So glad it's finally Saturday!
Thanks so much to everyone who ReTweeted about Operation Teen Book Drop and participated. I left 10 signed copies of Canterwood books around my neighborhood with supercute Aladdin postcards inside. It would be sooo cool if someone reading my blog was someone who found a copy! :)
My to-do list was waaay out of control and I'm tackling it bit by bit today. I've got a ton of writing to do and my apartment is kind of (read: REALLY) a disaster. Plus, Fresh Direct is coming today which means I'll have part of my usual order--3 cases (24 cans each!) of Diet Coke. Y-U-M. Plus, I got a 12 pack of Diet Coke with lime. Felt like mixing it up a bit.
I've got a full week left at home before heading to Oklahoma with Kate for a conference the week after. Soo. . . that means I need to do laundry next week. Or tomorrow. Yeah, ASAP. :)
Also, waiting on something superfun in the mail. I saw these shirts at Target online and got Kate to agree to wear the Team Jacob shirt when we go see ECLIPSE. There will be photographic proof of us in our shirts. I heart them!

So, I'm going to try opening the comments again with the rule that there CANNOT be any HOME SWEET DRAMA spoilers or I'll have to delete your comment. Tell me what you're doing this weekend! :)
Whew! First comment! Well, I was going to go see the music man junior (the play) but apparently the roof caved in on our auditorium. So thats a no go. :)
But, yeah, not much. Prolly writing . . . A LOT!! :) I'm working on a book and I need to finish it majorly soon! :) Though I'm only on Chapter 2! Help!
Oh, I finished HSD! And it was awesome! Can't wait for City Secrets!! It comes out 2 days before my birthday. :D
I went riding with a few of my BFFs and now we're going to my older brother's art show. Plus TONS of writing in between. I'm so psyched about my current novels!!! :D
joannah omgomgomg! i was in the music man junior when our shcool did it and i looooooved it it was so awsome and you should see it if they fix the audotorium. Hsd was amazing and i cant wait for CS!! anyway today i did a useless job for my mom(cleaning out in between the slats on our porch) and tomorow im hoping to go to the mall with my buds. altho i would rather ride but lessons are on mondays.... im so glad we get to leave comments again
<3 Sara S
uggh now i have one of the music mans songs stuck in my head lol
I love the shirts they're so cute, even though i dont like twlight. I'm just hanging around this week. I finished my homework and I just got 3 new books(HSD included) so I'll be reading those
Yay! The comments are open again! :) I'm just trying to work on a sci. project and see how you get books published, cause I have 2 great (at least I think so) ideas for stories that won't go away!Ugh! I haven't actually written anything yet, but I have it all in my head (sort of). That's about it.
(Anon. @ 5:48pm): I also forgot to mention that I went riding today, since like forever!! Whoop, whoop!! :)
Yes, comments are open! Thanks for saying no spoilers, Jess - reading on here was actually what ruined the endings of Little White Lies and Rival Revenge for me, so I appreciate it. I was just in normal topics, not the ones you made for spoilers, but they were there anyway.
My day was pretty fun. I had a Confirmation to go to this morning, and then an after party at their house. I came back from church a little while ago.
Super disappointed because my softball game, which I was totally excited for, got cancelled for tomorrow (something going on at the park we play at), but my dad might take me to the batting cages instead. So that's good :D
Hope you're all doing great!
Thanks so much for turning the comments back on. I'm doing homework that I might have, umm, *forgotten* to do during the weekend. Delightful. Other than that, I'm riding my horse!!
Can't wait for CS!!
Paige seems really nice.
This is my first comment!!!!!! OMG just finished the first seven books!!!!! They were all amazing!! You're a super author Jessica! Keepup the fantastic work!!!!!
Your #1 Fan,
Caroline F.
I just slept over at my friend's house and ate a yuuuuuumy waffle. I also went for my riding lesson yesterday. Life is good!!!
I'm not gonna give anything away, but HSD rocked! CC forever!
I am going riding!!!! YAY so pumped! I also am going to hang out and enjoy the sun YAY! I just finished HSD! I can't believe that we have to take long for city secerts but it's worth it! I really don't like twilight but I LOVE THE JACOB ONE!!!! So happy that comments are open
I saw those shirts at target when I was going on a swim-suit hunt :)
I went to the barn yesterday to paint jump poles, which was fun with everyone there. Today, went back to the barn for a lesson :) which, as usual, was a ton of fun. And it's gotten cold--like 40's or 50's--which I DO NOT like. mid 60's early 70's PLEASE!!
I finished HSD a while ago. Really liked it, and I'm psyched for CS!!
And to top it all off, I just had some of my grandmother's DELICIOUS choc. cake w/ PB icing. <33333
Thanks for opening up comments again!!
I rode a new Appaloosa pony at my farm named Dragon. He's so energetic and cute!!! I had so much fun!!!
I rode my horses yesterday!!!I only rode Ginger, Poppy and Sport though:(. I'll ask Jacob to ride Radiator and Kylie:) Jacob's my riding teacher!!! Any who...I fell in loooove with HSD the moment i read the first chapter on your blog, Jess:D I think its the best one yet!!!
(btw. My last name is really Fox. I didn't make it up just to be like Heather:D Even though she is my favorite character!!!)
I had to delete your comment because it contained a spoiler! But thanks for commenting and feel free to comment again just keep it spoiler free. :)
Loved HSD! I am making devils food cake with chocolate frosting for birthday party.Yummy!!
Joannah and sara my school is doin the music man junior too. I get to sell tickets for it woot woot! lol not the acting type here ;) I got to ride my horse today and I rode with my bestie too!!! I finished HSM in 5 hours yesterday it was soo good. I cannot wait for CS!!!!!!!!!
OMG! I'm so sorry Jessica!!! I didn't even realize that I spoiled HSD!!! I'm extremely sorry!!! I'll be more careful next time!!!!!
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