A few entries included phone numbers as a way for me to contact you. I can't post your # on the Internet (sooo not safe!), so you have to comment again with an email address or another way for me to reach you.
Guess what? I've got early copies of CITY SECRETS (Canterwood Crest #9) that's out July 6th. I think it's time for a weekend giveaway. :)
I've got three signed copies to share! Yay!
So, here's how to enter: leave a comment on this post, and/or my LiveJournal (all comments here are screened, so your comment won't appear until I read it first). If you do anything extra such as mention the contest on your Facebook, Twitter, blog, YouTube, message board, etc, leave me a link in your comment and that'll count as an *extra* entry. You can do as many of these things as you can and they'll all count as extra entries. Please do NOT leave any spoilers in your comment about previous books, 'kay?
You have until Tuesday, June 8th at 11:59pm EST to enter. After that, I'll close the comments and will contact the winners. You'll have your book in the mail next week.
Only US residents can enter and you have to leave me a way to contact you (such as leaving an email address). If I don't hear from you within a few days and you're a winner, I'll have to draw another name.
Go Team Canterwood!
I am soooo excited about City Secrets coming out!!
Hey Jess!My name is Aleah. I would LOVE to win a signed copy of City Secrets! I read your first book from my book fair at school and I was hooked! I also left a comment on your facebook and sent you a message! And I left a comment on your youtube page!
Hi, What I great give away! My daughter and I have read 1-8 together, and are pacing the floor waiting for #9. Please enter us in the contest. The timing=great. Her first riding show is tomorrow. She thinks she's Callie! :)
Her name is Haley. I can be reached at nikkishannonsmith@gmail.com or Facebook (we're friends). Thanks, and congrats on the upcoming release.
Hi, What I great give away! My daughter and I have read 1-8 together, and are pacing the floor waiting for #9. Please enter us in the contest. The timing=great. Her first riding show is tomorrow. She thinks she's Callie! :)
Her name is Haley. I can be reached at nikkishannonsmith@gmail.com or Facebook (we're friends). Thanks, and congrats on the upcoming release.
i am sooooo excited about the book cumin out and i would love to win the signed copy
yay! i am so exited! i will soooo enter!
I cannot wait!!!! OMG I HOPE I WIN
I want to win TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My e-mail is sphillipps@live.com
Go Canterwood!!!!!!
I want to win my e-mail is greisk@fuse.net
luuuuuv sasha and more. Plzzz enter me jess. I don't know if i'm supposed to leave my email on this page or not, so if you reply, plzzz tell me what to do
Woah! That's awesome! Pleasae enter me. My email is bubblezparadise@yahoo.com
Thanks Jessica!
I would love to win a signed copy of City Secrets. My email address is horsekid123@gmail.com
I'd love to win a (signed!)copy. My name's Lillian :)
Yay! I'd so love to win a copy. My name's Emma and please enter me!!
HI im claire Banse and i would looooove one infact i want one sooooo bad!!!!! Im a memeber of your fanclub on facebook it says claire base so search me.
contact me @ clairebanse@gmail.com
ok, i see everyone else is entering their email adress jess, so here's mine,
Thanks! Bye!
Please enter me! I love your books and can't wait to read this one! Who wouldn't? Anyways, my email is mossyfarms@gmail.com
I want to enter, BIG TIME!
Extras -
http://www.myspace.com/527173886 - left a myspace comment, http://twitter.com/Crlnhrd left a twitter comment,
left a blogger comment!
and my email is
crlnhrd97@gmail.com!! XDD
Of course I'd luv to win! I'm superexcited about CS and I know it will be amaaaaazing, and it would be beyond awesome if I got an early copy. Please enter me!
Hey Jess! My name is Grace and I LOVE the Canterwood books! I would L.O.V.E. to win a copy of CITY SECRETS!!!!! my e-mail is:
Please enter me in the contest!
OMG I want a copy. I hope i win one of the three. Contact me at adina5204@gmail.com. I try to leave a comment on ur utube pg too. :D
Please enter me!!!! It would be so awesome to win :)
xoxoxo, Katlin
Ohmigosh this is so great 'cause I'm away at camp when CS comes out! Enter me!
I WANT A COPY!!!!! I am sososososososooooo exited for CS! A copy that I can read early and one that is signed would be a-maaaay-zing!! So please enter me!!!! :D
<3 Sara S
I can't wait til City Secrets comes out. This is my favorite book series, I would love to win a signed copy of it...
Hi Jess! I am practicaly busting out of my skin for CS! I am counting the days until it comes out! I got the first book at my school book fair and have loved them ever since! I LOVE books so I have read hundreds but yours are officially the best I've ever read! I love horses, pink, I've never owned anything not sparkly, and I am wayyyy overly obsessed with CC! I bring all 8 books to school every day even thought my teachers make fun of me(they're nice enough that we can joke around) and my BFF's even think I am a bit crazy! I <3 your books and I look up to you with great admiration! You are my inspiration to write my own book and just my overall inspiration in life! I hope you have a fantabulous day and thank you for writing CC and for your time! My email is spccox@comcast.net!I am also posting on your LiveJournal and may be able to post on your YouTube but I am not sure!
~Hearts from your biggest fan!
Hi Jess! I am practicaly busting out of my skin for CS! I am counting the days until it comes out! I got the first book at my school book fair and have loved them ever since! I LOVE books so I have read hundreds but yours are officially the best I've ever read! I love horses, pink, I've never owned anything not sparkly, and I am wayyyy overly obsessed with CC! I bring all 8 books to school every day even thought my teachers make fun of me(they're nice enough that we can joke around) and my BFF's even think I am a bit crazy! I <3 your books and I look up to you with great admiration! You are my inspiration to write my own book and just my overall inspiration in life! I hope you have a fantabulous day and thank you for writing CC and for your time! My email is spccox@comcast.net!I am also posting on your LiveJournal and may be able to post on your YouTube but I am not sure!
~Hearts from your biggest fan!
I am so excited for CS. I am reading the series over again!! I'm so excited, my email is Thoroughbred97@yahoo.com
my email is 8675309 lol
OMG enter me!!!! I cannot wait until it comes out!!!!
Jess, I'd love to enter but I don't feel comfortable posting my email without a reason, and I'm sure that others feel the same way (as some people didn't put their email adresses down either). I would def post it if I won so you could contact me then, but I don't see any reason why we can't post our email adresses after we find out if we won or not.
If you think it's okay that I'd post my emial here only if I'd won, I'd love to enter because I love CC and you are my fave author! Please respond!!
Hey Jess!
Here is what I did:
I posted it on Facebook (I tagged you in the post, so you can see it.)
I posted it on my blog, heberhoboes.blogspot.com (1st post)
I made another advertisement pic, which you can find here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=242641&id=100000566827712
I couldnt think of what else to do soo here is my email: barkingpaw@gmail.com
<3 Olivia!
Hey! I love the Canterwood series, and have even used Jenga blocks to make Canterwood....I am going to leave a comment on your FB page... I really want to read more Canterwood!!
Hey, I'd soooo love to win City Secrets.... My email is jumpergirlem@yahoo.com... my first name is Emily, by the way
Ooh, I want a copy of City Secrets!! my email address is as follows: ionaellsworth@gmail.com
I can't wait for City Secrets!
Hey Jess! My name is Alexia. I would LOVE to win a signed copy of City Secrets! I read your first book from my bookstore arcoss the shreet and I was hooked! I also sent a message on facebook. luuuuuv sasha and more. Plzzz enter me jess. Email = Rusi9@yahoo.com
I'd so love to win a copy.
P.s not sure if the linl will work. if not then tpye in Alexia Rusi and click on the one with the red hair or (i sent you a Friend Request) or you don't have to look at it.
P.s.s I REALLY wanna win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want a copy sooooo bad!!!! Enter me please!!!
It would be BEYOND cool if I won!!!! So please enter me! You're my absolute favorite author and CC is my fave series. Go CC!!!
Hi Jess! My name is Amy. I would LOVE to win a copy of City Secrets. My email is amyburgunder@aol.com. Good luck with the rest of the Canterwood books!
Oh, and my email is horseysaav@comcast.net Sorry I forgot to put that :(
<3 Sara S
Omg reeeeeeally?!? I want one so badly and I've never won a signed Canterwood book before so I hope I win. Just to say that I loooove everything you write Jessica you're an amazing author I know that even if I don't win that my bff will let me read her copy! Well please enter me!!
hey! my name is anna and i i want to win a copy! my adress is akcook4@aol.com
i also will write about the contest on my blog, annascorner.typepad.com, and facebook. thank you!
Hey Jessica,
YOUR books are AMAZING!!!
This is Chelsea 1 of ur amazed fans
I want a copy my email is
Hey! Yay!!! I'm so uber excited. My birthday is SO soon and this would be an awesome birthday present. So I'm entering here and you know my email, right?
And I'll also be posting one on my blog http://purehearts.sitegarage.net/
and one on the discussion of the book on shelfari.com. Thanks Jess for doing this! Can't wait to read it!!! And a signed copy would be fabulous!!! :D
Ok My name is Molly I want to enter but I can't give out my email on the internet sooo i'll email you, kay???
OOOOOOOOOO, enter me please. My name is Audrey and my email is sssoccergirl@gmail.com (there is actually three s's at the begining, it wasnt just a typeo:)
Let me tell you a little Suburb Secret: I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL JULY 6TH!! My email is spider72hr@gmail.com. Thanks! ~Sophie
Hey! I'd luv to win a copy, I'm Alanna. Enter me!!!
Hey Jess! It would be so cool if I won a signed copy! I loved HSD and I know CS is going to be even better so please, enter me!
OMG I want to win so bad!!! Please enter me!!! My name is Alice.
Hi, my name is Holly. Please enter me! I love Canterwood Crest Books! Oh, and I made a comment on the CC forums and another blog post here, so you can count those entries.
I am soooooooo exited for City Secrets!!!!!!!!!!! I am DIEING waiting for it!!!!! I <3 canterwoos crest 2death!!!! I would <3 it even more if I won City Secrets! my eamil is. larahstar1@yahoo.com
Hey Jessica!! Plz plz plz enter me! you don't know how much i enjoy your books and how much they inspire me! I COMMENTED ON FB 2x!!! I can't wait you are an Ah-MAZING writer! Thank you!
(email: horsegirl767@gmail.com)
p.s I've read all your books ATLEAST 5 times each!!!
Hey! I love Canterwood! I am so excited for City Secrets! My name is Lauren and I can be reached at izmarthegreat@aol.com Thanks for having this great giveaway!
O my goodness, win a signed copy of City Secrets? That would be SO amazing! I have always wanted a signed Canterwood Crest book! Canterwood Crest is the bomb, thier my favorite books! I buy each book the day they're released! Please enter me in the contest!
My email is: KristenDream4Ever@yahoo.com
Hey Jess! I would love a signed cope of City Secrets!! Please enter me! Thanks! My email is
jbd016@gmail.com, and we're friends on facebook! :D
Hey Jess! I forgot to leave a link to my facebook post so here it is:
And my email is:
Thanks! :D
WOW!! "City Secrets" & "Eclipse" coming out in the same week??? Awesome! Would love to win a copy of "City Secrets"for my fav 11 year old daughter. Thanks Jessica! Good luck to all. Happy summer!:) here is my email address: michelleharris354@yahoo.com.
I'm Carli. I would love to win, enter me please!!!
btw all this is true. please acutally eread the whole thing. Hey Jess! I'm a southern girl who is completley obsessed with CANTERWOOD CREST [that rhymed btw] My name is Ruby i love horses, riding, and country music. i would litterally die of complete horrific sadness if i lost. but, i would have a heart attack and be in a coma of happiness if i won. Which one do you prefer; my sudden death of a coma that will last for a few seconds for i will come out of it to read the book in like one hour. [cuz thats what i do when i get a new CANTERWOOD CREST book]Then i read it 4 more times until my mom kicks me outside. then i read it outside. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please just ocnsider giving me this book! i will put it in a glass case and treasure it for life. I'm dying [not literally] to see what happens in City Secrets. i would @ horses shows for 13 hours most every weekend just to hang around horses. thanks for readin!
I'd love to win a copy.I'm Hailey, enter me!!! :)
I can't believe City Secrets is almost out.....I read all of the books 1-8 in less than 3 days...I'm so excited!!!!
Oooh, it would be so awesome if I could actually win! Please enter me- I'm Rebecca.
I'd luuuuv to win! Enter me!
OMG YAY!!!! I have been waiting for the giveaway of copies of City Secrets forever!!!It would be a total dream if I won one of the copies!
I would so love to win! I am way excited about CS coming out and it would be amaaaaazing if I could get it early
xoxo, mollie k.
I want a copy! I have been wating forever for CS to come out and I can't wait anymore, LOL. Pick me!!!
I would love to win a signed copy of City Secrets! You can reach me at: mukiemoo@gmail.com
Hi! What a awesome giveaway I would die if I could get one jellybean119@gmail.com
Hi I'm Tatiana C, and I'd love to enter to win!!!!!
i have been waiting for the longest time for City Secrets to come out! I read your first book after reading about you in Young Rider, and I have been hooked on CC ever since! I would love to win the signed copy and that would make my YEAR!!!! My email is benekea@gmail.com. I also have some extras-
facebook status- i tagged you so you could see it
http://www.youtube.com/user/horsiegirl24- this is my channel comment
I want to win this soooo badly! I would have done all the extras if I had a myspace and twitter!
hey i would die for a signed copy of city secrets!!so to contact me my e-mail is kaitlyn.myers@hotmail.com.my name is kaitlyn,so ya can't wait!!!!P.S. GO CANTERWOOD!!!!
I DO DO DO DO DO!!!!!!! I would love a copy cause I will be at camp the week it comes out...:( jcshowjumper@aim.com
I love Canterwood Crest! :D
I <3 City Secrets! :)
email: lizhart7@yahoo.com
Dear Ms. Burkhart, I have been waiting in excitement on the newest book. July 6th WILL NEVER GET HERE!!! I have been riding since I was 4 years old. I want to be an author when I grow up. Hoping to win. . . mk kathyhughes3467@bellsouth.net
Hi Ms. Burkhart! I am soooo excited about City Secrets!!
Hoping to win- Mary Kate
I mentioned this contest on Facebook:
I so want to win! My name is Christie- please enter me!!!!!!!
Hi Jess! I feel the same way as Katrina and I'll only post my email if I win. Thanks for you AMAZING books; I love them and your "no more riding ever"- type story keeps me positive when I can't ride due to med issues. :)
<3, Lucia
Hi Jess,
I would love to enter, and I feel the same way as Katrina- I'll post my email IF I WIN. Other than that count me in. You are an AMAZING writer and your "no-more-riding" type story keeps me motiviated when I can't ride due to my medical probs. Thanks and keep writing! :)
Btw- I posted before and the computer said my comment was accepted but it didn't show up so sorry if I posted 2x. ;/
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