Saturday, December 17, 2011
Win a signed copy of Initiation!
So . . . anyone interested in winning a copy of INITIATION? (Out Jan. 3rd). :) If so, I'm giving away TWO signed copies!
The rules are easy:
You must be a US resident
You have to comment on THIS post and leave your email address so I can get in touch with you
Your comment topic is: "How are YOU going to celebrate Initiation release day?" :)
You get extra entries if: you reblog about the contest, tell your friends about Initiation (I trust you!), Tweet, Facebook, or do whatever you like to let other people know about it's release. If you leave what you did in your comment, I'll add it as an extra entry.
Two winners will be drawn at random at midnight on Monday. Good luck! I'll email the winners the next day. :)
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Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!
Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...
I'm soooo excited that my first Super Special is hitting all stores TODAY! As a kid, I *loved* super specials and having my own is beyon...
I've been posting a little about this on other socials, but I wanted to add here that I've got a free for now interactive horse stor...
Im going to be really excited! And i cant wait to read it! My email is:
I FaceBooked, Re-Tweeted your Tweet, Tweeted it myself ^_^
I will Facebook about it and (probably) finish it the same day :/
I will order it and wait for it to come. Getting books is like having Christmas all over again. Not only that, I will be writing about it in my journal. I also wrote about the contest in my blog.
my email is:
If I win a signed copy is would be amazing because I LOVELOVELOVE your books!I would be sooooooo happy to get that freaking book and I would probably read it all in one day. My email is: :D
I'm so excited I'm going to buy it the day it's out and read all day!! :) And I told a friend about it.
Christmas parties as ever! Today (Dec. 17) I am going t a huge family party (annual, everybody on my dad's side comes--I meet a new cousin every time I go shopping with my G-MA. In a TINY HOUSE,...) christmas party at my house on new years eve (when we all could) on my mom's side, and so many others, with Youth Group, and everything... It is going to be so much fun!!
I will post this on my not very popular blog.
When the book comes out I will buy it, read it all in one sitting without stopping, then shove in my friends faces and tell them that they have to read it. I will also tell everyone on my horse games I play that they have to read it. I will also go on my schools morning announcements and tell the whole school to read it and visit
Question: How do I reblog?
I think I might celebrate by getting together with my friend who got me into Canterwood Crest.
Ack, forgot my e-mail.
I will celebrate my reading it! :)
Oh wait, here's my email!
I will read the book as soon as I get it, then try to design my own book based on it but epically fail then probobly check the blog 15 times in 5 minutes waiting for something to appear! my email is:
(Emily and Aladdin4ever!@!)HIIIII!!!!! For the release for initiation, (I do this every book) I will order it on my kindle, wake up on January 3rd at 12 A.M. and read the book till I have to go to school. (5:30 A.M.) Then I talk with my friends, and we will have a sleepover talking about the book, and ask for the paper back book for my bday (January 26th) and my bday sleepover will be themed by initiation. I next will reread the book till I can recite the first three chapters. (I can with every book, and bought a signed copy of city secrets on ebay) I REALLY WANT TO WIN! I check this blog daily and her twitter acount including Lauren Tower's blog and twitter. I'm obsessed!!! My email is:
This is Emily and Aladdin 4ever!@, I just texted all of my friends abt the release!!!!!! Since I don't have a twitter or facebook
I'll write about it, Facebook it, ride a horse, and get ready for a all-night party thrown for Initiation! ;P
When a new book comes out, I usually reread all the other books just for fun, then I start reading the book. Once I finish, I carry it with me nearly everywhere and keep rereading it until I've memorized lines of it. I set "Initiation is coming out on Jan 3rd!" as my status =) Email ~
What I would do to celebrate is get my favorite kind of icecream and COFFEE/TEA:)Would lock myself in my room and read the whole book.And freak out that I got a free book from Jessica Burkhart<3<3:):)!!!!My e-mail is!!!
When Initiation comes out, I will follow the exact routine I follow for each new CC book. I will first wake up super early and go online to see the store hours for Barnes & Noble. I will tell my dad to "Get in the car we're going to the bookstore!" and get there *as soon* as the store opens. On the drive home, I force myself not to take one look inside and wait until I'm home. I will lock myself in my room. Then I'll either reread the series to catch up or just skim over parts that I want to remember (I spend all of my time in between the CC books coming out rereading and rereading them over and over again!!). After I've done that, I'll (EEK!) start on Intitation and read it in, like, an hour. Then, (surprise surprise) I'll reread it! Once I'm completely satisfied, I usually go downstairs to tell everyone about it over gmail and see which of my horsey friends wants to borrow it first. Then I'll go upstairs, go over my favorite parts, and then go on your blog as I do like every day (read: every hour). Then I'll call up my most-CC-obssessed bff and we'll plan a CC sleepover for that Friday (a CC sleepover usually consists of talking about the book A LOT, reenacting the latest CC book scenes (yes, we did make a gossip blog and pretend to read it for #11), and slathering on waaaaay too much lip gloss. Then, I will not sleep that night because I'll be thinking about the book (its really true!) and wake up in the morning, tired, obsessed with the series all over again, and thinking about my sleepover on Friday night.
If I could get the book early I would be SO EXCITED!!!! I could do this whole routine early and let my friends borrow it sooner! I can't wait until January 3rd anyways and I know that all of these guys deserve the early book! <3 to you all
I don't know if when I commented before it worked lol so here we go again! For the day Initiation comes out I am going to read it really fast because I love this series and then I'm going horseback riding! My email-
I also told my friends via email and text!
I can hardly wait for my 3 copies of Initiation I give copies to my friends and we read them together.Christmas dinner will be at our house and a few friends and neighbors will come over. The neighbors have been very generous with cookies!!!!and an apple pie!We light a lot of candles and play Christmas music constantly. Happy Holidays to you.
On release day im going to grad the book first chance i can and read all day. my email is i facebooked all my friends to read your books.
I will probably have a reading party with a couple friends that read the book two. or i will go to the book store the second it opens and get the book first. and i am a USA citizen
I will run out at midnight buy the book and finish reading it by 6:00 when i hav 2 get ready 4 school:( I'll be rlly tired but watevs, itl be worth it!!!:):):):):) My email is!!:)
i can't wait i'll propley beg my to take me to the store to buy the book
Im going to spend Initiation release day by watching every Canterwood Crest video on the Canterwood Crest website,and im going to read CCA all day. Im so excited to read initiation! :) my email is
P.s I tweeted the contest on twitter and facebook :)
Are you allowed to enter more than once????
I really want to win and people have come up with better ideas then me lol
I will totally celebrate with my little sis. I got her reading the series about six months ago and she read three books in one day. We will reread a lot of the books that are already out. I'll also post the date on my horse calendar so that I will never forget!
My e-mail is
Emily said... Yay! I will re-read all the Canterwood crest books! And I will dance around the house and sing o.O Oh!I also told a friend about it and blogged ;)
My e-mail is:
Jessica~ I am having like the whole grade over to my house and I am ordering shirts that say "Initiation is AWESOME! (So is Jessica Burkhart!) " Also because I LOVELINESS x ENFITIY Canterwood Crest! I also REALLY want to win because my birthday is 5 days after it realeses! So, PLEASE PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! You can email me at
Jessica~ I am having like the whole grade over to my house and I am ordering shirts that say "Initiation is AWESOME! (So is Jessica Burkhart!) " Also because I LOVELINESS x ENFITIY Canterwood Crest! I also REALLY want to win because my birthday is 5 days after it realeses! So, PLEASE PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! You can email me at
I will be celebrating the Initiation release by prepping for my b-day party (Jan. 13) and by BEGGING my mom to get up and drive me Barnes & Noble so I can get one of the first copies!!!!! I have Facebooked, Re-tweeted, and have told 15 of my friends.
For the release of Initian.....
I will force my mom to take as soon and as early as she can on January 3rd to buy it.
I will not look from the book all day because i will be enthrawled by reading it!
Then, read it again and get made fun of by friends for being such a book worm over a horse book (they just dont understand)
I have told a lot of my friends about the book (the ones who like them) and told some people at my barn (I dont have a facebook, twitter or blog so if that counts, thats what i did lol :)
I'm going to get it and maybe a new bookmark to celebrate the awezomeness of it, then i'll sit down with some cocoa maybe and read it straight through so i can bring it to my friend on sunday so she can read it :D. My email is:
I am going to READ IT!! Drop everything and READ IT!!! I've already told many people about this series.... I think some of them are already hooked, lol.
~facebook post~
Hi Jessica!
What I'm doing to celebrate the release of Initiation is...
. I'm having all my friends over!
.We're eating ice cream and talking about the series!
.We are going to all have a race to see who can finish it the fastest!
. I am getting them all Lipsmackers!
(specifically, Lipsmackers Liquid Lipsmackers in Watermelon!)
I told, like, everyone I know! (except the boys-:)-)
I looooove your books!
You can reach me at:
I'm going to curl up in front of our fireplace with two of my rider besties and we're going to read INITIATION together... all three of us are Team Canterwood all the way! So excited!!!
Lets see here... I'm going to scream, read, scream, read, screa, read, adn did i mention SCREAM?!?!? Probably stay up all night *even though it's a school night* just to finish! My email is
Im going to right a really silyl song for it :) And jump up and down :DDDD I tweeted about it too!Blogging about it also :D
P.S. I re-tweeted your warning about the contest ending at midnight on Monday. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!! :)
Im going to jump up and down, make some tea and Tell all my friends!!! :D I blogged and tweeted!!/JLoveRandom
First, I'll probably scavenge my piggy bank for any remaining cash, then head over to the brick-and- mortar Barnes & Noble. Next, securing my place in the long line, I will buy Initiation. After reading it in one sitting, then re-reading it to make sure I didn't miss anything, I'll get on my computer and buy the Kindle version! After all the heavy but exciting drama and lip gloss, I will crash, dreaming up a wonderful world of Canterwood Crest.
My email is...
Thanks, Jessica!! Fingers crossed!
I'm going to head to the barn and hang out with Atticus, the horse we ride. I'll probably end up reading aloud to him while drinking hot cocoa. :) I have told three of my friends about all CCA books and about Initiation!
On Initiation release day, I'll wake up and be like "Ohmigosh Initiation is here!!!" And I'll sit around, tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for Barnes And Noble to open. Ten minutes before the store opens, I'll drag my parents over to the store and wait until it opens. And then I'll rush in and snag the book! If htey don't have it in store, no big deal. I 'll buy it on my Kindle and wait until it comes out in paper version. ANd then I'll call all my friends and be like, "I have Initiation!!!"
I'm not sure if you meant this past Monday or this coming... ?
I'll put in my say- just in case.
To celebrate the day I shall dance in circles for a time before suddenly stopping to dive into those pages to see where Lauren's story goes next!!! ^.^
Hope I made the contest!
I'm going riding with my BFFL/Horse, Toby, and then asking *cough* forcing *cough* my parents to drive me out to Barnes and Noble to get a copy :D
my email is
Oh, and I have a lot of friends reading your books, they love them!!! We all ride at the same stable and we talk about you all the time!!
hi i love the series my email is
On the "Initiation" release date I am going to be so excited. I am going to facebook it and refer it to all my friends. I've been waiting for this book since FOREVER. This is my favorite series and I've read each book at least 30 times. (I know some chapters by heart) I am probably going to read the whole series once more that week to get ready for the special day! My email is:
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I'm going to read the whole thing! I emailed it and fb'ed it. :)
I am going to stay up super late and read, read, READ!!!!!!
my email is ......
Hi my name is Ashley. I read all of the books so far and have told everyone I know that they are the best books I have ever read. I have lent friends the books and once they read the first book they want more so I give them the next. I have been waiting since the last nook for this one because I finished it the day it came out. If I get the book I will read it the same day. I can't wait to read it!!! My email is
hi my name is ashley fernando. I love your books. on the release day my mom and i will go buy the book so that i can read it asap. she say's it will be my early birthday present since my birthday is january 26th. about 8 of my friends and i have been waiting for a very long time for this book ever since i introduced them to the books. also, everytime someone asked me what i want for christmas or my birthday i tell them the next canterwood crest book, initiation that comes out on january 2, 2012. thaank you for being such a great author. my moms email is
woops sorry didnt think it posted the first time since it was on my ipod and it died right before.
BE SOOOOOOOO EXCITED! and try to get to the store some how to buy it! Canterwood crest is like one of my favorite book series! yay soooo can't wait till it comes out!!!!! your books are soooooooooooooooooooo so good! Go Jessica Burkhart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omigosh omigosh omigosh. I just got INITIATION today and I am IN LOVE. Thank you, Barnes and Noble, for having it out early. <3
Hi! I'm entering this :))))
My e-mail is so you can contact me if I win.
To celebrate it? Well, I'm sooooo obsessed with Canterwood that I'm planning a party already. All my stable friends are coming in their riding clothes. Together, we're going to read INITIATION and then do an RP of it :)
I put this on my first blog and on my second blog. Also my Twitter, and my third blog as well. E-Mailing my friend w/ this later.
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