I can't believe it's time for book #8 in the Canterwood Crest series! Ahhh!! We're at the halfway point now of sixteen books and it's. . . well, hard to articulate how I feel. Excited. Humbled. Scared. (And scared because I don't want to disappoint my reader girlies with any book.) Thrilled. Etc.
After eight books, I'm in love with my characters as ever and their horses. The adventures at Canterwood are continuing and I love being along for the ride.
Shout outs and sparkles to the Simon & Schuster team, our photographer, amazing models and the readers who allow me to live my dream to write. Special xoxo to Editor Kate for working her magic and putting her talent into this book.
Yaaaay, HSD! :D
So, since it's a special day, I'm opening comments! I want you to tell me what YOUR sparkle is! :) Mine, of course, is lip gloss and hanging out with my BFF.
Leave a comment here or Tweet at me or Editor K. We can't wait to hear about your sparkle!
PS: Comments have gotten sticky in the past, so please keep them clean. If there's any drama, I'll have to close them and that would be sad. :( So post away on what makes you happy and yaaay HOME SWEET DRAMA!
Yay first comment! :)
My sparkle is curling up in my fuzzy blanket and reading a good horse book (especially Canterwood :D)
I like nail polish a lot, to :)
Congrats on your 8th book, Jess! :)
Wow!!!! I am soooo exited about HSD!!! I cAn't wait till after school when I get it. Anyway my sparkles goes to my bffs and of course the schoolpony that I ride
-Sara S
My sparkle is definitely when I arrive at the barn, and my horse has her head over her stall, neighing for me. Especially if it's a night of no homework, so I can ride forever. It's the only thing better than cherry lip gloss, glittery nail polish, pinkness and of course, a huge piece of chocolate cake.
I LOVED HSD, and am already dying for the next to come out. I really liked the cover picture too, and the story was amazing. Congratulations!!!!
I was lucky enough to get my hands on Home Sweet Drama last Friday, but didn't read it until Sunday because we had company until Sunday afternoon. I loved it, it was soooo good! My sparkle is reading a good book (* cough * Canterwoood * cough *), having fun with friends, doing well at dance, and lip gloss :D Congratulations on Home Sweet Drama, Jess!
OMG Jess ur books r AMAZING!!!!!!! My sparkle is def. riding my pony and of course reading CC. Keep writing! I luv ur books!!!
Hi!!! i'm on sprind break, and ym aunt, who works at barnes & noble is going to get me the book! yay! And i wanted to give a shout out to Suzanne Weyn, she's starting a new series, she's already has to book's that came out in march, the first one, that i'm reading right now is called Daring to Dream, and the second one, is called Playing for keeps.it's about a thirteen year old girl named taylor, her parent's had split up recently, and she loves horses & riding but her mom is to poor to pay for lesson's, here's thew summary on the back of the first book:
Taylor Henry Loves horses, but her single mom can't afford riding lessons, much less a horse. So when she discovers an abandoned gelding, and pony, Taylor is happy just to be around them. But the rescued animals have nowhere to go, and Taylor is running out of time to find them a good home. could the empty, dirty, old barn on Wildwood Lane be the answer? And could Taylor's wildest dream-a horse of her own-finaly come true?
Well I hope you guy's check it out! But Canterwood Crest, will alway's be the best! Hope erick and Sasha get back together! Hope callie and Jacob fall down a well! Hope Paige and what's his anme get together! Love you Jess!
I have so many sparkles I don't know where to start! Canterwood, fresh's new Rose lip gloss, Halloween, kitty cats, and DEFINITELY mani/pedis with my BFF!
Editor K
My sparkle has to be my wonderful mare. I'm so blessed to have a horse and I will never take that for granted. I love you Dottie! Any other sparkles would have to be writing and music. But my horse is def #1 in sparkle content!
Loved HSD as with all of your books. I already am counting down till City Secrets :)
I got HSD on Sunday, and finished it that same day! I loved it, as I always have with your books Jess (:
Congrats on your 8th Book!!
My sparkle is definately when my dance class starts.
Yay! I so so so so can't wait to read HSD!!! I'm so excited!! :)
My sparkle is figure skating, speech (I know, dorky) hanging with my amazing friends, reading a good book, cuddling with my kitties, dreaming of my Prince someday to come, and so much more! :) Oh and writing. Def!
I havent read HSD yet because my local bookstore doesnt get books before they are actualy released:( sadness, i know. Any who my sparkle is definatley my amazingly awesome friends and all you awesome Canterwood Crest readers!!
Read On!!!:D
OMG, I soooooo happy comments are open again. I was wondering y they were closed. My sparkles are reading(canterwood crest of course) and making my little brother mad(lolz :P). I can't wait to read HSD, good job jess. :D
YAY!!!!!!!!! congrats jess i cant wait 4 hsd and i'm typing rlly fast because i'm excited!
my sparkle is. . .
my friends
the horse i ride
nail polish
junk food
good books
and definitely canterwood crest!!!
you've been so nice to your readers by working on these books and since my bookstore has officially had hsd since 9 am this morning, i cant wait 2 read it!!!!!
I got it today a couple of hours ago and I'm halfway through (I'd be farther, but I kept getting stopped by my dogs, my sister, etc.) I like it! I was reading outside, enjoying the sunshine and my Spring Break!!!! I also really wanna go see my horse later today, I love him so much and it's always a treat to see him!! I rode him bareback and took a few small jumps, and he was amazing about it. We went on a mini-trailride, too, and today is a perfect day for another one!
Can't wait for book 9!!
<3, Hannah (and Baron!!)
I love me some lipgloss, too!! :)
YAY! Can't wait to get it.
My sparkles are:
when i'm on stage dancing
hanging with my great friends
makeup(mainly lip gloss)
and jewelry( have over 200 pairs of earrings)
I got Home Sweet Drama on Friday and read it that night. I loved it! My sparkles are horseback riding, reading (especially Canterwood, writing, and lip gloss.
Congrats on your 8th book. Can't wait for City Secrets!
-NYC girl, Amy
My sparkle is horseback riding, most definately! That and anything chocolate, reading a good book (*cough* Canterwood and Harry Potter *cough*), and being with my friends, family, and pets (that includes thealmostbutnotreallymine horse; love you "Kashi"!). Congrats, Jess!! :) I can't wait to read HSD! Now, if only I could somehow bribe my parents into letting me buy it...*grins wickedly and walks off* :)
Well.my sparkle is my BFFL's, riding(Duh!), my bunny, family and i luvv lip gloss too! and last but obviously not least reading canterwood!
Ur Books are THE BEST!
Congrats, Jess! I love reading CC and I got like five girls hooked on the series at school. I just got HSD today, and I was really excited. anyways I only read the first chapter but me and my friend always have to finish a book together if we are reading the same one. in class, we both finished RR at the same time and just looked at each other with our mouths wide open haha. we're weird like that :)
my sparkle is reading, writing, and hanging out with my friends.
my sparkles r reading, riding, music, and my bffs!!!!!!!!
oh and i ttlly luvd HSD!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait till City Secrets!!!!!!!!!!
There were first gonna two books (or maybe four), then eight, then twelve, now SIXTEEN!!!
I loved HSD and I can't wait for City Secrets. Jess-can u post a comment thread 4 us to discuss HSD??? thx
Hey Jess,
Would you mind doing a HSD Discussion post like you've done for the other books? Like the one that you label *spoilers*? Thanks!
My sparkle is horseback riding of course! It's my life! I love reading a GREAT book (*cough cough* CCA) Where I live, there's the tiniest of tiny libraries! I'm lucky I even got the rest of the books! (I'm only missing 2) I'm DYING for this book! Hopefully I'll get my hands on one!
And, Elite Ambition comes out 2 days before my birthday! Eeep!
P.S Congrats of HSD, Jess! I can't wait! :D
*hiccup* sorry, I have the hiccups! lol
OMG!!! Im sooo mad i need to get HSD!!! im sooo excited!!!! my sparkle is lip gloss, everything pink, and horses!!!
Congrats on ur 8th book!!
Eghmagawd! i just finished Home sweet dramma, and eghmagawd! I can NOT believe Sasha's going to ditch pooor Paige and spend fall break with Heather! Then again, I'm really starting to warm up to the trio.
Blogged By
Hey Jessi!
It's Bridgit, and my sparkle is definetly between hot boys, & hot gloss! Loved books 1-8, and my favroite thing about these books, is either the dramma, or attitude. Your Girlie,
Bridgit M.
GO HSD! so exicted! I ordered it! can't wait till it comes :) YAY!
I can't wait :)
Hey Jessica! I love your books! I already finished Home Sweet Drama and it was beyond good! I can't wait to here what Heather and Sasha does on their break! I don't want you to stop writing because you are one of my favorite authors! I can't wait for the rest of the series! Even if you stop writing writing CC I'm sure you'll come out with another series! Keep writing and I love you! Oh and your next book comes out a day after I go on vacation! I threw a fit when I found out, that's how much I love your books!
HSD was so awesome!!! The ending was once again, a cliffhanger!!!
One of my sparkles is the pony, Cisco, who I ride. He's so cute and an awesome jumper. I also love Cliff, the Thoroughbred I ride. He is awesome; he got me 1st in my horse show!!!
My sparkles are:
Reading Canterwood Crest!
Forensics (speech) team!
Homemade chocolate cake!
and my number 1 sparkle is...
My Arabian horse, Rock The Boat.
I have lots of sparkles!
My Golden Retriever-Mix, playing volleyball for my school, playing basketball with my bff's older bro, reading Canterwood Crest, hangin out with my bffs, and Facebook of course!! :)
Congrats on the 8th book Jess! You ROCK!! :)
Congrats on HSM Jess!!!♥
My sparkles are defiantely horseback riding (Luv u Sedona Red!!)**
O.P.I. Nail polish **
They joy/sadness when i spend $20 on two bottles of O.P.I.**
being w/ my fuzzy bichon frise, Zeus!!**
Cherry vanilla lip gloss**
Rocking out to a good song**
My b&n didn't have HSD yet so I can't wait to read it, then city secrets!!!
Diet Coke~~ looove it
My sparkles are my AMAZING horses- Ginger, Kylie, Sport, Radiater, and Poppy! I cant say I really have a favorite, they are all awesome!!!I love my horses and I love Canterwood Crest!!!!
My sparkle is riding my amazing pony(not really mine but a girl can dream) Samantha,the beach, reading books,rain storms,fall,hanging out with my soccer team,and playing soccer.Oh and since a lot of people make up or nail polish or something I should say I love hats and sundresses....Jess HSD was uber amazing and I am so excited for City Secrets!!!! (Oh and by the way I would really love if we could post on this website again)
I really really love you books, Jess! I finished Home Sweet Drama in half a day. It was so awesome! I hope that in the next book Callie, Eric, Jacob, and Sasha can make up soon. I hate that they're not friends anymore!
I'm leaving a comment about a different post, the latest one. Who is going to be the main character in 13-16? One of the Trio? Callie? Paige?
Hey Anon-
I can't reveal that yet! It's such a fun surprise! Head over to the forum and chat about it with other reader girlies! :)
~Jess who did not sign in (oops!)
Guys, don't pretend ur Jess.....thats wayyy not cool!!!! omg i got HSD 2 days ago, and finished it in 1 hour!!! Amazing!!!!!! I love ur books!!!!!!!!!! And Jess, who is gonna narrarate books 13-16??????
thank goodness the comments are back on- altho i wish they were for all the posts. my sparkles are my may-as-well-be-mine horse Smokey Joe, reading CC, writing my books and actually finishing one for once :) and thanks to sasha- lip gloss!!! and now im dying to know whos narrating the last few books!!
I think it's be cool to have the Canterwood books from the horses' POVs :)
So who's narrating after Sasha? Or is that still unknown?
yo all who are wondering about whos narrating.....
nobody knowes
i dont think jess even knows who she will make narrate ;)
^ Thanks for letting me know
PS: Jess, I'm 14 and I read your books ;)
My sparkle is reading Canterwood and spending time with animals, i have to say im kind of addicted to all animals(:. I couldnt live without your books though!
^ Me too. I don't know what I'd do without 'em. I love 'em so much!! <3 <3 <3
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