Wow. This is perhaps the most difficult blog post I've had to write in a while.
Team Canterwood, I learned news today that is official as of a few moments ago. It's news that you, my readers who have stuck by my side since Take the Reins debuted in January 2009, deserve to hear first.
The Canterwood Crest series will end with the super special Home for Christmas. My publisher, the sales team, and many other people weighed in on this decision and thought carefully about it for a while. They love the series and it was a very hard decision, but they came to the conclusion that it was time to close the final chapter of Canterwood.
I JUST got off the phone call and learned the answer myself, so I'm in a state of shock/saddness/excitement about future projects. I'm feeling a million emotions!
But more than anything, I'm thinking about YOU. Each of you. I promise to give the last books all that I have and to make books that you will read and, hopefully, feel satisfied when you finish the final installment in this journey we've been on together.
I think back to Sasha. Jacob. Eric. Charm. The Trio. They hold such a huge piece of my heart. I will always be grateful to Alyssa Henkin who contacted me about Take the Reins and sold it and future books to Simon & Schuster.
I'm now thinking of Lauren, Drew, Taylor, Brielle, Ana, Riley, Clare, Cole and the New Class. Editor K and I will come up with the best possible send off for these characters. (Who knows--you might even see the old gang pop up.) :)
My deepest thanks to everyone at Simon & Schuster who went on this ride with me especially Bethany, Mara, Fiona, Alyson, Jess H, Nicole, Vanessa, Stephanie, Craig, Dawn, Lucille, Russell, Karin, Katherine, and Courtney.
Endless gratitude to Kate Angelella for wanting four books and ending up with waaay more! The series continued because of your vision and dedication. I would have been writing this letter long ago had it not been for you. <333
Okay. So, that's officially announced and we have books to embrace before it ends! I'm ready for COMEBACK to hit shelves within a week. Then we have PERFECT which is going to be awesome. And finally, we will say goodbye to the world of Canterwood in HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.
I love you all and thank you for supporting the series as much as you have.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Watching dressage on the Olympics!
That is all.
DVRing so I can rewatch later, too. Go Team USA! <3
DVRing so I can rewatch later, too. Go Team USA! <3
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It's true. Kristen cheated on Rob
Sad. So, according to, well, EVERY magazine it appears that Kristen Stewart did cheat on boyfriend of four years--Robert Pattinson.
Not going to judge Kristen or her choices.
Instead, I wonder if this will affect the final movie, BREAKING DAWN part 2, when it hits theaters. Will people be in love with Bella and Edward knowing that "Bella" cheated on "Edward?" Did K. Stew and Rob's relationship make their love in the movie that much more beautiful? Or would the films have turned out the same if both actors had hated each other?
Personally, I liked that Kristen and Rob were an off screen couple. As a crazy Twilight fan it made the Bella/Edward scenes a little more romantic knowing the actors were together in real life. I'm not going to pop in NEW MOON and scream, "Edward! Find someone else! Bella cheated on you!" Um, if I DO . . . please call the closest psychologist and make me an appointment. ;)
As an outsider who loves the books and movies and has grown to know and love the actors, I hope K and R work it out if it's meant to be. For everyone's sake, I hope their PR team doesn't get anxious and try to force the two into a fake romance until BREAKING DAWN part 2's premiere.
What's your take on this sitch?
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Little behind the scenes shot . . .
photograph taken by Bethany Buck
I'm writing like C-R-A-Z-Y on the newest Canterwood book. :) What're you guys doing this weekend?
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