Friday, September 27, 2019

Halloween comes to AC Pocket Camp & gaming rambles

I’m in such a spooky mood that I started playing Pocket Camp again just to trick out my camp for Halloween. 😁

Except since this morning, I’ve added this fab top hat to my ensemble.

Just too cute! Does anyone else play Pocket Camp? I’m psyched for Animal Crossing for the Switch coming in March 2020, I believe. I don’t own a Switch yet, but the Switch Lite looks pretty great. I want one for the new Pokemon game coming next year, too. Lately, I haven’t been gaming aside from games on my phone though. I play Pokémon GO daily and Pocket Camp on and off in spurts. I played Pokémon Masters a ton when it first came out, but not nearly as much recently. Mario Kart Tour dropped yesterday and that’s fuuun! 😍 I’m kinda obsessed with it. I've linked my account to my Facebook, so if we're FB friends then I might just see you on the racecourse. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Happy fall, y’all!

I’m so, so glad it’s fall! 🍂🎃 Finally! Well, sort of. This part of Tennessee is going to have record breaking heat the first week of October. Yup, we’re gonna spend six days in the upper 90s, so it will feel more like July than fall. 


But that hasn’t stopped us from getting in the fall and Halloween spirit around the house!

The decorations are looking pretty spooky! 

Oh, and Halloween isn’t complete without the family skeleton, Fred. It’s a running prank from now until Halloween that we set him up and try scare someone or outdo each other by sticking him in creative poses. Here’s his first look . . .

Happy first week of fall, indeed! 🎃🍂🎃

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

NaNoWriMo 2019 and The Writing Barn

I'm thinking about it! NaNoWriMo was how I wrote TAKE THE REINS and several other books of mine. But I also owe Agent Josh edits on a tween horse book, sooo that really needs to happen soon!

It really feels good to be back in the swing of things. I had to take some time away from social media and the writing world, but I'm slowly immersing myself back in all bookish things and it feels great.

Oooh, also! I'm teaching two online writing classes via The Writing Barn starting in January 2020! The classes are HOW TO WRITE MG AND YA THAT SELLS and PUBLICITY AND MARKETING: ALL THE TIPS YOU NEED TO SELL 1.5 MILLION BOOKS. Anyone can sign up, but space is limited!

I hope everyone's fall is off to a great start! If you want to re-add me as a buddy (NaNo wiped the old forums), my new username is "jessicaburkhart."

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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