Sunday, August 28, 2011

Help animals affected by Hurricane Irene and win!

I love animals and want to help those affected by Hurricane Irene. So, I put 10 items up for bid on eBay. Nine are signed books and the other is a 15 minute chat with me!

So, go check out the items for sale and help the ASPCA at the same time. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

What happened to August?

I can't believe it's almost September! August is going by sooo fast--aahh!

Things are in the quiet slash insanely busy stage, know what I mean? I'm waiting on copyedits for Initiation, am outlining Popular and am expecting to be able to announce some superexciting news very soon!

K is not feeling well. Actually, feeling the worst she ever has. We're getting ready to head back to Mayo in mid-September. I'll also be signing while we're there--on Sunday, September 18th at the Apache Mall B&N in Rochester, MN. Definitely come by and say hi. :)


Friday, August 19, 2011

Subscribe to the CCA newsletter

I erased my old database of subscribers to the Canterwood Crest newsletter and it's time to start fresh!

If you'd like to receive a no more than once-monthly e-mail from me, sign up here!

Subscribe to the CCA Newsletterr

I'll NEVER give your e-mail address to anyone and you'll never receive spam. :)



Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So, the Canterwood cover photo shoot was last Monday! I got pics via text and I think these new covers are going to be AWESOME! I'm so excited to see them.

A few days ago, I finished INITIATION and am waiting for copy edits. Yay for another book down! I'm really in writing mode and want to start POPULAR this weekend. POPULAR is going to be crazy! :)

When does everyone go back to school?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Team Eric or Team Jacob?

You KNOW you have your fave Canterwood boy! Are you on Team Eric or Team Jacob? These hot new tees are available now! :)

Awesome graphics by Hannah F!

I heart these so hard core! Thank you, Hannah F for sending these! The lip-gloss one, especially, made me grin. :)

Many hearts!

Counting down to Saddlehill Academy!

  Hii, friends! I'm so very thrilled to remind everyone that NEXT MONTH (!!!) is the release of my first novel in eight years! Ahhhhh!!...

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