It's time for the second summer recommended read!
You HAVE to read NANCY DREW: SECRET SABOTAGE by Carolyn Keene. The book was written by the very famous Editor K, so you *know* it's good!
It's the first in a brand new three book arc and it's super, super exciting to have a book written by the BFF on shelves now. Since you've been sending me books to sign, if you'd like to send this book for Editor K to autograph, send your book the way you've been sending Canterwood books. Directions are here:
Snail mail:
Jessica Burkhart
C/O Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
*Include a SASE if you want a reply! :)
Want me or Editor K to sign your book?
Carefully follow these instructions:
* Put the book and an envelope (unsealed! And do make sure this envelope is big enough to hold the book) with six stamps on it into another envelope with seven stamps on it.
* Address the envelope with seven stamps to me at the snail mail address above.
* Make sure you write your return address at the top of this envelope (the one with seven stamps), otherwise I won't know where to mail back your book.
* Write "media mail" on the envelope w/seven stamps, just to make sure it gets to me.
* If you like, include a note about who you'd like the book signed for.
That's it! :)
If you have multiple books that you'd like me to sign, just follow the same directions for each book.