boy who revels in the magic and wonder of it all <3 I'll be sad when he grows up.
After spending a bagillion dollars on him, wanna know what his favorite gift was? The dollar store balloon animal kit. Yeah. For $1.00. LOL
Hey Jess!
Created a blog for the new canterwood crest series. I hope you like it.
Here is the link: http://canterwoodcrestlt.blogspot.com/
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