Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Happy book birthday to LIFE INSIDE MY MIND!

I'm sooo excited, guys! My first ever anthology is out! 

Here's a bit about it: 

Your favorite YA authors including Ellen Hopkins, Maureen Johnson, and more recount their own experiences with mental illness in this raw, real, and powerful collection of essays that explores everything from ADD to PTSD.

Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t get out of bed? Not the occasional morning, but every day? Do you find yourself listening to a voice in your head that says “you’re not good enough,” “not good looking enough,” “not thin enough,” or “not smart enough”? Have you ever found yourself unable to do homework or pay attention in class unless everything is “just so” on your desk? Everyone has had days like that, but what if you have them every day?

You’re not alone. Millions of people are going through similar things. However issues around mental health still tend to be treated as something shrouded in shame or discussed in whispers. It’s easier to have a broken bone—something tangible that can be “fixed”—than to have a mental illness, and easier to have a discussion about sex than it is to have one about mental health.

Life Inside My Head is an anthology of true-life events from writers of this generation, for this generation. These essays tackle everything from neurodiversity to addiction to OCD to PTSD and much more. The goals of this book range from providing home to those who are feeling alone, awareness to those who are witnessing a friend or family member struggle, and to open the floodgates to conversation.

Participating writers include E.K. Anderson, J.L. Armentrout, Cyn Balog, Amber Benson, Francesca Lia Block, Jessica Burkhart, Crissa Chappell, Sarah Fine, Kelly Fiore, Candace Ganger, Meghan Kelley Hall, Cynthia Hand, Ellen Hopkins, Maureen Johnson, Tara Kelly, Karen Mahoney, Melissa Marr, Kim McCreight, Hannah Moskowitz, Scott Neumyer, Lauren Oliver, Aprilynne Pike, Tom Pollack, Amy Reed, Cindy Rodriquez, Francisco Stork, Wendy Tolliver, Rob Wells, Dan Wells, Rachel Wilson, and Sara Zarr.

💚on Amazon
💚on Barnes & Noble
💚on Goodreads

It's received *three* starred reviews which is SUPER exciting! I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think! 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mental health during Camp NaNoWriMo

I saw this thread on the Camp NaNoWriMo forum and thought I'd share my response here. Campers were weighing in with their tips and tricks for maintaining good mental health during April's camp. 
What disorder(s) I have:
Generalized anxiety disorder and depression. 
My tips/tricks:
* Disney music! This always gets me in a good mood. Plus, often easy to listen to while writing. 
* Green tea. Another mood booster. 
* Essential oils. Mostly citrus for mood. Sometimes minty varieties for energy. 
* Pokemon Go. No one plays anymore right? Well, Team Instinct here and I do. :) It gets me out and walking. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Website down for a bit

Just a quick note: my personal Website ( is offline for some changes, but it'll be back up soon!

Friday, January 19, 2018

New year, new look

Helloooo, Harts! :)

Thought it was time for a blog overhaul. I'm still tweaking a few things, but this is a start! How's your January going so far?

I'm SUPER excited that it's the *NINE* year anniversary of TAKE THE REINS' publication date on January 27. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT WAS PUBBED IN 2009! 😱

What a journey so far. Wow. I'm just so, so grateful for all of my readers who have stuck by me this whole time. 💓💓💓

More to come, but! There's a giveaway over on my Insta. Go follow me and check it out (JessAshley87)

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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